Black/Red Control, need advice

Standard* Lahmende


Caerid says... #1

I would say pull a Thunderous Might and put in another Swamp or other black mana source. It feels a bit lacking in land, and playtesting it, I went dry many times. Maybe a few Satyr Firedancer in the side board with some direct damage. With Searing Blood they could give you another double wammy if you have the Archetype of Finality out.

March 5, 2014 10:03 a.m.

Lahmende says... #2

I was staying away from red direct damage, and wanted to use the mechanic of creatures dealing damage to other creatures via spells to ensure deathtouch kills quick. That's why I use the Lightning Volley and the Fall of the Hammer . Within reason I could remove the Thunderous Might for a Pit Fight . In the end you want to be able to clear your way for the creatures you have out by forcing the opponent to sacrifice, kill with deathtouch, or steal. Or add some other red instant that targets multiple creatures to trigger the Agent of the Fates and the Akroan guys.

March 5, 2014 1 p.m.

Lahmende says... #3

Within reason the Thunderous Might were in the deck to help get Purphoros, God of the Forge to become a creature. If I remove those I should just ditch him and put in something else, perhaps an extra Coordinated Assault .

March 5, 2014 1:05 p.m.

Lahmende says... #4

After a little testing, Purphoros, God of the Forge , Whip of Erebos , Archetype of Finality , Thunderous Might and Erebos, God of the Dead got removed. Instead I put in Necrobite , Nyxborn Rollicker , Spearpoint Oread , Desecration Demon and Deviant Glee . After more testing this gave the deck way more lasting power.

March 8, 2014 10:24 a.m.

Lahmende says... #5

Play testing made it pretty potent, I took it to FNM, and got mana screwed like 4 games in a row. I don't think the mana % is too low since most of the stuff in this deck is 3 cost or below. Just not sure what happened.

April 1, 2014 1:35 p.m.

Vos_Is_Boss says... #6

All righty then... I'll offer you my two... or thirty cents. Take it or leave it, but this is a realm I am familiar with... Rakdos Control.

1) Titan of Eternal Fire has got to be one of the most worthless cards in standard right now. His cost is ridiculous, his abilities are terrible when you don't run humans. Take him out. -2 Titan of Eternal Fire

2)This deck has a lot of great ways to trigger Agent of the Fates 's heroic ability... but what happens when you don't have Agent of the Fates on the board? I don't think you'll fare very well when a) you don't draw one or b) it dies immediately. I like the card, and how it can bypass targeting restrictions... but it is not the best/most fun combo to try and attempt in these colors.

You can keep Agent of the Fates in... but you really need to make your deck more control-y and less I-hope-I-get-Agent of the Fates -out.

3) Mogis, God of Slaughter is awesome. Very awesome. You need AT LEAST 1 more.

4) In a control deck, you don't want to be loading the field with creatures... because then you're not playing control, you're playing midrange. I see two ways to take this deck that you have listed here. The first way is to get rid of some of the controlling cards and just play mid-range... with better creatures. OR... get rid of most of the creatures and focus on control. Depending on which route you want to go, I can offer you more advice.

However, I'm kinda split between helping you figure out a control deck or a mid-range deck. Please comment to let me know, and i'll zero in on some suggestions and reasons behind them.

October 17, 2014 4:19 p.m.

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