
Standard* glitinnek


glitinnek says... #2

I'd put two Curiosity . They proc off of the Guttersnipe passive ability when I throw out an instant or sorcery. If I don't have guttersnipes out or can't put them out I can always put it on a creature they have to bring more cards my way. If they are using extort they would gain 1 health while I lose 1 health when they cast, but it would proc giving me a card which is 3+ dmg. Overall, I'm seeing a net gain from it.

Faithless Looting is a 1 for 1 card, which isn't worth it. I could just cast something else more devastating. On top of that, it makes me put two cards back. I'm looking for a way to improve the number of small burns I can cast. I'm really thinking about removing the Izzet Charm 's for the Curiosity because of the discarded cards.

I hope this all makes sense. Thanks for the feedback!

Lastly, I'm still learning how to use the forum... just figured out how to link the cards properly. I'll see if I can fix the description.

May 5, 2013 11:43 a.m.

glitinnek says... #3

Reverberate ? What would I replace for it?

May 6, 2013 10:50 p.m.

djd2488 says... #4

I would dump Annihilating Fire for Pillar of Flame . The CMC for Fire is just way too high for only 3 damage. Pillar still gives you exile power for 1 CMC. This is great against most aggro and zombies.

You mentioned aggro as a problem in your local meta, so Izzet Staticaster might be a solution. Good defender with an epic tap ability against Boros Elite , Lightning Mauler , etc. I run Ral Zarek with Izzet Staticaster in the sideboard, so I can deal 2 damage per turn easily. Combine that with Pillar of Flame and even bigger creatures will go down easy. I just don't encounter much aggro so it hasn't been an issue. My local FNM is all Esper and Junk and it's brutal for Izzet lovers like myself.

May 10, 2013 1:39 p.m.

glitinnek says... #5


When I compare Annihilating Fire and Pillar of Flame the difference becomes much larger as the game progresses. I'll have to test them both to see what I like. The Annihilating Fire when Reverberate d, used with Epic Experiment or Melek, Izzet Paragon is worth more late game. Early game I use ALL of my burn to stop creatures from coming in. I get into single digit health while they're at 20 or more and still come out on top once i have 6+ mana. I've played against and beaten most of the top rated decks on the site.

All of the options you've given are great, but they are also creatures... More creatures means less Epic Experiment and Melek, Izzet Paragon cards to use. I have the same problem with the rest of the creatures.

The whole point of the deck is to optimize Epic Experiment and Melek, Izzet Paragon through card advantage (burning out their creatures and drawing more cards). Unfortunately, creatures and enchants take away from my theme. I haven't really seen how the deck works against a strong counter deck.

I've noticed some problems later with Mizzium Mortars not hitting a player and I may be able to remedy that with Pillar of Flame since it can hit creatures too. It may also be a great sideboard for decks made to kill creatures.

Can you think of any other strong draw or dmg instant/sorcery cards for Izzet?

What are Esper and Junk decks? I've just returned to MTG (from a VERY long sabatical) and I don't know all the lingo (had to google FNM and CMC too). If you have any links to good example decks I'd be extremely interested to play test against them.

May 10, 2013 2:05 p.m.

notamardybum says... #6

your sideboard should be built to help with playing against multiple decks. Electrickery is good for aggro and tokens. Psychic spiral is great for mill decks, as is elixir. I would put in some more counters and side reverberate.

May 10, 2013 2:15 p.m.

djd2488 says... #7

I see what you're saying about Annihilating Fire . I think the difference in our preferences comes down to who/what we play against. I can exile a Geralf's Messenger with 1 mana so that's why I love Pillar of Flame . He's popular at my local place.

As far as Junk and Esper go...

Junk: Black, Green, White... typically reanimation (using Unburial Rites ), undying creatures, and "enter the battlefield" types of creatures with removal spells. So, Thragtusk , Geralf's Messenger , Obzedat, Ghost Council , and Disciple of Bolas are all monstrously effective. It's a brutal matchup for Izzet.

Esper: Black, Blue, White... typically control using Supreme Verdict , Snapcaster Mage , Sphinx's Revelation , Think Twice , Render Silent and other terribly frustrating spells for me because I try to be aggressive. Less brutal matchup but these kind of decks almost guarantee a longer game.

May 10, 2013 2:23 p.m.

Rayenous says... #8

Chandra, the Firebrand would let you duplicate spells as well as deal direct damage, and Snapcaster Mage would let you re-use a select spells. I would suggest +2 of each, and -2 Reverberate , -1 Annihilating Fire , -1 Elixir of Immortality

May 10, 2013 2:39 p.m.

glitinnek says... #9


I used to have counters but now I don't use them for the same reason there are very few creatures and no enchants in the deck, Epic Experiment and Melek, Izzet Paragon .

