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Bioshock Infinite- Adventures of Gerrard DeWitt

Commander / EDH Theme/Gimmick WU (Azorius)



I'm a HUGE Bioshock fan, as well as a huge EDH fan. This is my attempt to make a deck based off of Irrational's swashbuckling FPS masterpiece Bioshock Infinite. Now, a few disclaimers; first: This deck is not good I worry that it even borders on unplayable. While most of these cards are viable, so many of them (see Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper, Bandage) are purely in here for flavor that the deck may not be viable. As it stands, it's also very mana-heavy without much ramp. Second: I made this deck Blue/White for a reason. I came close to making it BWR (because, well, AMERICA/COLUMBIA) but I left red out because I had so much else to cram in this deck, and I couldn't find any BWR commander that fits the theme (Maybe Numot, the Devastator could fill the role of Songbird). Anyway, Here's the deck, as is. I'll plan on updating this deck later, so please leave comments/suggestions as to things I could do to make this deck more playable in the future. Also, below this I've listed the references to the video game and some of the tactics the deck is capable of (for those of you who have not played the game beware; there be spoilers). Please comment and enjoy!


Main Characters

(Commander) Rasputin Dreamweaver= Father Comstock

Gerrard Capeshen= Booker DeWitt

Windbrisk Raptor= Songbird

Braids, Conjurer Adept= Elizabeth

Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero= Daisy Fitzroy

Gosta Dirk= Colonel Slate

Azami, Lady of Scrolls= Rosalyn Lutece

Barrin, Master Wizard= Robert Lutece

Geist Snatch/Drogskol Reaver/Drogskol Captain/Niblis of the Breath/Niblis of the Mist/Niblis of the Urn/Breath of Life= Ghost of Lady Comstock

Elements of Bookers Quest

Lighthouse Chronologist= Lighthouse from the beginning and end of the game

Dramatic rescue- Bookers rescue of Elizabeth

Cloud Key- Key to Elizabeths Room

Grappling Hook- The skyhook weapon

Skullcage- Recurring cage motif/Elizabeths Leash

Bandage- Bookers hand is stabbed by a ticketman and bandaged

Fireshrieker- Guns/Devils Kiss Vigor/Firemen

Rapid Fire/Heavy Arblast- guns

Citanul Flute- Songbirds Flute

Lightning Greaves- Handymen Electrical Powers, Gear

Lightning Coils- Tesla Coils/Shock Jockey Vigor

Argentum Armor- Relates to the Creation of the Handymen and Songbird

Sol Ring- Elizabeths severed pinky

Time Warp- The Ending

Azorius Signet/Trinket Mage/Gilded Lotus/Quicksilver Amulet- good cards in general


Gravitational Shift- Bucking Bronco Vigor

Hydroblast/Hydrosurge- Undertow Vigor

Take Possession- Possession Vigor

Lightning Coils- Tesla Coils/Shock Jockey Vigor

Fireshrieker- Guns/Devils Kiss Vigor/Firemen

Raven Familiar/Raven Guild Master- Fraternal Order of the Raven and Murder of Crows Vigor

In-game Enemies

Blade of the Sixth Pride/Riftmarked Knight/Ramosian

Lieutenant/Ramosian Sergeant/Ramosian Sky Marshal/Thermal Glider/Zealot il-vec/Steadfast Guard/Cho-Arrim Bruiser/Fresh Volunteers= The Vox Populi

Cephalid Constable- Police enemies

Raven Familiar/Raven Guild Master- Fraternal Order of the Raven

Ornithopter- Mosquito Robots

Intruder Alarm- boys of silence

Elements of Columbia

Capsize/Rishadan Airship/Predator, Flagship/Skyship Weatherlight- Skyships of Columbia

Festival/Festival of the Guildpact- Columbia Raffle and Fair

Invoke Prejudice- underlying racism in columbia

Veiling Oddity/Reality Strobe- Tears

Skygames- skyline system

Locations in Columbia

Command Tower/Forbidding Watchtower/Helvault/Akromas Memorial/Ivory Tower- Columbia Tower and Angel Siphon

Cloudcrest Lake- Battleship Bay

Moorland Haunt/Hallowed Fountain- Graveyard

Eiganjo Castle- Comstock House

Windbrisk Heights/Nimbus Maze/Oboro, Palace in the Clouds/Skycloud Expanse/ Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper- Columbia as a City in the Clouds

Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai- Columbia as An Eden in the Sky

Azorius Chancery- Church of the Founders

8 Plains/6 Island- 1912 Columbia as a haven of Order (white) and Technology (blue)

4 Snow-covered Plains/4 Snow-covered Island- Columbia, December 1982

Combos for Specific Characters

Handyman= Cho-Arrim Bruiser + Argentum Armor + Lightning Grieves

Policemen from beginning of the game= Cephalid Constable + Grappling Hook

Fireman= Any non-main character + Fireshrieker + Argentum Armor

Beast= Blade of the Sixth Pride + Argentum Armor

Final Battle using Songbird = Windbrisk Raptor + Citanul Flute + Quicksilver Amulet

Playable Tactics/subthemes

Wizards: Azami, Lady of Scrolls, Barrin, Master Wizard, Raven Guild Master and Rasputin Dreamweaver all play well together.

Spy attackers - Cephalid Constable, Raven Guild Master + Fireshrieker

Rebels- plenty of these with myriad useful effects: use to search and swarm for combat.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.44
Tokens Elemental 3/1 R, Knight 2/2 B, Morph 2/2 C, Spirit 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 U, Spirit 1/1 W
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