A few:
Altar of Shadows is really high cost
Temple of the False God isn't garenteed to work, and with little mana ramp....
Ink eyes, while cool, doesn't really do a whole lot. I guess her regenerate protects from Horobi's trigger...
Ophiomancer IMO is bad, you can only ever have 1 snake on the field...please, enlighten me.
Sins of the Past seems high cost
And all the equipment. Their great when horobi's not around, but if he's out and you draw one, their dead cards...
January 27, 2015 10:32 a.m.
rob_shifflett says... #3
Altar of Shadows was just cut.
Temple of the False God has been more helpful than hurtful.
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni is multi-functional. She can bounce Horobi or an ETB creature back to my hand. The regenerate lets play aggressive or defensive. While I don't usually get a creature from her triggered ability, it does happen enough to be a factor. The main reason though, is flavor. Ninjas are awesome. Legendary creatures are cool. She is both.
Ophiomancer seems lackluster at first, but it is a solid 3 drop. It has the ability to make a token with Deathtouch every turn, so I can sacrifice the snake on my turn and still have a blocker. Grave Pact Dictate of Erebos Abhorrent Overlord and Contamination all have synergy with it.
Sins of the Past seems expensive until you look at it's available targets. Decree of Pain Ghastly Conscription Worst Fears Fated Return are more expensive than Sins. Also, I would easily pay 6 for 15 of the other 18 Instant/Sorceries I run. Increasing Ambition Read the Bones & Moonlight Bargain would be the only ones I wouldn't target.
Equipment are rarely ever dead cards in any deck. Lashwrithe comes into play attached to a 0/0 creature(I have had it enter as a 10/10), so it is always a good draw. Scythe of the Wretched is a game changer, especially when equipped to Pestilence Demon. Nightmare Lash will soon be traded for Loxodon Warhammer, because trample helps a lot of my creatures. I play Horobi very situational. He is rarely in play for more than a round at a time when I do cast him.
January 27, 2015 1:52 p.m.
Updated again, If you'd like to take a look. The Wail of Ruin Incarnate. All the card are what I have irl so it'll be easier to use suggestions.
January 28, 2015 1:13 a.m.
lemmingllama says... #5
I really dislike storage lands, and Subterranean Hangar is one of them. I would cut it for a basic Swamp, you should probably be running about 35 lands anyways.
Fated Return is way too expensive for what it does. Try out Necromancy, Animate Dead, Dread Return, and others instead.
Makeshift Mannequin isn't the best of cards. I'd use another of the reanimation spells mentioned above.
I personally dislike Moonlight Bargain, too expensive for what it does.
Black Market is also just too good to pass up.
Finally, consider Bloodchief Ascension. It can really do a lot of damage, especially with all these ways to kill their board.
January 30, 2015 2:06 p.m.
Some more thoughts...love Steel Hellkite in this deck. Not really sure what I'm supposed to do with Skittles the Blight Dragon when I test it though...? It's nasty an all, but it just seems kinda..there....
January 30, 2015 2:45 p.m.
rob_shifflett says... #7
The Hangar has made it to where I had 10 available mana on round 6, after playing a caged sun. Plus, no one uses it. I enjoy people asking me 'what is that?'
In mono black, 7 mana is a drop in the bucket, 85% of games that I play. Fated return makes the creature Indestructible for as long as it remains in play. I would say that it's cost is fair.
In my meta, Makeshift Mannequin is better than the reanimate enchantments, because noncreature permanent removal is so heavily used.
Bargain is coming out for Promise of Power.
Market and Ascension will make it in for playtesting.
Cybersix... Skithiryx is there... because he can be a wincon all by himself(even more so with a Lashwrithe equiped). He is also Legendary, so it is Theme fitting.
January 30, 2015 4:16 p.m.
lemmingllama says... #8
To each their own. I would normally only run the storage lands if I had some way to increase the number of counters. Maybe consider Contagion Engine as a way to kill creatures and also get extra mana. It doesn't target, so you can buff your creatures and kill theirs even if they have shroud/hexproof
January 30, 2015 4:27 p.m.
dendrobatid says... #9
First thing's first... +1 from me. I had fun play testing it, and it keeps things interesting by doing a little bit of everything that black is good at while synergizing with your general. This deck speaks to my inner Timmy, Johnny, Spike, Melvin, and Vorthos. And yes, it actually is possible to proudly be all 5 of these and wear different hats depending on both format and playgroup. This deck is quite literally all over the place... but in a way that works and is fun. So please keep in mind that my suggestions aren't based necessarily on things you need to drop, but just some creative ideas to either build synergy or get more out of what you already have. I also realize that in the grand scheme of things my opinions mean jack, so I'm not offended if you take everything I say with a grain of salt :).
Land: Mono is fairly simple, and you have the auto-includes covered. I find that ramp and storage lands are a matter of personal preference, so if that works for you, I say leave it exactly how it is. And the situational lands (like Arcane Lighthouse) are usually chosen based on meta and so I'll trust your judgment on whether it belongs in MB or SB. I do see two areas where you lose a little efficiency.
Reliquary Tower -- awesome card. But I noticed that you only have three draw spells (Promise of Power, Read the Bones, and Disciple of Bolas). You have a couple of tutors, and a couple of land fetch artifacts that pull to your hand. And then there are the usual suspects that (assuming you can keep them on the field) will give you an extra draw per turn. If you find yourself using this card's text, then by all means leave it. But if in most games it just provides colorless for you, then it might be worth subbing for something else (possibly make a spot for that Boseju or Cavern that I see in your Maybe Board).
