
This scholarship is awarded to anyone with unusual win-cons.

Mirrorweave is easily the best win card in this deck, as when played on Biovisionary , it almost guarantees a win, and that isn't hard to do considering the amount of creatures that are in this deck. A notice on the ruling however, in order for me to win via Biovisionary if the opponent has 4 or more creatures, I need to cast it on their turn due to the active-player non-active-player rulings. Presumably before their untap step so that way whatever they have planned becomes screwed. Their mana ramp all turns into Biovisionary 's! Their combo turns into Biovisionary 's! And since they can't do anything because of that, I win.

To get the Biovisionary out we have Fauna Shaman as our main tutor. Thanks to the numerous amounts of creatures, Fauna Shaman becomes a really useful commodity, and can also be used to get out a copy card when the opponent plays something beastly.

To get that Mirrorweave out we have Merchant Scroll , a quick and easy tutor that leaves us with enough mana to play Mirrorweave on that same turn for the win.

Snapcaster Mage is useful against those control decks and mill. As getting one means I can play the Mirrorweave that is in my graveyard, or anything else that might help me win.

Phantasmal Image not only helps out with the Biovisionary win, but can also be used as a false-mirror against whatever creature titan or creature combo that they use to try and win.

Asceticism helps protect the Biovisionary 's as you bring out the combo. It is also useful with Phantasmal Image as they can no longer do a simple target on it to destroy it, allowing me a permanent mirror. Asceticism also helps against a wrath with its regenerate, allowing me to save perhaps 1 or 2 creatures. One must also consider that mono-black and mono-red have no enchantment hate WHAT-SO-EVER. That means control from both of those decks are effectively prevented.

Eternal Witness is here to bring back anything that might have gotten destroyed or countered. Like a Gifts Ungiven, a Mirrorweave a Biovisionary or an Asceticism. Even if I don't need it it can always act as discard fodder for my Fauna Shaman.

Gifts Ungiven can also be used as a tutor, but in a different way. Most of the automatic win cons and their tutors will get discarded as soon as you choose them, so you can force certain cards into your hand, like another Biovisionary , an Asceticism or a Phantasmal Image.

However, you can force the Mirrorweave win con through with Gifts Ungiven. To do this, you tutor up these cards: Merchant Scroll , Mirrorweave, Snapcaster Mage and Eternal Witness. This guarantees you a way to play Mirrorweave no matter what the opponent chooses. Unless they are playing black discard or mono blue control, then you should worry a bit.

Lorescale Coatl is my beater in this deck, for those situations where my opponent decided to Meddling Mage my Biovisionary or Surgical Extractioned it.

Heartwood Storyteller and Give / Take are my draw functions for this deck. Since this deck relies heavily on creatures I don't have to worry about my opponent drawing too much from Heartwood Storyteller . However I gain a superior advantage over burn, discard and counter decks as I have the opportunity to draw 1-3 cards on each of their turns.

Give / Take has excellent synergy with Lorescale Coatl, as when I remove all the counters from it to draw, the coatl regains all those counters again. This also means I can do both without any disadvantages. A awesome combo if my Biovisionary win won't work, is for me to Mirrorweave all of my creatures to Lorescale Coatl, then cast the take portion of Give / Take onto my first Lorescale Coatl, the one with all the counters on it, for me to have a massive draw AND a massive permanent buff to all of my existing creatures! Swing and win~

Sideboard explanations:

Autumn's Veil is for the protection against lots of the black removal out there, and helps me against blue's many counter-spells and "return to hand" spells.

Creeping Corrosion so we can easily deal with hefty artifact decks. What's more to say beyond that it doesn't set me back at all.

Jester's Cap is really useful against combo decks/control decks that rely on a few specific win conditions. This lil' cap allows us to eliminate those few pivotal cards in our opponent's deck to effectively cripple them.

Simic Charm is here to use against removal for when they target any of my key creatures. It helps against wraths, a massive trample/unblockable creature coming right at me or a heavily buffed creature in terms of equipment, enchantments or instants. Should I also need a random buff though it works like that as well.

Pact of Negation is really useful for helping protect my Mirrorweaves when they are cast. It is basically a free counter spell because I should be winning the turn I cast Mirrorweave anyways.

Witchbane Orb is useful against a plethora of decks. While curse decks are never seen anymore, it does work just fine against mill, discard and RDW decks. Also, a lot of combo/storm decks are hosed as well, as they won't be able to target me directly.

[Special Thanks To ...]


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(9 years ago)

+1 Snapcaster Mage main
Date added 11 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 10 Rares

11 - 5 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.92
Folders Modern Decks, Favorites, Cool Creature Combos, to watch, Foe-crushers, Cool decks , Folder
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