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""Self Acclaimed"" as:

  • A Fun! - MTG Arena Ranked playable, Standard Deck.

Close to mono Black With a tiny splash of (Azorius?)


Being an MTG Arena Deck, it will probly change alot, and often.

The deck I have assembled at this moment:

In it's core aspects, and supporting elements, has a Medium to Low cost/curve.

The Win Cons are just a touch more "expensive" but, in my opinion, very synergistic and Worth it.

Ive found that the creatures of this Deck, in combination with all of the supporting enchantment//instant//sorcerys, All cooperate with eachother very well. They unanimously move towards the point//mission of this Deck.

Often interacting with eachother, and even themselves, to completely get rid of any board presence your opponent had and do large amounts of damage. sometimes, almost unexpected ammounts of damage.


._. .. ._. ..


The Main


of this Deck

>> 1.Cheep Creatures, ETB's, Sacrifice effects, And Leaving the Battlfield effects.

Be the quickest

Cast more than one spell per turn as soon as possible.

Survive Until mid//late game..

>> 2.Trade Your Creatures!

Cause your Opponent to Suicide from Combat or force a sac on everything they have.

>> 3. There is Alot of Recursion and Synergy.

It can add extra lives,

Temporarily Saving your creatures from the Graveyard or creating token copys that are just as capable.

> 4.Get Ahead of the Competition

>> Stay Ahead!

> 5. Later on Win Cons

>> A). Gray Merchant of Asphodel

  • Requires Devotion


>> B). Lotleth Giant

  • Requires Creatures in Your Graveyard

It's easy to overwhelm when there are Zero Opposing forces left on the Battlefield.

> It Can be Incredibly satisfying to force your opponent to sacrifice Three or more Creatures in one turn,.. Or In one Phase! (Hat Trick!!)

>> Especially if there are


>> big ones.


Because BlacKBaD_ Is a very interactive Deck,

There are a fair ammount of "Life or Death" decisions made in each game.

While playing through these cards, mistakes and missplays are how you find Death. Wich I find quite entertaining. >>When playing against what I would call an "even match" you really only die from missplays or incorrect "reads" of what your opponents next move(s) are.

Previous to brewing this Deck, I was playing in Standard - Ranked with an Azorius, Brutal Control, Deck that I had strung togeather :

Dream Control Crew_

(Wich I find to be a more "stable, win oriented Deck".)

>> But Dream Control Crew_ could also use some advice, for a few tweaks and swaps, so if you want to head on over there and leave a comment on what you might change, that would be very welcome :)


I have been having much more fun Making the decisions put forward by BlacKBaD_

I'm Thinking it's Worth it to take the time to arrange.

If you play MTGArena, you probly have most of thease cards. They are easily enough found.

I'm having alot of fun over here =D


A few of my attempts trying to work this deck out, have been, Underwhelming... Frustrating even..

There's alot of Aggro in my current Ranked meta.

It is Not the greatest Deck if you need to win every match in a row. against quicker decks. (There's also this one Nissa deck that pops off to tens to hundreds of mana by turn 5, that gave BlacKBaD_ some trouble.)

It's no "Alpha-Omega" but its a Deck that does have its B eautiful moments. ;)

Doing Fairly Good Through the Midrange.

With all of the sac//combat trick effects.

Outplaying most "Hard Carry" Late game Decks, Easily.

It's Very Important to Mulligan as much as you Need too.

>> Mulligan

And.. Mulligan Again

IF YOU HAVE TOO.. Mull to ; 5 and .,. 4 ,.

(At 3 cards kept, I'd probly Forefit)

>> If you are going to be Trapped, Having not enough lands to play (most) of what's in your hand.

Especially after the Mulligan's discards

It was not a very good hand to keep.


>> Going up against: Aggro,



There is a bit of a Sore-Spot Weakness with this Deck.

Against :

> Rather Quicker, More curve-streamlined, Mono


>> Most Forms of Ajani's Pridemate based LifeGains.

