

Blade Voltron is an auras deck centered around 3 creatures, Bant Sureblade, Esper Stormblade, and Shorecrasher Mimic. These cards all support each other, along with the host of multicolored auras included in the deck. Cards such as Favor of the Overbeing or Steel of the Godhead pump these creatures giving them endless keywords. Boy, do I love keywords. The goal is to attack almost every turn with massive evasive creatures and finish the opponent off by turn 5. Without sufficient blockers, our attackers can consistently finish off the opponent by turn 4 or 5. This durdly deck is not meant to be super competitive, but you'll be surprised at how well it performs against the top decks out there.

Bant Sureblade - This swordsman is the ultimate Jack-of-all-Trades in this deck. Outfitted with either Steel of the Godhead or Favor of the Overbeing, this guy gets the full benefits of both colors. Initially, Shield of the Oversoul was also included, but I found that the lifelink and versatility of Armadillo Cloak better suited the deck.

Esper Stormblade - The other Swordsman in the deck, Esper Stormblade is most often a 3/2 flier for [[symbol:U][symbol:W]]. But if we manage to land a Steel on him, we have a 5/4 flying unblockable lifelinker. That's pretty good.

Shorecrasher Mimic - This little fishy is pure value in this deck. A good chunk of our spells in this deck are , meaning that Shorecrasher becomes a 5/3 trampler often enough to be taken advantage of. (Try enchanting this guy with Favor of the Overbeing for some extra fun)

Slippery Bogle - a cheap hexproof creature that triggers Shorecrasher Mimic and holds auras very well.

Heliod's Pilgrim - A nice way to fetch out any of our 17 auras. Blocks 1/1s like a champ.

Armadillo Cloak - The ultimate aura in pauper. +2/+2, trample, and lifelink for only is just crazy in this deck.

Favor of the Overbeing - 12 out of our 15 attackers are both blue and green (the Esper Stormblades can already fly). This means that we get +2/+2, flying, and vigilance for only 2 mana. It is also multicolored which benefits our blades and the mimic.

Rancor - A cheap aura that just keeps coming back making for more aggressive attacks.

Shielding Plax - I love this card. It provides protection for our 12 attackers that aren't hexproof, and draws a card while doing it. The Plax is also both green and blue, which benefits all of our blades and Shorecrasher.

Steel of the Godhead - An excellent Aura meant to be attatched to Esper Stormblade and Bant Sureblade. Once you can slap this aura on one of those two dudes, it starts getting out of hand quick.

Snake Umbra - A little extra protection for our creatures that draws us a card almost every turn because of all our evasive keywords.

Crystallization - A multicolored removal spell that is a permanent and can be tutored up with Heliod's Pilgrim. Oh, it's also both green and blue for Shorecrasher Mimic.

Negate is here to defend our threats or screw with the opponent's gameplan.
5 Plains, 5 Forests, and 5 Islands. Bant.

3 Evolving Wilds - can fetch any of the three colors.

1 Tranquil Cove - Because lifegain is cool.

1 Thornwood Falls - " "

Crystallization - extra removal for fatties or troublesome blockers

Celestial Flare - for the mirror matchup and to get rid of big pesky blockers

Dispel - more protection from removal spells or counterspells

Echoing Truth - for token decks

Naturalize - for artifact decks and decks with Journey to Nowhere

Oblivion Ring - a kill-all spell

This deck is surprisingly fun to play, and it uses a lot of seemingly busted cards that do seemingly busted things. Try it out for yourself and let me know how it goes! I'd love to hear your suggestions to improve the competitiveness or flavor of the deck.

2-0 vs. Mono Green Tron (3/10/18) Crystallization took care of their Crushers and Sureblade finished him off in the sky.

2-0 vs. Mono Red Alchemist Burn (3/10/18) Drew Armadillo Cloak both games. Slippery Bogle and Shielding Plax were allstars in this matchup.

1-2 vs. RG Madness (3/10/18) Opponent had endless removal for my creatures in the last two games and I didn't draw into enough protection.

1-2 vs. Kuldotha Boros (3/11/18) Won the first game, and lost both of the second games to a Flagbearer from the sideboard.

2-1 vs. Mono Green Land Destruction (3/11/18) Game one went rather smoothly with Slippery Bogle doing work the entire game. Game two we got overwhelmed by Mwonvuli Acid-Moss and had no castable cards in hand. Game 3 we Negated their land destruction multiple times and repeatedly swung in with Bant Sureblades over their Crusher and Tangle Golems for the ggs.

1-2 vs. Affinity (3/12/18) The first game went perfectly with Shorecrasher single-finnedly dominating the game, but after sideboarding, pyroblast hurt us bad, and Serene Heart killed us. Negate was countered by Pyroblast.

1-2 vs. Mono Black Land Destruction (3/12/18) First game I kept a risky one-lander with two Slippery Bogles and two Favor of the Overbeings. Bad idea against my opponent I soon found out. G2 I was able to remove his threats with Crystallization and smash in with a Bogle for the win. Last game opponent drew all land destruction and beat me down with Chittering Rats. My 3-color manabase couldn't keep up.

2-0 vs. Gruul Aggro (3/13/18) First game opponent was stuck on one land. Second game, my bogle pushed through with Armadillo Cloak, and Crystallization eliminated the opponent's threats.

If you like the deck, give it a try and let me know how it goes! All suggestions are welcome, but remember, only common rarity is allowed in Pauper.

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Exploding Tokens [Tremors]

Pauper Landonius



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Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years
Splash colors B

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.17
Folders fav decks, Pauper, Pauper decks
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