So, the main plan of the deck is to get out
Agent of the Fates
and target him with the different heroic mechanisms in the deck to keep the enemy board clear.
It has a subtheme of MBD (Mono-Black-Devotion) and can in a longer game usually animate Erebos, God of the Dead.
Hidden Strings is one of the main pieces of the deck, making people sacrifice their creatures and untapping the Agent as well as Desecration Demon, so he can either attack and block, or they will have to sacrifice another creature to be able to tap him again for blocking! Usually though, they hopefully won't have anything to sacrifice anyway.
Triton Tactics
doubles as an instant speed Hidden Strings without the cipher, but as it can be played in the declare attackers step, it's much more useful to untap a tapped Desecration Demon (and that is just mean).
Artisan of Forms
should usually copy the Agent so more sacrifices can happen. Although she wouldn't complain being turned into Desecration Demon or even a fatty of your opponent's. I initially had only 3 of her in the deck since she doesn't do much on her own, but when facing decks that use lots of removal, she always got shot down very fast - apparently people are afraid of her since she's kind of an unknown entity for them.
Boon of Erebos
keeps your creatures alive, triggers heroic and can double as a damage boost. The only unfortunate thing about it I can see is that if played after the opponent declares attackers, they will usually sacrifice a creature that is blocking anyway, making combat damage (and the regeneration and possible deathtouch and lifelink) moot. So rather play it before blockers have been declared to limit their choices of blocking and still get another dead creature if they have to block.
Mizzium Skin
as a potential 2-for-1 (They target my agent? Well in response hexproof, also sac a creature!)
I use
Warped Physique
as spot removal for those very fast aggro deck. Might replace them with Hero's Downfall if my meta continues to evolve away from aggro.
Negate and
against those pesky control decks, as well as the third Underworld Connections. We don't really need creature-countering, since we already kill pretty much everything that lands on the board.
Ratchet Bomb and Pithing Needle are always good sideboard choices and you should know when to deploy them.