
This is a dead deck, which means I won't play it any more. I'm keeping it's page as memory, with it's last version and it's last description, which you can read down below.

This deck is called 'Black Variant' because I already had other mono black decks when I made it. It could be called a "Corrupt deck" because it resembles an old deck archetype that was entirely built around Corrupt. Those decks were called "Corrupt Control" but this deck is not really control. It's more of a "black slow burn" deck if anything. It's not that much built around Corrupt as those decks were but it's still the most important wincon that it has so I refer to it as "Mono Black Corruption" in events.

It was first made out of rage and for trolling. I was annoyed by no removal being enough to kill all creatures in certain decks. Most decks play 8-14 removals... What if I play a deck with mostly removals and barely anything else? How will they deal with that? The deck probably won't be able to win but at least it will be funny.

I quickly put the deck together online and, to my surpsise, it turned out better than I expected. I never thought that I'll have it on paper but now I do. I wanted to have a deck with the least amount of creatures possible so I decided to add 5. It used to have Gurmag Angler and Child of Night but they didn't add too much to the deck, they mostly held it back so I cut them. Crypt Rats remained the only creature.

Even at it's most primitive form the deck could survive for long enough and could cause problems for my opponent, so I decided to finetune it. I found Crypt Incursion and my mind was blown. How did I not see it before? It's so underrated and so good. It was just what the deck needed. With this many removals this kind of lifegain can be huge. It can gain me so much life that my opponents, if they drew a lot, can even deck themselves in rare occasions. Or it just makes me survive long enough to fill my hand with more spells. Sometimes it's not even the life but the grave exile is what destroys my opponent's plans.

The draw spells somehow seem enough to make the deck go on most of the time, the removals make it impossible for my opponent to win with creatures early on, and then, when it's time, I can start draining them. Such a no-brainer, mindless fun deck to play and the best about it is that it works! Sometimes the most simple ideas turn out to be the best. Of course I'm not saying that it's tier level or that it will always top3 an event. But it already had top3 spots and that is in itself a great success and a good reason to keep the deck around for my years to come. I love mono black. It can make so many types of decks. This is one that I don't think I ever saw before even though I'm sure similar decks exist around."

In the end of 2024 I transformed my unplayed Pauper decks into kitchentable decks so I could keep on playing them in a more chill way. I did that to this deck too and I made it creatureless. Then I decided to play a similar version one last time, close to the end of 2024 in a Pauper event in my LGS, which seemed the right event to take a troll deck to. That version was different than this. It didn't have any creatures. It didn't have the one-of spot removals this version had. Some mainboard cards went to the sideboard. Echoing Decay was in that version. I won't make a list of that version since I only played it once, but if you want to have an idea of it, you can check out the deck in it's kitchentable form, with more jank cards, but the same playstyle:


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97% Competitive

Date added 1 year
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.69
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