Biomancer Elfball

Standard* ChrisHansonBiomancin


sorry about the formatting there, but for the brave souls who want to trudge thru it, that game was freakin amazing

May 12, 2013 12:01 a.m.

Let me try reposting that last part:

Opening Hand: 2 Forests, Breeding Pool, Biomancer, Arbor Elves, Archdruid, Fathom Mage

t1 (play first): Arbor Elf

t2: drew Island; Archdruid

t3: drew another Archdruid; Biomancer then Archdruid (1st Archdruid taps for 3) w/ 3 counters

t4 gets its own paragraph: -drew another Biomancer (it took all of my restraint to not burst out laughing since my opponent was tapped out)

-shocked the Breeding Pool

-2nd Biomancer with 4 counters using all lands

-Arbor Elf untaps Breeding Pool plus Archdruid's 5 for Fathom Mage w/12 counters, draw 12 cards- among them 2 Bioshifts, Arbor Elf, Rancor & 2 Strangleroot Geists.

-Using 2 leftover from Archdruid, Bioshift Fathom Mage's 12 tokens onto 1st Biomancer, then Arbor Elves w/ 24 counters.

-2nd Archdruid taps for 6: Rancor & Bioshift 24 Arbor Elf counters onto first Biomancer (now a 42/42 trampler) , both Strangleroot Geists w/ 50 counters apiece

-Attack for 142 w/ first Biomancer and the Geists

May 12, 2013 12:03 a.m.

Agog says... #3


Awesome turn 4 description!

Like the use of Bioshift ... not one that I've given much credit but will have to reconsider given Gyre Sage can let you power up so much mana.

I agree with using Garruk for the board wipes - he's pretty easy to get out with all the green mana, and the beast tokens can pick up counters from biomancer.

I find the vulnerability in my deck to be creature removal and consistency. I haven't really evaluated DGM yet for a simic elves deck, and I want to look at the third color... keep wondering if Slumbering Dragon can be made viable.

May 12, 2013 12:42 p.m.

Bioshift is actually a great finisher. If I have a creature with enough counters to win & more creatures than opp. with that in hand it's pretty much game. Or you can use it with a Rancored creature like in that game.

I love Rapid Hybridization for creature removal. Its almost your only option for green & blue in standard unless you want to play control. Its also good on your own creatures for evolving or after Biomancer is out.

And I think im getting Garruk pronto lol.

May 12, 2013 2:05 p.m.

ZooGambler says... #5

It seems like.... you need at least 20 lands. 14 Mana Dorks is a LOT in my opinion. Maybe 12? Maybe 10? then add in some more harder hitters bigger guys to lay down. I had problems top decking into a Mana Dork when I already had 4/5 of them. Consider Wild Beastmaster ? It could own here. And I would add in maybe Simic Charm ? Something to protect your big guys.

July 22, 2013 10:53 p.m.

Thanks for the comment! This is definitely a combo deck, so I do run the risk of topdecking a bunch of Elves if I run out of draw spells, but the plethora of dorks makes it far more likely that one Beck will draw me another one for next turn (plus the dorks make the next Beck that much better). So it's a double-edged sword, but since my goal with this deck is to emulate the old Elfball, I want to stay as weenie as possible. Removing Somberwald Sage is a decent option but that card makes it much more likely for me to get a 1- and 3-drop dork in my opening hand. I might throw in a couple Thragtusk on the sideboard for the life gain & defense against straight aggro decks if it seems like they have no way to remove Archdruid.

We obviously both love Wild Beastmaster, but unfortunately I don't see it playing a role in this deck unless I add a lot more pump, which would change the feel of the deck entirely. It works so well in my Humans deck because it fits right in with all the Rancors, Mayor of Avabruck  Flip s, & Gavony Township . Since this deck looks to kill the opponent in one attack, cheap pumps wouldn't fit the strategy.

I do like the Simic Charm suggestion tho as a sideboard for Fog against control & midrange. Come to think of it, playing it on a Master Biomancer before Beck-ing sounds pretty ridiculous...

July 23, 2013 12:06 a.m.

ragnil says... #7

I know you're saying this is a casual deck, but since you have so many mana dorks I feel that you could add in some Garruk, Caller of Beasts in order to mega draw/cheat in Craterhoof Behemoth as early as turn 4! Other than that I really like it, it's crazy and Master Biomancer is bonkers in this deck. +1 from me!

July 23, 2013 1:43 a.m.

Definitely a good idea with Garruk. I actually tried to trade the Sliver guy 2 Sacred Foundries for one today so I could play it this week, since I'll probably be playing my hopefully-competitive Revenge of The Dude RUG deck once the finishing touches arrive in the mail next week. The other awesome part about Garruk is even if the Craterhoofs are on the bottom of the deck, your opponent has only 3 turns to stop his emblem.

July 23, 2013 2:22 a.m.

Oh dude. Fervor . I need to find a way to work that in.

July 23, 2013 2:36 a.m.

ZooGambler says... #10

if only Overrun was standard legal... And Wild Beastmaster COULD help with that win-con. Craterhoof + Beastmaster? Nudge nudge. Also I would up the Craterhoofs to 3.

July 23, 2013 11:26 a.m.

Ya good call on the 3rd Craterhoof. I actually had the same thought on Overrun when you mentioned the Beastmaster lol.

July 23, 2013 1:19 p.m.

Kalink27 says... #12

I always do enjoy me a fun, oddball left-field combo deck +1 <3

July 31, 2013 9:51 p.m.

REAPERl says... #13

Such a cool deck ! Love it

November 12, 2013 8:17 a.m.

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