Biomancer Menace

Standard ShadowLand


ShadowLand says... #1

So far I am noticing that I have TONS of land, and am not getting a very fast start into play. And by the time I am getting Farseek I already have so much land that it makes it almost useless. So on that front, should I take out a couple of the shocks or the duals, or should I do away with a couple Farseek s?

Also, I am noticing that I DO want a way to transfer counters to my Master Biomancer to give an even bigger boost to incoming creatures, because I can sack the creatures that I transfer the counters from with Rapid Hybridization , I am also feeling a couple Lingering Souls might not be bad for this . . . thoughts??

May 9, 2013 2:27 p.m.

pauloleson says... #2

The problem I see the the amount of 1x and 2x of creatures, mixed with a few spells. Generally if you want a deck to be consistent you should focus on having 3x or 4x of each creature that you feel is necessary and more spells if you plan to be midrange.

Here is an example of a Jund Deck that I created: {Grisly Scavenge} (B/R/G) "Jund Midrange"

May 9, 2013 2:37 p.m.

pauloleson says... #3

Ps. Simic Manipulator is quite awful for it's cost/consistency.

May 9, 2013 2:38 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #4

I think you have too much going on in the Creature department. Maybe taking out the two Avacyn's Pilgrim and Prime Speaker Zegana , and bumping Master Biomancer to a 2-of and Arbor Elf to a 3-of. Also, Simic Manipulator seems good at first, but when it all comes down to it, a 0/1 body with evolve for 3cmc just isn't that good. The only way it's useful is if it comes in with at least 4 counters on it, because anything 3cmc or under is kind of a waste of his ability. You're gonna want to shut your opponent down by taking their creatures that are shutting YOU down and directing them back at them. The time it takes to put enough counters on it to make a difference is too much. I'd take him out indefinitely. I know it's kind of lame, seeing as how every green deck runs it, but Thragtusk can find a home here. Hope this helps.

May 9, 2013 2:45 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #5

Also, Farseek isn't too good as a 4-of, because if you draw one late game, it's only going to slow you down when you could be drawing a bomb like Master Biomancer or Progenitor Mimic .

May 9, 2013 2:53 p.m.

Dthxaire says... #6

I'm soo sad seeing Vorel and Master Biomancer, and yet no Primordial Hydra / Predator Ooze / Savageborn Hydra or Renegade Krasis .

Also Rapid Hybridization isn't as effective a card without any undying/evolve combos like Young Wolf or Strangleroot Geist for those triggers and creature advantage. I think it would be more effective to just use Simic Charm . Hexproof/Unsummon/Giant Growth is just way more versatile.

All in all, it seems you're trying to do too many things with the deck. In my opinion, if you want to focus around Vorel and counter generation, perhaps replace the following:

Centaur Healer - > Renegade Krasis (The Counter generation synergizes better with Vorel/Biomancer, and evolve triggers off either of them).
Farseek -> Give / Take (With that many lands and elves, might as well increase card draw and counter generation instead.).
-2 Simic Manipulator -> +2 Master Biomancer (More to trigger evolve with Krasis, and more targets for Vorel, not to mention stacking on each other).
Rapid Hybridization -> Simic Charm (As explained above).

Let me know if you decide to take the advice, or maybe why you keep what you have.

I'm running a similar deck so I'm always interested in knowing, except mine is based around hydras haha: Counting Hydras FNM

May 9, 2013 3:42 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #7

Okay, so so far definitely get rid of Simic Manipulator , gotcha. Good suggestions there Cobthecobbler, I will look into Thragtusk , but isn't he really only useful if you can blink him? Also, with blinking, and having tusk and Centaur Healer , I really think I might want Species Gorger

Yes, no?

May 9, 2013 4 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #8

Great ideas Dthxaire!! I had totally forgetten about Hydras!! I actually have 2 Primordial Hydra right now. And Renegade Krasis is also a great idea!! That will work better than the Biovisionary idea anyways. I am thinking I am just going to drop that idea and focus more on building a solid deck.

May 9, 2013 4:14 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #9

Okay, now that I updated this list, it really seems to me that Bioshift would be a good idea, moving counters onto Master Biomancer from anywhere is going to boost any drop that happens after it's there.


May 9, 2013 4:31 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #10

Thragtusk on his own is really good. a 5/3 that generates a token upon leaving the battlefield is really good. The fact that he also nets you 5 life upon entering is just better. Flickering him is the icing on the cake, and that's what makes him great in my Flicker your Junk, rinse, and repeat. deck, but on his own he's a force to be reckoned with. He says "fuck you" to attackers and then some.

The best card for flickering is Cloudshift indefinitely. Maybe even Restoration Angel . If you want to go for a more reliable but more expensive flicker, Deadeye Navigator is your guy. Although you might want to back him up with a hexproof Simic Charm so if you go that route, bump the charm to 4. My Gotta Catch 'em All! - Pokemon never die. deck is a totally different idea, but I feel like you can get some Ideas out of it.

I'm not sure how I feel about Renegade Krasis . Mid-game he can evolve your creatures passed their cap (which in standard usually tops at 5/6) but early game he can make them evolve a bit faster.

Also, about Species Gorger : Blink and bounce are two different things. The thing with blink (flicker), it's usually a lot faster and happens instantly. With bouncing, you return it to your hand to cast it again the next turn. Which is very mana intensive with Thragtusk.

