"Bird Leaf" | Feather EDH

Commander / EDH Suns_Champion


griffstick says... #2

I was gonna suggest Scroll of the Masters and you have it. Bravo

April 9, 2019 12:49 a.m.

griffstick says... #3

Apostle's Blessing is really good

I'm thinking Wheel of Fate is really good here, suspend it and when it's time to cast it, cast all those instant spells and they will all go back to your hand on your next turn.

April 9, 2019 1:24 a.m.

DrukenReaps says... #4

I'm honestly not sure what to even think of Feather... It is such a weird ability but I'm really looking forward to what you do with her!

April 9, 2019 1:53 a.m.

DrukenReaps says... #5

....So I was totally misreading Feather.... I was thinking the card that goes back to hand is the targeted creature, which really just doesn't make sense. Now I understand it is the instant/sorcery that was cast that goes back to hand... I'll throw together my own version and see what happens!

April 9, 2019 4:21 a.m.
April 9, 2019 10:40 a.m.

griffstick says... #7

Just a Thought but with the color protection spellsdo you think Serra Avatar and Malignus would be a good inclusion?

April 9, 2019 12:20 p.m.

griffstick says... #8

April 9, 2019 12:30 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #9

I thought of you right away when I saw this one, congrats. My musings, hopefully it's not all Captain Obvious:

  • You seem to have already picked up on it but Feather can recur spells on the end of each turn so Instants are a bit preferable (and Flash-enablers)

  • Mark of Asylum , Tajic, Legion's Edge and/or The Wanderer might be nice for more when you want to burn your own critters

  • I'm not sure how Flashback & Jump-Start interacts with Feather's ability, but if it turn out to be OK spells with that are a bit less dependent on your commander being out since you can cast them once from your hand without her, and then safely recur them again once she's on the field. Some combination of Recoup , Past in Flames or even Jaya Ballard might also be used to enable the recursion of lost spells.

  • No Sunforger ? Seems pretty perfect here, for more than two reasons

  • Harness by Force is basically Threaten with Buyback if that's your jam

April 9, 2019 12:53 p.m.

I'd highly suggest Sunforger

April 9, 2019 1:59 p.m.

Coward_Token says... #11

Seismic Shift destroys lands without needing to hurt your folks

April 9, 2019 3:22 p.m.

Joe_Ken_ says... #12

I would say this deck could get some good play with a Paradox Engine and plenty of mana rocks since you’ll be casting so many spells. Which may even potentially let you get some use with Vedalken Orrery since your rocks could untap each turn with Feather bringing back those value combat tricks.

April 9, 2019 3:38 p.m.

I saw this card and am currently working on an arena version (I'm too broke for commander), but I do know that Gird for Battle is going in that deck and may fit in this one too.

April 9, 2019 5:28 p.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #14

Where's that Niveous Wisps ?

April 9, 2019 7:11 p.m.

Ca1m_down says... #15

I think there are a couple of different directions to go with this deck. The main ones I've come across in my brewing are:

  • Storm/Guttersnipe
  • Blink
  • Tokens/Zada
  • Voltron
Obviously you can do combinations of these, but I think the more focused the deck is on one of them the better. I personally have settled on a primarily Token/Zada strategy with a Blink subtheme because it seems the most unique,fun, and interactive to me.

I wrote a bit of a explanation of the inclusions in my brew if you're interested.

Tokens of a Feather, spellsling together

Here are some cool things I found:

Akroan Conscriptor , Mirrorwing Dragon , Vanguard of Brimaz , Strength of Arms , Divergent Transformations , Indomitable Creativity

April 9, 2019 7:34 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #16

Okay WOW. Thank you all for the comments! I am so happy about the hype for Feather and Boros!

Let's discuss!

First I want to talk about Sunforger . Yes I know it's a card and yes I see the potential, but my philosophy with Sunforger is if I have it, I need to be able to win the game with it. I don't do Value Sunforger. I do flexible and encompassing Sunforger Packages where I can tutor and answer any situation. I already have a Sunforger deck I'm quite happy with. Thus I've been waiting to add it in to see exactly how many targets I will have in here and what they do. Time will tell.

griffstick thank you for the suggestions! Wheel of Fate is kinda a anti-pet card, but considering I have Somthering Tithe it might find it's way in. Retribution of the Meek looks like a good one sided board wipe! Appreciate the +1!

DrukenReaps thanks for the +1! Let me know if you get a list together!

IvyLeaguerCU good call, I missed that, thank you! I would appreciate an upvote and any more feedback if you have time!

Coward_Token thanks for the +1 and suggestions! Most of my burn spells are designed to not kill Feather if I just target her. Working on getting recursion in! Talked about Sunforger above!

SenatorDickWeed I talked about Sunforger above :) I'd appreciate an upvote and any other suggestions if you have time!

