Biomancer Menace

Standard ShadowLand


323Dimitri says... #1

I haven't built my black version yet either but if you want to see the white version Take your bants off.!!!

May 20, 2013 9:30 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #2

Thanks for the vote on that card StormZing! And I will def check out 323Dimitri

May 20, 2013 10:31 p.m.

kingpieiv says... #3

i would drop aetherize and replace it with cyclonic rift it is more thorough you're going to want some removal like putrefy o rings or detention sphere

May 21, 2013 1:20 a.m.

ShadowLand says... #4

I wasn't completely sold on AEtherize , but Cyclonic Rift only removes 1 creature by turn 2, against aggro with my deck, I'm not sure that's the best option, as I need something that stops them dead by turn 3 or 4. As this is the biggest downside to my game so far kingpieiv

May 21, 2013 7:16 a.m.

Rohnur says... #5

May 21, 2013 9:17 a.m.

KrosanTusker says... #6

I was going to comment but I was afraid.

May 21, 2013 3:43 p.m.

KrosanTusker says... #7

...but I did +1 it.

(y'know, 'cause it says 'don't be afraid to...' in the description... sorry!)

May 21, 2013 3:45 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #8

Thanks KrosanTusker! LoL. Glad you like.

May 21, 2013 3:49 p.m.

AdrianStardust says... #9

This deck looks like the deck I originally wanted to build. I ended up with a more creature-heavy ramp-deck. I really like how the control goes well in hand with the big creatures, as well as how you managed to incorporate Progenitor Mimic , although I am not a big fan of Deadeye Navigator and would probably put in some more big creatures, like more Thragtusk or Primordial Hydra , though that might just be a personal preference of mine. :) +1 none the less.

However, I am confused as to why you have Increasing Savagery in the deck. To me it seems like it is taking up space that could give you card-draw, like Fathom Mage . You already have Give / Take and the Master Biomancer , plus the Bioshift paired with Primordial Hydra and Vorel of the Hull Clade to give you all the +1/+1 counters you could ever wish for, so I would personally throw out the Increasing Savagery 's for some draw.

May 21, 2013 6:32 p.m.

I just realized, Urban Evolution would be a great alternative to the Fathom Mage s.

May 21, 2013 6:37 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #11

That would be a dynamite late draw, but I actually removed the Give / Take because in play testing I used it much less for the card draw, and much more for the counters. And increasing savagery has the flashback for 10 counters, and is therefore double useful.

the Deadeye Navigator is def coming out, most likely for Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and Zameck Guildmage for Champion of Lambholt , the Thragtusk I can mimic with Progenitor Mimic and then populate with Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and I contemplated Fathom Mage for a long time, but by the time I got to use it in play testing I was either already close to winning or it wouldn't make a difference.

And the hydras are just deadly here, but I'm not sure I need any more, though I might throw one more in there. Good suggestions, and thanks for the +1 AdrianStardust!

I do still need a suitable substitute possibly for AEtherize , but Cyclonic Rift doesn't seem to do enough, and Feeling of Dread seems as though it might work, but I'm just not sure how reliable it will be . . .

May 21, 2013 6:58 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #12

in playtesting I realized you need 4 of the Arbor Elf (instead of 3) to make it a better probability in opening hand for speed. I think you should take out 1 Increasing Savagery

second opinion: I think you should take out the 2 Primordial Hydra and add another 2 Champion of Lambholt . why? because you gain MASSIVE counters already with this synergy, adding them is just more counters with trample. but a simple death touch and goodbye. the Champion of Lambholt become unblock able (and with this deck, quickly). In another note, maybe only add 1 more of her and add one Rogue's Passage . in play testing you had big ass creatures but if they have an Assemble the Legion growing, you can still end up losing. with this land, just swing in once with one of your dude for the win.

lastly, i think you should take out the 2 Simic Charm s. add another Bioshift (saves counters when creatures are destroyed by transferring, and if one is unblocked, you can quickly transfer to him for a game winning kill. Much more powerful then meets the eye. In my counters deck I easily run 4 of. Then I think you should finally put in that 1 Deadeye Navigator for mass (at instant use) Conjurer's Closet . "Oh, you're swing with that trample 8/8 and my biggest is a 7/7 (from 1 master biomancer)? Fine, exile that thragtusk twice for 10 life and 2 5/5s. Say goodbye to your beater in exchange for 2 token, lol.

May 21, 2013 10:19 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #13

btw, had to comment, in appreciation for the thread on changing my names html code. check out my Justice League: Unlimited or Faster than Dreamcrusher? deck if you wish. Trying to perfect them before the actual build and I value your input greatly already.

May 21, 2013 10:21 p.m.