I'm trying to figure out what I'd replace in my deck for the side-boards. It'd probably be Reverberate for most of them or Guttersnipe and Melek, Izzet Paragon for creature destroy decks (looking at you black).

Have you ever seen a 7 card Epic Experiment ? It's scary. Imagine if it pulls a Reverberate . Since Epic Experiment hasn't resolved, it can copy it... There's 7 more cards from my deck in yo face!


I'm definitely going to add Pillar of Flame to my sideboard to counter undying and such.

Junk: I just have to be picky about what I take out early and soak up minimal damage until I stop their combos and start dropping 9+ dmg per turn. That Obzedat, Ghost Council can be kinda rough though. I'll have to do a 2 for 1 card trade with it. It's kinda pricey and I may already be ahead when they bring it out. Thragtusk is usually with Restoration Angel so I'll have to burn it after they use the angel or wait until they're tapped out. Anything with 3-4 toughness or less isn't a huge threat if I'm careful and pay attention to their theme.

Esper: Like I said, I haven't played against a counter deck. Creature removal doesn't really mean much to me. If they have enough to work on creature heavy decks it's less cards they can use against me. I thought about having Snapcaster Mage s in my deck, but they take away from my theme. I don't really know what I could side-board to counter it.

What other decks are there? Poison and mill decks (no problems there). Anything else?

May 10, 2013 2:56 p.m.

glitinnek says... #10

Hmm... maybe I should replace Elixir of Immortality with Psychic Spiral to synergy better with my theme. The Elixir of Immortality can be a life saver early game though. Argh choices!


Thanks for the feedback! As I've stated earlier, I'm avoiding creatures to promote Epic Experiment and Melek, Izzet Paragon . Planeswalkers would slow those down as well.

May 10, 2013 3:02 p.m.

glitinnek says... #11

This deck is way too slow for standard. Completely revamping.

May 25, 2013 8:27 a.m.

tru_kalel says... #12

I feel it would need more control and draw since you only have 4 creatures. So maybe Izzet Charm because it does everything you would want to do burn control and draw instead of so much buff for your creatures that may not be there.

May 25, 2013 9:24 a.m.

toysm1th says... #13

I would test pulling an Izzet Guildgate for a Rogue's Passage , then pull 2 Artful Dodge and put in 2 counter spells likely Syncopate

And try to main board at least two Augur of Bolas not sure what I would cut thou, this is more for card filtering but they will help with aggro decks with a 3 butt

I would side board 2 Cackling Counterpart

Side board 2 Snapcaster Mage and an AEtherling as well as 2 Pillar of Flame cutting back Electrickery to 2

You will also need to find answers to planeswalkers and a way to deal with enchantments

May 25, 2013 10:12 a.m.

glitinnek says... #14

@ tru_kalel

You don't think four Think Twice and four Faithless Looting will be enough (and they can flashback to make the cyclops stronger)? I was contemplating using Inaction Injunction instead of Unsummon for more draw. It holds up the creature for a turn, but the Unsummon makes them cast it again slowing them down.


The Rogue's Passage doesn't proc the Nivix Cyclops +3/+0 and can attack. I may replace the Desolate Lighthouse s with them.

For creatures I have four Nivix Cyclops , four Delver of Secrets  Flip (which will be paired with Runechanter's Pike and the four Cackling Counterpart for a total of 12 creatures that should all make fairly terrifying unblockable monsters pretty darn early.

What kind of deck would i use the AEtherling against and what would I replace? I can definitely see its endgame potential. Why only one? It seems like I may NEVER get the card.

Same thing with the Pillar of Flame . What would I use them for and what would I replace? Why only two?

I'm not that great at side-boarding so I'd love to know the why nots and what fors!

I don't think I'm gonna buy Snapcaster Mage s any time soon though.

May 25, 2013 6:27 p.m.

tru_kalel says... #15

I really like the Unsummon here like you said it slows them down way more its a great choice. Faithless Looting is really good I just think that the Izzet Charm allows you to use its options to deal with situations as they arise due to its versatility. in my rwu I play lucky charms not just to go infinite with my Boros Reckoner but because Azorius Charm offers bounce or draw and Izzet Charm offers burn counter and draw. They are like Swiss army knives lol but I play Snapcaster Mage also, so I understand where you are coming from. I like your deck though really original so i wanted to helped. Play test them and let me know how you like them. You may find you like them better than Faithless Looting . Besides with your spike you don't want to have to flashback everything out of your graveyard

May 25, 2013 9:36 p.m.

