
Enchantment (3)

Instant (8)

Sorcery (4)


Mono black aggro in Standard is just as cool as Mono Black Devotion on less than half the budget. With the new Journey into Nyx we get access to Master of the Feast and Gnarled Scarhide

This deck is now FAAAAST. I'm not kidding! We have 12 one-drops with 2 power in Tormented Hero, Rakdos Cackler and Gnarled Scarhide
After that we have Spiteful Returned at 2 (or bestow at 4) and Herald of Torment at 3 (or bestow at 5).
(Remember: bestowing means they deal damage the same turn as if they had haste).

Before Nyx I thought Desecration Demon was too slow for us, but with the new Master of the Feast they curve into each other perfectly. This gives us 11 flying huge beasts!

Mogis's Marauder acts as a finisher against anything but monoblack. And also notice that Gnarled Scarhide can also get rid of a blocker ;-)

Remember when you played Mono Black Aggro at your local FNM and you would lose to any opponent that sideboarded in Blood Baron of Vizkopa? Well, with all these flying creatures this will no longer be a problem.
As a matter of fact, no deck is going to be a problem, period!

Except for... Mono Black Devotion...


They have sooo much removal. After sideboarding they could have as much as: Thoughtseize, Dark Betrayal, Devour Flesh, Hero's Downfall, Bile Blight, Pharika's Cure AND Ultimate Price! Pretty much everything except for Doom Blade.

Luckily many of our creatures are so big, Bile Blight and Pharika's Cure can't kill them and Devour Flesh gives us a lot of life. The rest of the removal is still a problem though.

In order to deal with this, I decided to specifically design most of the sideboard against Devotion to Black.

First of all, it would be nice if we could get some benefit from all the dying creatures. So in goes the massively underused card Dark Prophecy. And hey, waddayaknow, it has more devotion than their Underworld Connections, so in with a few Gray Merchant of Asphodel (also nice to compensate the lifeloss of Dark Prophecy).

Since they are putting our creatures in the graveyard, it would be nice to get them back. In goes the Whip of Erebos so the Master of the Feast and Desecration Demon can haste a quick 5 and 6 to the face, while also increasing the devotion. Also the huge lifelink doesn't hurt.
(Remember: Black can't get rid of our enchantments)

And since we still want to kill their Desecration Demon, Pack Rat and Nightveil Specter we side in a playset of Dark Betrayal.

12 cards to board in, so what do we take out?

...still brainstorming from this point on...
- Keep in a few Bile Blight against Pack Rat.
- Replace Ultimate Price with Dark Betrayal because of Nightveil Specter
- They have card advantage because of Master of the Feast and underworld connection. And they can tap down Desecration Demon. Sac Demon or Master to Tormented Thoughts?
- If the match goes too long, add one of either Worst Fears, Silence the Believers or Corrupt
- Gift of Orzhova is great against aggro
- Duress is great against Control


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 3 Rares

25 - 7 Uncommons

0 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.16
Folders Decks
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