OP Blocks! (Don't forget to attack!)

Modern* RandyRanderson


WacoCatbox says... #1

Nice! Have you thought about just using a set of Lagonna-Band Trailblazers since you're in white already? It's tough as your steel walls and heroics with Shape the Sands and doesn't need an extra green to get it to attack post Assault Formation. Also steel wall doesn't activate Puresteel's fun draw.

August 23, 2015 11:16 p.m.

RandyRanderson says... #2

True True. I do like your idea WacoCatbox a lot better. I think I may go two Steel Walls and two Trailblazers. I like the ability of being able to still play a solid one drop without drawing white (if the draw turns out that way). Thoughts on that?

August 27, 2015 2:56 p.m.

WacoCatbox says... #3

Actually (just noticed this), you should up your plains count! It's all unbalanced (look at the pie chart). Once you balance your colors you'll have plenty of white and much less likely to be stuck with only a forest and a trailblazer in hand. Also I was only thinking about the Squadron Hawks to thin my library of creatures to help the Paladin equipment combo. Since it doesn't look like that is as likely with 2xPuresteel Paladins, you might want to go for bigger hitters with less cost, e.g. Kor Duelist for 1 cmc beats a 1/1 flyer for 2 cmc. Maybe test out both versions and see if you notice any difference without the deck thinning effect of the hawks?

August 27, 2015 4:24 p.m.

RandyRanderson says... #4

I like the idea. I'll definitely try it. Thanks!

August 27, 2015 7:08 p.m.

RandyRanderson says... #5

And as far as mana balance goes, I don't want to risk balancing it completely because then I'm worried about being stuck without a forest or duel land...

August 27, 2015 7:11 p.m.

Ledian says... #6

it seems like you have alot of unneeded mana, maybe cut down to 20 or 19 land.

September 20, 2015 2:07 p.m.

RandyRanderson says... #7

I changed my mind about the Courtly Provocateurs. I'm gonna cut it down to two colors again

September 20, 2015 2:31 p.m.

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