Joe_Ken_ thanks for the comment! both of those are very good but might be out due to price, considering taking this to budget-town. I'll have to test them out! Thanks for the +1!

FrontlineAssault thanks for the suggestion, I'll consider it! I think you could easily make this deck with under $100. To each their own! I'd appreciate an upvote and more feedback if you have time!

IAmTheWraith I didn't like it at first becasue it taps down my guy... but I guess I want every 1 mana instant cantrip I can get... so...in! Thanks for the +1!

Ca1m_down good point on focusing. I am currently trying to pick two out of voltron, tokens/zada, pinger/storm, and blink/protection... trying to figure out which go best with eachother and which I like best. Thank you for the suggestions, I will consider them! I'd also appreciate an upvote if you like the deck :)

Thank you all who commented and upvoted! Keep the discussion going!

April 9, 2019 7:59 p.m.

Joe_Ken_ says... #17

Suns_Champion Hey no problem. I only mention them since I've opened both the previously mentioned cards and despite being really good I haven't found a good spot for them. If you could I would appreciate your thoughts on my Aurelia deck I had mentioned before.

April 9, 2019 8:24 p.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #18

Just a suggestion:

-1 Grenzo, Havoc Raiser

+1 Phalanx Leader

Really like Phalanx Leader because of the value it can give you by itself, whereas Grenzo, Havoc Raiser can give you potentially more value with other cards.

I see it in your sideboard, but should definitely be main deck imo because it is able to do more for your deck, and it fits in the theme of targeting with spells.

Just a thought.

April 9, 2019 9:49 p.m.

whalen147 says... #19

Hi! I love the build you got here, there's a lot of differences between yours and my Voltron version you commented on!

Like you mentioned in your comments, wheels pair nice with Smothering Tithe , but playing a card you don't like doesn't feel great either.

If you go the route of more tokens; Skullclamp is a great add for token decks, 1 Mana to draw 2 is hard to beat. Dawn of Hope may be a good card as the Mana sink is nice, but is very dependent on life gain.

If you go spellslinger; Aetherflux Reservoir is a great wincon, which you already have in your side board. Increasing Vengeance , Reverberate and the spell copiers like it are all great adds, double your own spells, copy someone else's spell (my favorite target is a Kodama's Reach ) or copying another players counterspell.

I think the only 2 questionable inclusions out of the list that I see are Magnetic Theft and Basilisk Collar . Magnetic theft works great to steal others equipment, but having reliable targets of your own (like sunforger, which you're against) to equip for cheap make it more valuable. Also, basilisk collar doesn't seem to fit the deck too, besides just being a nice equipment for Feather. If life gain is a theme, then it's a great fit!

Be sure to be careful with Lightning Greaves too, shroud on my creature that I want to target has ruined my day before.

Other than that, you have a great list here! Once you have more of a focus, just a few small tweaks and you should have a solid deck!

April 9, 2019 11:30 p.m.

Nice deck +1

Here some cards you may consider:

Rest in Peace - imho must be put in first place.

Braid of Fire - cast more instants at your upkeep.

Radiate - mana heavy but can be really devastating.

Balefire Liege - pretty nice synergy with deck tech.

Imperial Recruiter - nice tutor of course if you put more creatures in deck.

Phalanx Leader - synergy with one bellow.

Runaway Steam-Kin - synergy with one up.

Labyrinth Champion - no need explanation.

Thermo-Alchemist - no need explanation.

Electrostatic Field - no need explanation.

Firebrand Archer - no need explanation.

Chromatic Lantern - no need explanation.

Coalition Relic - no need explanation.

April 10, 2019 12:33 a.m.

Control_Train says... #21

Really liking Myth Realized, Scroll of the Masters, and Grand Abolisher. My only concern would be that Myth and Scroll are awful topdecks late game. Aurelia's Fury seems like a miss to me because spending at least four mana to pseudo-silence your opponents feels like more than the deck can handle consistently, but if it's done well for you then I'll take your word for it and maybe test it myself. +1

April 10, 2019 12:45 a.m.

What about the good old Sunforger shenanigans? :)

Nice deck otherwise, a bit light on the creatures IMO but overall seems really solid! +1'd :)

April 10, 2019 5 a.m.

SpookyToe says... #23

No card suggestions, looks good. I'm looking forward to see how your deck evolves

If you haven't watched the command zone podcast on Path to Exile in this deck, target one of your tokens created by the Young Pyromancer . You'll get the path back in your hand at the end step, and get a one mana Rampant Growth every turn.

April 10, 2019 7:29 a.m.

I'm trying my hand at Feather too, it's the first boros commander that actually seems interesting to me. So i'm still testing, adding and removing stuff myself. I've found that when Zada decides to not show up, Mirrorwing Dragon is a good replacement, though it's a bit more expensive to cast.

April 10, 2019 9:44 a.m.

Control_Train says... #25

What do you think of the new preview card topple the statue?

April 10, 2019 12:58 p.m.

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