Black Sac Attack!

Casual* Dredgar


Dredgar says... #1

Mairon_Bauglir thank you so much for the comment and the suggestion! The reason for the vampire is because this deck you don't attack. It's all about sacing your creatures to destroy their creatures in order to trigger blood artist and Cutthroat.

January 18, 2017 3:50 p.m.

Mairon_Bauglir says... #2

i like that, just my friend was doing similar in his most recent black zombie deck to lance a really beefed up Nantuko Husk and Carrion Feeder to end opponents quickly. I myself recently added in Grave Pact and Blood Artist in my own zombie deck and those really put the hurt on especially if the zombies get Death Baron out. I would also highly suggest Sudden Spoiling as a good black card, it may be a tad high mana in your deck, but it is really powerful and change the game in less time than it takes to make a bad decision. lol

January 18, 2017 5:25 p.m.

Dredgar says... #3

Mairon_Bauglir Yeah, my deck used to use sac as a way to get my creatures huge but I figured out a way to be passive aggressive and it works out great.

January 18, 2017 5:30 p.m. Edited.

Uncanny_Ghoul says... #4

Some more modern alternatives to Carrion FeederDefiant Salvager / Voracious Null

I'm not much into casual play but decks seems fun +1

January 30, 2017 1:01 p.m.

WolverineSR_71 says... #5

You should look at Dictate of Erebos. It's just another Grave Pact.

January 30, 2017 1:05 p.m.

WolverineSR_71 says... #6

Also look at Fallen Ideal. Cool card to put on your undying dudes for an unkillable nightmare.

January 30, 2017 1:09 p.m.

Dredgar says... #7

@ghoul_Legion thank you for the upvote and suggestions! Those two look like they would work great in modern.

@WolverineSR_71, I love dictate and it actually used to be in here for budget reasons. But I only need 4 Grave Pact to make the deck work if I add dictate I'm afraid I might be stuck with them all too often. Fallen Ideal looks fantastic. Thanks for the suggestions I'll add those suggestions to the maybe board. And if you liked it don't forget to upvote ;).

January 30, 2017 1:17 p.m.

Uruz753 says... #8

Altar reap for modern problems

March 14, 2017 11:41 a.m.

Uruz753 says... #9

Oh sorry u use it

March 14, 2017 11:44 a.m.

Uruz753 says... #10

Hmmm maybe deathgreeter and viscera seer can help you to reduce your cost

March 14, 2017 11:58 a.m.

Uruz753 says... #11

Bloodghast is insane

March 14, 2017 3:53 p.m.

Dredgar says... #12

Thanks for the comments Uruz753. Viscera Seer has been on my radar for a while. Just need to figure out what to drop. Bloodghast is insane but also insanely pricey. I also don't like that I HAVE to play a land to get him back. If I don't have a land then he's useless. Thanks for the suggestions! If you liked it don't forget to upvote! ;)

March 14, 2017 4:06 p.m.

Uruz753 says... #13

Wow just saw it yeah i gonna keep my nether traitor.

March 14, 2017 5:29 p.m.

Frosty88 says... #14

It looks like a fun deck to try. I have 4 gravecrawler, which do you suggest to take out?

March 26, 2017 7:04 p.m.

Frosty88 says... #15

How about fleshbag marauder? Sac engine

March 26, 2017 7:20 p.m.

Tou could try splashing blue for Mortus Strider

March 27, 2017 9:58 a.m.

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