> Lifegains with supporting planeswalkers such as:

1.Ajani, the Greathearted , 2.Vivien, Champion of the Wilds , 3.Vivien, Arkbow Ranger and Even some , 4.Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord's

>> They seem to Absolutely Stomp on BlacKBaD_


They Just Barely manage to kill you. Right at the moment you thought you could turn it around....

Mono Does the same, for the most part, as the ajani's. Getting the kill against me just when I think I'm ok.

Usually Just as im stabalizing. The opponent uses evasion and pushes for a Base Trade situation.

I'm unable to prevent the damage or gain enough life to mitigate it in the immediate moments, and , Dead.

(Turn 3-5 when they're able to get out one or Multiple Cavalcade of Calamity's and a nice creature, or two, facilitating it.)

Some mono reds can really punish you with simply Grim Initiate and Cavalcade of Calamity + Chandra's Spitfire

>> Death by These aggro's can be frustrating, but keep at it!

>> Almost every one of my losses, that I have accumulated playing with this Deck_, have come from some form of Aggro.

+++++++++++++++++ +++++++++

Going off of roughly 75 games of playthroughs with this set up..

> You should be looking to play into quickly forcing the scenario of:

Making your opponent attack//block and die or giving them no such choices Only the decision of; what to sacrifice.

>> Nearly Every turn should have an action or decision


> A Controlish

Type game.

>> Still.

>> To Posess any hopes of comimg out on Top, and clutching The Win.

> {Or Slaughter} =D

You must remain Aware, Diligent and, efficiency minded.

Always Smarter trades, Combat Tricks, Double blocks, "Null" (no damage) Blocks, Recur your ETB's, Be Evasive when you have too.

Identify your opponents major Threats Before they can become a negative impact on you.

>> Out-Think.

Sort out any danger Hopefully before the other player really knows whats happening.

watch out with your Stack orders. Make sure to cast your spells with the correct priority. Wait till your opponents turn for instants or Flash I it will benefit you.

"Stalemate" attacks, With Death touch // Afterlife. Any and All of thoes sorts of advantageous conditions in battle.

Make your adversary kamakazi.

THE Frequency of dead creatures should be often.

Block more often, than not. Within reason..

The Deck I full of alot of very recurable creatures. thanks to the support spells, youll see some of your boys live 3-4 times.


type Count

> x (22) Creatures

X (12) ways to directly recur your creatures.

X 9 ways to make 1/1 or 2/2 zombie tokens // // OR // // 1/1 token copys of Any Creature Leaving The Battlefield.

X 10 ways to sac your own creatures, resulting in:

Destruction of a Target creature . Or Opponent is forced to Sac a creature or planeswalker.

X 11 forms of Direct Targeting Removal.

X 2 spells with; similar to detain effects.

X 5 creatures with deathtouch // 2 of the 5 also sharing Afterlife-1

( Might bump Orzhov Enforcer up to a (X4).)


> Don't be shy with your creatures or spells early on.

>> Try To make sure you have, more than

>> Just a Few,

>> creature cards in your graveyard. The Earlier, the Better.

Pretty much ASAP.

Mana can accumulate pretty fast when your keeping all major threats on the down low.

/ Mid To Late Game \

When you finnaly draw into one of your

> Lotleth Giant.

(or have enough mana to cast it)

The more decceased non-tokens you have, the better.

R. I. P.

  • Not....

>> Gruesome managerie

Does take away from the Graveyard pile, with force,..


Most of the times that I have gotten to put Gruesome managerie into action Efficiently//Effectively, It was so I could straight out win, or trade-off all three of the Reanimated creatures immediately.

I'm considering sideboarding Managerie but its holding its place for now, as semi useful.

. .

> There will be more added...


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Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 70
Avg. CMC 2.91
Tokens Copy Clone, Spirit 1/1 WB, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie Army 0/0 B
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