Biomancer Menace

Standard ShadowLand


ShadowLand says... #1

@ remixmaster5000, I don't think Hands of Binding is as resourceful as Hidden Strings , but I doubt I will use either of them. With all the talk of using Feeling of Dread , it seemed like Hidden Strings might be effective, but I forget that it's a sorcery. Not an instant, so less effective.

May 19, 2013 6:29 p.m.

Khashir says... #2

After thinking more about this, Riot Control is better than Feeling of Dread . I'm too lazy to type up all the math I did in my head, but by turn 3/4, Feeling of Dread won't be as useful (and the life you lost turn 2 from taking a hit, you'll get back with the Riot).

May 20, 2013 1:16 a.m.

Jadefreak says... #3

Alas, Feeling of Dread has flashback

May 20, 2013 4:20 a.m.

Khashir says... #4

Still, Riot Control is better, just run through several aggro scenarios, you'll see that it beats Dread most of the time.
Riot can neutralize more than just 2/4 creatures (they will be tapped just as with Feeling of Dread, and the life you gain makes up for flashback). Think of a classic: Turn 1, any 1/1, Turn 2 Lightning Mauler with Burning-Tree Emissary (so, 5 damage). Next turn, whatever he does, you'll get back at least 3 life (probably more, since opponent will have at least 3 mana), and won't take any damage. With FoD, you prevented 4 damage previous turn, 4 damage this turn (so, you lost 2 from the 1/1). With Riot, you prevented 5 this turn, gained 3. In other words, they broke even IF your opponent did not do anything else. But most likely, he played more creatures (meaning more life gain), and if they have haste (be it another Mauler/Emissary pair), you prevented even more damage.
Further, if your opponent uses instant buffs (say, Dynacharge , or anything like it), if you tap his creatures, he'll wait to use them. So, with Riot, you make him spend his buffs for nothing.
Again, too lazy to run through more scenarios, I'll leave that to deck maker. But Riot Control is the winner here, no contest.
Actually, no, here's my favourite scenario (won a few games this way): T1 Champion of the Parish , T2 Lightning Mauler , T3 Silverblade Paladin . Where's your feeling of dread now?

May 20, 2013 4:56 a.m.

Jadefreak says... #5

That's why it's in the sideboard?

May 20, 2013 5:22 a.m.

Jadefreak says... #6

You sideboard RC agasinst blitz, against aristocrats for instance, FoD is way better

May 20, 2013 5:24 a.m.

Khashir says... #7

Ah. Well, the original thread (which got killed with the update) was ShadowLand looking for ways to deal with really fast decks. Dealing with Aristocrats is a more specific/specialized than the original problem FoD/RC were supposed to address. Not sure if those would even be the right cards to consider (by turn 4, Aetherize is better).

May 20, 2013 6:40 a.m.

ShadowLand says... #8

Sorry Jadefreak, you missed a lot in the updates. I was looking for ways to deal with turn 3-4 win decks, because in playtesting that's what I was losing to. Also, for those games I would do some serious sideboarding swapping out some Zameck Guildmage for some Centaur Healer and probably.

And I concur, against speed, Riot Control is the obvious choice.

May 20, 2013 7:08 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #9

Have you considered Champion of Lambholt ? If you play her after having 2-3 Master Biomancer s on the field, all your creatures will most likely be unblockable (barring removal from your opponent).

May 20, 2013 7:15 a.m.

ShadowLand says... #10

RussischerZar - that's a good suggestion, I'm just not sure what I would remove to add her. Any thoughts there?

May 20, 2013 10:27 a.m.

Khashir says... #11

You could sideboard the Loxodon Smiter for the champion... Or remove Deadeye Navigator . Yes, flicking Thragtusk is broken cough I mean awesome, but that's all the DEN is doing (since flicking anyone else will remove all the counters, which is against the theme of your deck). Champion actually fits the theme of the deck, and is not expensive.

If you really want to gain life, Trostani, Selesnya's Voice is the way to go (with a deck like yours).

May 20, 2013 4:24 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #12

@ Khashir, oh no man, you are completely missing the point of deadeye, he is to flick multiple biomancers after one has had Increasing Savagery or Bioshift cast on him so they come in even bigger and then increase everything else even more. When you have a 7/9 biomancer and a 9/11 biomancer in the space of 2 turns, things can get big real quick. Add Vorel to that and it gets even more crazy.

May 20, 2013 5:45 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #13

But yes, Trostani, Selesnya's Voice is excellent for this deck, because if you can make it past the first few turns and drop her, you can start making it rain life.

May 20, 2013 5:47 p.m.

Khashir says... #14

Ah yeah, brain farted on the Biomancer.

Still, that's a lot of stuff going: you're talking about 2+ biomancers, 1 deadeye navigator, AND IS/BS...

I mean, once you have a 7/9, pumping +7 to all your other creatures... do you really need to flick around ;)? With Trostani instead of the Deadeye in play, and a single Biomancer, you're talking about at least +8 life per creature.

