meh, its meant to control le game until sigil or luminarch kills them. its usually enough.
March 29, 2015 12:08 p.m.
ehhhhhh, I have rest in peace which is on color, cheaper and more reliable. Opalescence seems ok, I'll give it a shot.
June 14, 2015 12:19 a.m.
Opalescence is a turn 1 kill with enough leylines and a Serra's sanctum.
June 14, 2015 12:21 a.m.
oh. dats kinda cewl. come to think. honestly, I ain't even worried about it, I'm bout to go back to the original. Thats crazy cool tho, thanks m8
Koalamaster123 says... #1
Maybe it could use more win factors?
March 29, 2015 11:51 a.m.