tru_kalel says... #16

I would say take out the Armed / Dangerous for the Izzet Charm instead of Unsummon or Faithless Looting

May 25, 2013 9:40 p.m.

toysm1th says... #17

okay lets get to talking side board - it is fun, amazing, tricky and a pain in the ass. it can fill holes and gaps in your main deck, gives you access to answers, or allow you to bring in new threats. also you can change your decks tempo and character with a good side board. a burn deck becomes a control deck. or a mid range becomes a super fast aggro. the side board is truly where deck tinkerers shine, they will play match after match to switch one or two main deck cards, but they see holes in decks most deck builders miss at first, tinkerers normally have what others initially see as odd or crazy side boards but every single card in there has been ground into dust in play testing and trust me, there is not a single wasted card in that side board.

personally i use my side board to fill in gaps against specific deck types or even decks. not the most original use of the side board and they always look like bad clones of the last one, but they do work, so really i like to build a tool chest side board, this tool/card against this deck

Pillar of Flame - main reason it exiles, it does not kill, ie that $40+ Voice of Resurgence , that Geralf's Messenger those Strangleroot Geist or that Thragtusk yes you need an extra damage but it is worth it graveyard poping stuff all goes away, as it cuts off the graveyard. Tormod's Crypt would be another solid option in your colors, but value to deck synergy i think you will be happier with the Pillar of Flame personally i like Tormod's Crypt when i do not have access to Rest in Peace or modern cards. it also helps deal with those pesky mill decks running around.

put two maybe three Mizzium Mortars on the side board list, board wipe is needed, and right now a creature state board flood - ie tokens has no answer, accept to race them

AEtherling is a strange duck and in this deck even stranger. it is the card you want in your deck purely to draw hate. if you get to play with it bonus as for what it does when it hits the table, it is a clock card, either they answer it or the game is over very shorty. i have had people game 2 Pithing Needle it only to find out i side boarded it out for something else and if it gets to game three ill bring it back in, when i am playing esper or bant

if you plan on playing competitive modern in blue, you will want to pick up the Snapcaster Mage if not, save your money they are an amazing card but with them rotating soon, i can totally understand why

other things to look at when building, what the the past months top 8 decks, what are they doing, and how do you fight them, ask yourself do you have answers for them. ie bant auras, enchantment removal, a way around hexproof, what answers do you have, normally side board it unless answers a lot of decks or just fits in your deck. aggro, do you have enough speed to slow them down to get yourself ahead. a BG insert color here deck will be running Putrefy and Abrupt Decay do you have an answer to this card, or will you fully load up lethal on a creature to have it go kaboom to a well timed removal

May 26, 2013 12:55 p.m.

glitinnek says... #18

Thanks for more feedback on this. Just a heads up: The deck is Standard for FNM.

Pillar of Flame is a great sideboard card. Maybe Annihilating Fire instead to hit that 3 damage mark? Unfortunately, it's 2 extra mana which really hurts it so I don't think so. Besides, Searing Spear should be able to handle the 3 dmg and it's more efficient.

I'm not too sure about Mizzium Mortars . It's a very cheap removal card, but the Overload is ridiculously expensive. Maybe Bonfire of the Damned instead? That should handle most aggro nicely, especially on the draw. It'll also handle any creature enchants floating around since it goes past Hexproof. Should I replace the Searing Spear or in addition to? Actually, I may toss in Pillar of Flame instead of the Searing Spear for exile and Bonfire of the Damned as board wipe.

I'm thinking hard about AEtherling . It does exactly what I want it to. Lots of damage, unblockable, almost impossible to stop and adds more creatures. I can easily replace the Cackling Counterpart to give me a late game option.

I should either put in or sideboard Mizzium Skin and/or Negate to deal with the creature destruction, which is really common.

I'm also replacing the Rogue's Passage with Evolving Wilds to ensure I'm not short on a particular mana type.

What do you guys think?

May 28, 2013 2:57 p.m.

toysm1th says... #19

i think you are finding the answers that work for you and the reasons for your answer.

and really at the end of the day, that is what counts knowing why you selected what you selected and if things do not go according to plan you can look at things objectively to find the holes, miss plays or stregths of the deck.

and yes i love me some Bonfire of the Damned only problem is i always draw it when i don't need it LOL

May 28, 2013 3:07 p.m.

tru_kalel says... #20

I agree with toysm1th. I do like your logic and the upgrades you have made. I would say that you have to many Bonfire of the Damned in though. You want a miracle not a consistent occurrence lol especially running only 20 land. maybe pull 2 for Unsummon . food for thought but again great deck!

May 28, 2013 8:04 p.m.

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