Izzet says... #14

I would argue that Restoration Angel is fairly essential to this deck, at the very least to replace Conjurer's Closet.

I would add 3x Detention Sphere instead of AEtherize and consider Geist of Saint Traft if you can afford it - you can put as many counters as you like on it and it's unlikely to get removed whereas if you put loads of counter on a regular creature and that gets removed, you could lose 2-3 cards for the price of one.

May 21, 2013 10:21 p.m.

ShadowLand says... #15

@ Dreno33, I will def take a look at those decks for you. Thanks for all the input! I love the Rogue's Passage suggestion! I might take those in place of 2 basic lands just because! Also, good suggestions with everything else, except for the one Deadeye Navigator , with only one in the deck, my odds of drawing it are slim to none and at that point would be a waste of a card. And believe it or not, when I increased the arbor elf to 4, I didn't draw it any more often than when there was 3. But its a good suggestion and I will likely sideboard it for the availability.

May 22, 2013 12:19 a.m.

ShadowLand says... #17

@ Izzet - Restoration Angel is a great card, but I have tried it in playtest and it just doesn't have the function and consistency that I want.

However, Detention Sphere does have a certain appeal in replacing AEtherize , I have also looked into Pacifism and Oblivion Ring , but none of those remove multiple creatures. That's the downside, I would almost rather have the Riot Control for the life gain and damage prevention.

But in looking forward, I'm not sure I want to use things like Geist of Saint Traft , because they are expensive and will be obsolete soon, and it will be hard to find a suitable replacement later. Most of the cards in this deck are from RTR forward, and I am trying to keep it somewhat geared forward in the main base of the deck.

All good suggestions though! Thanks!

May 22, 2013 12:28 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #18

they have a Doubling Season , and branched half the ability into the Parallel Lives . when in the hell will they branch the other side into a doubling counter card without doubling tokens for 4 or less mana? i want answers! lol. if they do, make sure to add those, haha. looking forward to your comments, shadow. adding & following you now

May 22, 2013 1:03 a.m.

ShadowLand says... #19

Haha, good point! Thanks, I will get on those comments today!

May 22, 2013 9:33 a.m.

actiontech says... #20

I'm working on a similar deck, but copying Armada Wurm with Progenitor Mimic . You can rapidly swarm the field with 5/5 (or bigger if Master Biomancer is out) trampling tokens. Not sure what to take out at first glance, but I think you should be able to squeeze in a couple easily enough. Nice deck, +1!

May 22, 2013 5:40 p.m.

I was working on a similar deck originally, but have later changed it to a token based build because my biomancers and individual creatures kept dying to control and the only thing keeping me in games was Thragtusk , so since no one is playing Izzet Staticaster I'm playing swarms of 1/1s. For your deck however I would totally recommend Zameck Guildmage , he does a surprising amount of work, acting as a late game buff to your mana dorks and refueling your hand, and a 2/2 isn't the worst in a midrange deck.

May 22, 2013 9:44 p.m.

keilahmartin says... #22

take out Increasing Savagery for sure, and replace it with more of the creatures that you already have, or some more anti-aggro, or perhaps some Zameck Guildmage for easy card draw.I agree that you could use a Rogue's Passage or some other way to force damage through.

May 23, 2013 2:20 a.m.

actiontech says... #23

Agree with keilahmartin on Rogue's Passage but in my experience Zameck Guildmage doesn't get used all that often because he's a 2/2 (dies easy) and often you don't have a lot of untapped mana to use him. If you put him in I wouldn't go more than 2 of. Also Blessings of Nature is a nice one to miracle if you want to replace Increasing Savagery but still have a way to drop counters on Master Biomancer .

May 23, 2013 11:58 a.m.

ShadowLand says... #24

That was exactly the problem with Zameck Guildmage , I would play him, and almost immediately he would die, or I would never have enough mana to use him until I didn't need it any more.

Increasing Savagery just does too much for this deck, turn 3 to drop 5 counters on a gyre sage just does crazy things for this deck, and then to drop 10 on a master biomancer the very next turn is pretty amazing.

May 23, 2013 1:26 p.m.

Omegamerc says... #25

I had the exact same deck about a month ago. My problem in my meta was the deck wins variants and having to much ramp does exist. Now I know you may be using Simic Charm for bounce but have you considered Cyclonic Rift ?If you do keep the ramp ie Gyre Sage . It's so much easier to overload and end games. Also I dropped Primordial Hydra because if he blinks he's dead unless you have a Master Biomancer . The way I look at things now if a card doesn't have more than 2 uses or combos. It's trash. Unless its a Farseek for permanent ramp. Look at my deck and tell me what you think Just Another Bant Deck

May 23, 2013 10:34 p.m.

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