

Creature (4)

Land (4)

Instant (4)

Sorcery (4)

This is a homebrew fliers aggro deck that I'm still tinkering with. This deck curves rather aggressively into Warden of Evos Isles, who next turn either eats removal or nearly lets you play your entire hand. Six quality anthems in Favorable Winds and Path of Bravery help this deck race other aggressive decks and make all of its small evasive bodies much more potent.

This deck could easily be tuned into a budget deck (completed for $30-, realistically) if you drop the pair of Archangel of Thune (run removal such as 2x Detention Sphere instead). Archangel of Thune is mostly here as a because I have been lucky enough to pull a pair of her over the course of a few drafts of M14. There isn't enough lifegain in this deck to merit running any more than a pair of her; she's simply a Turn 4 (following Warden of Evos Isles) play and a solid curve topper who enjoys the presence of azorious charm, Arctic Aven and Path of Bravery .

Planning to take this to this week's FNM at a local shop. 4x Azorius Guildgate can fix your mana without ruining you entirely if you can't afford any buddy or shock lands, although given that this is aggro having a real land base is recommended.

I still haven't tested too many matchups with this deck unfortunately. RG Aggro was a pretty even one (whoever goes first wins, basically), Control was nightmarish (Supreme Verdict wins, can't Negate it) and Bant Hexproof was, well, Bant Hexproof (outraced). However in theory this deck beats Jund Midrange (wins quickly, doesn't interact with blockers from Garruk/Huntmaster/Thragtusk, 1 for 1 removal is not problematic, only Miracle Bonfire of the Damned loses us the game) so I'll have to see how it goes.

The sideboard is still a work in progress, and at the moment is basically a rogue's gallery of removal spells designed to replace Welkin Tern and/or azorious charm in certain troublesome matchups. I haven't tested Wall of Frost yet but in theory it is a very relevant card against aggro, particularly on the draw; even if RG Aggro Bloodrushes through it, you still take 0-1 damage from Trample and their attacker is now tapped for an additional turn.

Lastly I am considering pushing this deck into R/W/U territory to gain access to a few cards, namely Skyknight Legionnaire and Boros Charm (counters board wipes). Spending $80 on lands to get there, however, does not appeal to me.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

13 - 4 Rares

20 - 5 Uncommons

7 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.24
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