May 9, 2013 4:35 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #11

@ Cobthecobbler - okay, with what I have now, talk me into using Thragtusk or Centaur Healer or both, if I do, I am going to want to run some type of flicker, like the Species Gorger or it not being able to keep reproducing is mute. Yes, I understand that Thragtusk is not a bad card anywhere, but it is almost made to exit and enter a bunch of times.

May 9, 2013 4:36 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #12

Ah, I see your point with the Species Gorger , and Deadeye Navigator is roughly the same cost, but I would probably only run 2 of each on either the navigator or the tusk . . . and I'm not sure that's really worth it . . .

May 9, 2013 4:40 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #13

So, this is what I would do.

  • -1 Give/Take
  • -2 Selesnya Charm (Simic Charm is enough utility for MB, Sideboard Selesnya charm is better)
  • -1 Renegade Krasis

  • +2 Thragtusk
  • +2 Restoration Angel

Restoration angel not only flickers Thragtusk, but it can protect your creatures by flickering them when blocking or being blocked, and resto serves as a surprise blocker as well. This might be what the deck needs to be pushed into competitive play.

May 9, 2013 4:42 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #14

As it stands, the deck is short 4 cards, so should I then still sideboard the Selesnya Charm and maybe throw down a couple Revenge of the Hunted or Increasing Savagery which I also think would work well in this setting.

May 9, 2013 4:54 p.m.

Cobthecobbler says... #15

I prefer Increasing Savagery over Revenge of the Hunted, it's more reliable. I still think Resto can make her way in here but that's up to you. Deadeye is a nice alternative.

May 9, 2013 5:08 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #16

I think I will do Resto as a sideboard to see if she is really needed, I like the body from the Deadeye, and he is consistent and can do it over and over. But her flying would come in handy too. I like Increasing Savagery too, and Revenge of the Hunted is just really good for the miracle cost and getting rid of some other blockers.

May 9, 2013 6:15 p.m.

zackattack77 says... #17

I don't know if it is what you are looking to do, but Gideon, Champion of Justice has fun synergy with Vorel of the Hull Clade .

May 16, 2013 10 a.m.

TransMarx says... #18

yeah where is this deck going? I might suggest drop the white as of now it really doesn't help much, I know that new angel in M14 may work with White in this build but other then that it just doesn't help place counters on your critters to multiply! Maybe switch the White for Red or Black, imagine with Corpsejack Menace , also wouldn't hurt to have some deck dig in here! maybe add a Fathom Mage to help dig into the cards you need instead of relying on top decking!

I'd keep Renegade Krasis , Master Biomancer , Vorel of the Hull Clade , Primordial Hydra , and Zameck Guildmage I like the Idea of Gavony Township so maybe keep a couple Temple Garden and add Farseek to search em out for when you actually have your township out :D

Just some Thoughts!

May 16, 2013 11:01 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #19

Okay, so just to explain. I am going with the plan of getting master biomancer on the field, and trying to get counters to him asap. To do that, I need counter factories like the hydra and Vorel to multiply them, the loxodon smiter is there for the defense early game, and in play testing I almost always have one opening hand. I have thought of splashing black as well for the Corpsejack Menace . The long game is to get Deadeye Navigator out and pump one of the Master Biomancer and just go nuts with dropping massive creatures. And when you drop Progenitor Mimic onto Master Biomancer or Thragtusk it gets ridiculous pretty quick.

knowing that, I have contemplated Fathom Mage and Gyre Sage in this deck as it grows and I figure out what I really like and really don't. So from there what do you think Patrique and zackattack77?

Sorry for not describing what the deck is supposed to do.

May 16, 2013 11:54 p.m.

TheOne4221 says... #20

Alright, so I playtested this against my deck That RUG really tied the room together. .

My deck got the win 2-1. My suggestions is to definitely add Gideon, Champion of Justice . If you're feeling lucky (I don't think you would be) you could splash black for Corpsejack Menace . As for what to take out for Corpsejack, I'd say Renegade Krasis . Corpsejack just does so much more for just one more mana, albeit he's of two colors. There's definitely some potential here, so keep working at it.

May 17, 2013 9:20 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #21

Thanks TheOne4221, what role do you think Gideon, Champion of Justice would play in this deck?

Also, the black splash is very tempting, I'm just not sure how to pull it off short of adding Farseek or Chromatic Lantern or something of that nature . . . any suggestions there?

May 17, 2013 10:29 p.m.

zackattack77 says... #22

Gideon, Champion of Justice could get his loyalty counters doubled when he is a creature. His ultimate ability would be a win-con. Plus, he's normally a decent size to draw from Prime Speaker Zegana . He's also indestructible, so he's a good target for all your buffs.

May 17, 2013 10:40 p.m.

TheOne4221 says... #23

Shocklands are best lands for just about anything. Abuse them while you can.

Chromatic Lantern will also work, but your best bet is to probably get some Overgrown Tomb s or something of that nature.

As for the function of Gideon, essentially what the individuals above have stated. Beef him up with Vorel, then use his ult.

May 17, 2013 11:47 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #24

Hmm, gotcha. I will add him to my maybeboard until I can manage to squire him. Also to TheOne4221, the only problem I foresee with Overgrown Tomb or Woodland Cemetery is that I would get stuck with a corpsejack in my hand and no way to cast it because my odds of drawing one of the two tombs I have are 25%. And if I add Farseek then I'm going to need to drop two other spells, and there it gets hard to choose.

May 18, 2013 1:08 a.m.

Khashir says... #25

Consider Rootborn Defenses against board wipers (and gives you an extra progenitored biomancer)

May 18, 2013 2:26 a.m.

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