May 20, 2013 5:57 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #15

Also, if I lose the Loxodon Smiter , I might as well just lose all the white total and just stay straight green/blue and build a different sideboard. But it seems like that almost might be the way to go . . . there are a lot of green/blue options in this deck in the current standard. Grrr.

May 20, 2013 5:57 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #16

You make a valid point there, also the progenitor in there it gives me options to double it up as well later. So maybe replace deadeye with trostani?

May 20, 2013 6 p.m.

Khashir says... #17

Trostani is white X)

Plus, you'd want to have Rootborn Defenses or Ready / Willing in your SB.

May 20, 2013 6:05 p.m.

Khashir says... #18

Last comment before I'm out: Trostani can also populate mimicked creatures... including the infamous biomancer.

May 20, 2013 6:09 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #19

That's pretty much what I'm saying Khashir, I don't want to lose more white, and I think loxodon is a way stronger 3 drop in this deck than Champion of Lambholt , if anything I would drop the Zameck Guildmage for 2 of them and add another Arbor Elf to ensure first hand draw odds.

BTW, you have been extremely helpful so far. I really appreciate it. And I'm not being sour at you, just trying to figure out the best options here.

May 20, 2013 6:10 p.m.

Khashir says... #20

Hahaha, no hard feelings man: it's just I need to get back to work 8). I'm glad you've found suggestions useful.

Yes, Loxodon Smiter is a strong 3 drop, but he could also go SB (and maybe even replace Centaur Healer ), vs. fast decks (the 3 life won't make such a huge difference if you can drop a 4/4 to keep you safe until other creatures come in. Plus, Smiter is good v.s. Discard/Counter decks as well. So, running 3/4 and no Healers is not so crazy...). Otherwise, the Champion fits the deck theme better, and has better synergy (now your 7/9's are not just big: they're unblockable). But playtest both, see what you like

If you end up adding Trostani, Selesnya's Voice , then Rhox Faithmender is a natural pair. And remember: populating your mimicked Biomancer's is strictly superior to flicking them (which is what you get with Deadeye)...

May 20, 2013 6:21 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #21

Good deal, I will try them out and see how they function. Zameck Guildmage is the one I seem to hate drawing, it just seems like by the time I get it out and get to use it, I would rather have something else out there. And with gyre sage and arbor elf on there, I feel like I can make better use of the slot.

May 20, 2013 6:26 p.m.

323Dimitri says... #22

I think a major shift is needed and have reasoning. I would suggest running black as opposed to white. Black provides Corpsejack Menace and removal. If aggro is a problem use removal on a mana dork and they might just cry. I would suggest farseek and Liliana of the Dark Realms is a valid choice for black ramp. Loxodon Smiter by the regenerating and more versatile Trestle Troll . I'm sure you can come up with more if you look into it.

May 20, 2013 6:37 p.m.

kingpieiv says... #23

I would suggest taking out the guildmage and the white. if you go three colors i would advise you to use farseeks over arbor elves because the elves will not work with the innistrad and m13 lands. I would run disciple of bolas to draw cards and it lets you gain life. you can run strangleroot geist for early game defense. I would run more increasing savagery in place of bioshift because by the time bioshift is relevant you might as well have an increasing savagery. i used to run fathom mage but then there is this feeling that you have ti wait a turn to set up the fathom mage to draw cards rather than just playing other cards. desecration is a good early game card in that it is too big for thragtusk to swing through. you going to want to run golgari charm to protect you from aristocrats and token spawn decks, or in the case of our tournament group battle of wits. i havent tried running vorel but it seems like she would be slow to make an impact and it costs you two mana. i used to run blue but now i am just running green black going to try it at fnm this week

May 20, 2013 6:59 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #24

@ 323Dimitri & kingpieiv, your suggestions are great, and duly noted. I am very much thinking of running a black splash version of this as well. And probably will. But I think the white splash version of it has merit as well. As soon as I post the black splash version I will immediately link you guys to it. I want to try both sides of it, but I have invested already over $60 in the dual lands and shocks to do this white splash version for this weekend. And its too late to do any trades towards the black version at this point.

May 20, 2013 7:11 p.m.

StormZing says... #25

Dude, Champion of Lambholt should be a definite, and I honestly don't see why simic decks even carry a Zameck Guildmage . I play a mono green deck with Champion of Lambholt in it, and he wrecks. In this deck though, he could do so much damage. For starters, if you have flash effects with Deadeye Navigator , Lambholt would get a +1/+1 for every time you use that. Also, in combination with Master Biomancer or Biomancers, it would enter even stronger. Not to mention, Lambholt's +1/+1 ability is just a better version of evolve. And this is all said without even considering Lambholt's other ability to allow your creatures to be unblockable. I just look at Zameck and Champ of Lambholt, and wonder how you can even consider the Zameck. Maybe you need the drawing ability, I don't know, but Champion of Lambholt 's offensive capability, especially in a deck like this, is just scary.

May 20, 2013 8:33 p.m.

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