Homeward Path -- I realize I'm looking at your SB right now, but... you have eight cards that can net you creatures from your opponent, and all of them are extremely effective. Some of them can target any graveyard and so can be re-purposed to only reanimate from your own pile, but others (e.g. Geth, Lord of the Vault) are handicapped by the threat of having this land tapped. I run this card often and know how valuable it can be, and you might hang on to it for that one match-up where you have to take the hit. Just keep in mind that if you are looking to make space, this card has the opposite of synergy with your deck (unless I'm missing an interaction somewhere).
Creatures: I have no input for adds/removes on your creature base. You have it covered. And you have enough ramp built in that unless someone has plenty of hate in hand, you can get them out despite the high curve. With that said, if you find you need to speed things up a little, don't forget colorless cheats. Over half of your creature base comes in at >=5cmc, and Quicksilver Amulet can turn your 2-4 drops per turn into 3-5. Or it can help you drop cards like Kuro, Pitlord on T5 without having to burn through both discard and reanimate to get there. Belbe's Portal is a cheaper option - you have enough demons and zombies to call it based on how your hand is playing. This might be a more mana efficient replacement for a card like Journeyer's Kite over the long haul.
Support/Equipment: I'm like you... I am rarely unhappy to draw equipment. I'm also a fan of re usability, especially in EDH. I have noticed that you have a number of 'support' creatures that don't serve much purpose beyond their ETB effect (e.g. Disciple of Bolas) or their status as an effect keeps you from turning them sideways (e.g. Crypt Ghast)... which can even turn sideways without impacting it's effects/abilities. I saw someone mention Staff of Nin above. Instead of going that route, have you considered equipment with similar effect so that you can actually make use of those creatures once they are on the board? The cool thing is that you can increase the threat range of Disciple of Bolas to a certain point... nobody wants to tank him so that you can bounce him right back for more ETB. And Crypt Ghast already has a huge target on his head... adding to it won't change things. There are a few options for this that don't require combat first (I noticed you have Umezawa's Jitte in your SB already so you get the concept).
Tap for damage: Viridian Longbow | Wolfhunter's Quiver | Thornbite Staff
Combat damage synergy: Sword of Fire and Ice would also be decent for SB. Drop it on something with Fear.
Special Mention: Livewire Lash has synergy here as well.
Speaking of Thornbite Staff, this is my favorite for your deck. With your general on the table, your Crypt Ghast can take down as many creatures as you have mana for. Oh, and Scythe of the Wretched + Thornbite Staff on any creature can own in this deck without the need for Pestilence Demon.
If this is appealing to you, you might find spots by replacing some of your targeted removal. I'm not knocking them.. I use them all the time. And sometimes an instant has more chance of landing than getting to turn an artifact. Just thinking in terms of trading function for function.
If you like the dedicated artifact angle Staff of Nin is solid due to the added draw. An alternate fun synergy can be found with Erratic Portal. It targets on the cheap when your general is in play, and it is like having a permanent Unsummon on the table if your general isn't out. Bounce their creatures, save yours. Good utility there.
Anyways, great deck. I don't run Horobi in any of my builds, but this has my wheels turning anyways. I hope this helped, and if not, great build anyways.
February 11, 2015 2:14 p.m.
rob_shifflett says... #11
griffstick Basically,... Turtle down(defense), build up(resources), control the battlefield with your board presence(swing with fatties).
To me personally, it is the deck that plays quiet, stoic, sees how the other players affect each other. Then when the time is right(usually after another player clears the board for you)... get in your creatures that threaten not only the opponents life through high combat damage, but control the board state(my favorite being Kuro, Pitlord & Lord of the Void and the PREATORs & TITANs) and punish them.
March 18, 2015 7:53 p.m.
maybe you should take out Nezumi Graverobber... you really aren't going to ever dlip her and that's the only reaon to play her... maybe Sorin Markov or Liliana Vess instead?
April 12, 2015 11:27 a.m.
rob_shifflett says... #13
I flip the graverobber more often than not. Even if she just soaks up removal, she is worth it. I despise Sorin Markov. It is one of the meanest cards in EDH. Plus it makes you an immediate ArchENEMY. I do like Liliana, though I would go with the Dark Realms version. Thanks, though.
Asher18 ... Any thoughs on what I should take out for Belbe's Portal Thornbite Staff Erratic Portal Temporal Aperture ?
April 12, 2015 8:34 p.m.
None of them really seem worth it...
Belbe's Portal has too much leeway and you have too many creature types in your deck to use it effectively
Thornbite Staff in general is just a bad card, not even this deck does that much untapping to make it any good.
Erratic Portal is weak and late game is a dead draw and too easily surpassed
Temporal Aperture is OK for cheating stuff in, it's just risky and if it's not anything <CMC5 it's dead and costly anyway and gives info to your opponent.
None are really worth using IMO
April 12, 2015 10:07 p.m.
TheCardPool says... #18
Sweet build +1! I recently made my own version of Horobi would you mind giving me some feed back? Here is the link Godfather Death (Horobi EDH).
rob_shifflett says... #1
I do want to run Kozilek and gilded lotus. I am purposely missing phyrexian arena and necropotence. I will play test Mind's eye. Burnished hart and thran dynamo are too inefecient. Unstable obelisk should already be in here. I keep getting it suggested. Thanks for the suggestions.
Any cards you are not sure why I am running? -x-Juuzou-x-x-
January 27, 2015 9:45 a.m.