Black/Red Deck

Modern DavidLechuga


The basic idea behind this deck is a very good one; B/R aggro is always a good choice to make if you've got the cards for it. The one trouble spot I'm noticing with this deck is its creature curve. Your drops are all over the place; six one-drops, four threes, six fives, and no twos or fours. You're not going to be able to play creatures reliably with so many holes in your offense, and yet if you wanted to focus on non-creature spells, you've got sixteen spots in your deck taken up.

I'd say dump Typhoid Rats , Avatar of Discord , and Urabrask the Hidden . If you want to even out your creature curve, I'd replace them with Rakdos Shred-Freak , Abattoir Ghoul , and fourth Rakdos Cackler . If you wanted to get away from creatures and focus on removal and burning, I'd say double up on what you've already got, especially Lightning Bolt and Terminate .

Also, if you're in the running for a planeswalker, I'd say any of the Chandras, or (if you've got the extra cash) Sarkhan the Mad .

February 1, 2013 8:48 a.m.

guardianknight says... #2

Well, I think the first thing would be to try and get a hold of 4 copies of Blood Crypt . I know they're pretty pricy, but it would certainly help your mana curve. This is especially important for playing Temporal Extortion since that BBBB is pretty difficult to get. I would also certainly recommend Liliana of the Veil (which is already in your maybeboard) to help discard those Demigods. Once again, pricy, I know, but worth it if you can snag a couple.

As far as creatures go, I would replace Typhoid Rats with either Diregraf Ghoul or, if you're a high roller, Goblin Guide for something more aggressive. Grim Lavamancer takes advantage of any discard engines you have or anything your opponent manages to destroy and Festering Goblin gives you a lot of combat options, all for one mana.

Rakdos Shred-Freak is a pretty cool two drop and Bloodghast , Knight of Infamy , and the Gatekeeper of Malakir are all solid choices. I might recommend replacing the copies of Rakdos Charm with more Terminate , Shock , and Lightning Bolt as those are all exceptional removal while the Charm is neat, but more situational than I would like.

Anyway, I hope these suggestions help. If you feel like trying any, please let us know how it goes. Have a good one and good luck on your matches.

February 2, 2013 6:36 p.m.

DavidLechuga says... #3

Thx for the feedback Deth2AllButMetal and guardianknight. You were very useful:)

I'll try Liliana of the Veil , Chandra, the Firebrand , Diregraf Ghoul by removing Rakdos Cackler (I consider more useful the rats') and the Blood Crypt (Although I'm thinking on removing Temporal Extortion ).

I know I need the extra Lightning Bolt , Terminate and Shock , but they are hard to find!'

Maybe I will add Knight of Infamy and Festering Goblin but lets go step by step;)

Thanks again!:)

February 2, 2013 6:53 p.m.

xopirikus says... #4

For this deck I'll recomend you use Blightning instead of Rakdos's Return and remove Avatar of Discord for another Blightning

May 18, 2013 12:52 p.m.

jund01 says... #5

I agree with xopirikus about adding a playset of Blighting .

May 22, 2013 5:59 p.m.

xJonahSlayerx says... #6

Lots of Removals are needed to beat That creature, but Have you considered, Goblin Rabblemaster or Blightning. Maybe some Kolaghan's Command? Might suit your needs. Maybe replace Dreadbore with Hero's Downfall at instant speed, that would piss off opponents. What I use is Gods like Mogis, God of Slaughter and Purphoros, God of Forge, which provide Buffing up creatures, direct damage, and creature removal. There indestructible and at 4 mana, but if not like the deck some far.

May 22, 2016 8:47 p.m.

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