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Blast from Below

Modern Competitive Dredge



Land (1)

Instant (7)


This deck is about abusing the grave trying to outnumber your opponent in the first turns. The objective is to get as many foes with you can by turn 3 or 4 and then hit.

  1. If you get the Blasting Station, you're surely going to blast their face

  2. Get the Amalgams, the bloodghast and rally the peasants them. If you can get tokens better.

  3. Agro style, hardcast every shit you have in hand and win like a Sir.


4x Bloodghast - The buddy that makes the deck. Not less than four, and I would play 6 if I could (Edit: Found Prized Amalgam). It's just awesome: Free 2/1 (almost always), perfect sacrificial because it comes back free (Didn't I just said that?..) and it can be a finisher when he gets haste.Best Synergies: Fetchs, Bridge from Below, Blasting Station , Greater Gargadon, Beck / Call, the rest of the deck.

4x Bridge from Below - Another core card of the deck. It's simple and concrete. Get free buddies. They punch, they defend, they can sacrifice themselves.Best Synergies: Bloodghast, Narcomoeba, Blasting Station , Greater Gargadon

4x Narcomoeba - Since dredge exists, this may have been it's most low-profile, shy core card. It's like the base of the trophic chain of the deck. Besides, it's a Flyer 1/1, week enough to die blocking, strong enough to swing to win in an emergency. _Best Synergies: Dredgers, Golgari Thug, Sacrificial Engines...

3x Prized Amalgam - As soon I heard of this card I ran to make room for it in the deck. This is Amazing. Is a free recursive 3/3. What else could you ask? Hit a narcomoeba- get amalgam, Hit a Bloodghast- Get amalgam. Get amalgam -Get amalgam.

2x Blasting Station - It's a core card in the original deck, It makes wonders when it's in play, but you're often forced to keep bad hands for it._Best Synergies: Bloodghast, Bridge from Below , Narcomoeba, Golgari Thug.

4x Greater Gargadon - Originally this slot corresponds to Drowned Rusalka , but playing and playing, besides Rusalka is a great card because makes the three things this deck has to do: Sacrifice, Draw & Discard, Always ended in the yard before doing her job. Initially for that reason I turned to the Gargadon. Then, by playing, the no-cost sacrifice, the protection to the bridges, and the unstoppable ability make it a better choice against most of the White, Black, or Red decks but worse to U control decks. Besides, it's 9/7, don't forget it._Best Synergies: Bloodghast, Bridge from Below , Narcomoeba, Extractor Demon , Golgari Thug.

4x Hedron Crab - I tagged this buddy as a Field Dredger because its what he does, it starts to dredge on T2 with no cards in the yard, with can get you lot of interesting things at no mana cost. If you play a fetch with this guy, is like dredge 6 for no mana. I really think this stabilizes the deck. Survives the Gutshot.

4x Stinkweed Imp - We all know this guy, he dredges 5, thats the most common use of him. But sometimes we forget is a 1/2 flyer with combat damage=kill.Best Synergies: Draw Cards, your first draw, etc

1x Golgari Grave-Troll- The biggest dredger that exists. It puts a ton of cards in the Yard, and it can be a great fellow if you cast it, not only because his power and toughness, but also for his regenerate ability. Best Synergies: Draw Cards, your first draw, and the face of your enemy.

2x Golgari Thug - The small dredger, but always useful. It can be a 2T creature, it can dredge, and when it dies, it can put a narcomoeba in play. Very useful in many game situationsBest Synergies:Narcomoeba, Sacrificial-engines, Draw Cards, your first draw, etc

3x Life from the Loam - Good dredger, not the best, but very very useful to bring your lands back in the late game. Adds some stability to the deck and allows you to keep your mana base strong while bringing the bloodghasts all over again.

Best Synergies:Bloodghast, Sacrificial-engines, Draw Cards, your first draw, etc

3x Goblin Lore - This is the modern Breakthrough. There are plenty options for this spot, but this seems to be the most massive draw spell out there with a nice discard.

4x Faithless Looting - Excellent card. It just do what a draw card should do. Draw two, discard two at ONE mana. Also, is great because the flashback ability, playing four you will certainly get quick access to it. Great and solid card for this deck_Best Synergies: Everything you want to discard or dredge, almost all the deck.

1x Phantasmagorian - Its an excellent card in Legacy dredge. Uncountable 3 cards discard at no cost. Seems pretty nice against control, Not tested yet.

Everything can become a finisher here. Let's just point what cards are finishers naturally.

1x Rally the Peasants - This cards makes the difference when you don't have the four bridges in the yard, or you don't have that much creatures. Allows an early game win.

Best Synergies: Sacrificial engine + Bloodghast

1x Gnaw to the Bone - If you want speed, youre gonna have to lose a good quantity of life. What makes you very vulnerable to burn, izzet, and some straightforward damage you can take. This card usually saves your life, putting you out of the reach of those decks.Best synergies: Your entire graveyard

6x Shock - To be searched with the fetchlands and mana fix

8x Fetch - What makes the deck work, without the fetches it's impossible. You have to abuse of the Landfall ability of both Bloodghast and Hedron Crab.

2x Basic - If you encounter some land hate or PtE. If you don't wanna lose much more life, this is your option.

Graveyard Hate & Sideboard

If you're playing a grave-based deck, you've got to prepare to tons of graveyard-hate cards, I'll get the most common together via some criteria defined below:


Yixlid Jailer,Grafdigger's CageThese don't represent the biggest problem, this just delays the tempo of the deck, but nothing more, the cards that are in the grave still in the grave.


Faerie Macabre,Cremate - Not very harmful, they can create some problems but the possibility for you to get more copies of the cards in the grave faster than they can get more punctual removers grants you a great advantage.Scavenging Ooze - Well, this is a punctual remover with the possibility to repeat it. It's a little bit more worrying than the above mentioned, but you can outrunit if you play fast.


Tormod's Crypt, Relic of Progenitus - People is very afraid of this Mass grave removals, but they're not that dangerous. The key here is to know how to push against them. Get tokens, attack, and force the crack when you can. A little bit harder with relics because of their punctual removal ability, but it's still to slow.


Extirpate,Surgical Extraction - These can do a lot of damage in the right hands, they can literally shut down the deck if they've got 2 instances of one. Try to get the Seal ASAP before doing anything that shows your core cards, or anything important. Keep playing on the board.


Wheel of Sun and Moon, Leyline of the Void- These are some of the worse things you can find. They absolutely shut down the game for you, until you get an answer. If you can't, you're screwed.

Rest in Peace - These is the worse that can happen to you. It acts both as a Mass removal and a No-acces card for the grave, and guess what? 2 CMC only! This is bad, really bad. Even if you get rid of it, if they cast another copy you start over. Destroy it and try to play like boros.

3x Conflagrate - This card is just awesome for this deck. You can discard your entire hand AS THE COST -Goodbye remand- then you can hit a ton of damage in the face or just burn some foes that are bothering you in the battlefield. You can use it to blast your own creatures if you lack a sacrificial engine. Pretty pretty sweet card.Best Synergies: Almost everything. Find how to use it.


This deck is tweeked to be more versatile than the original, my guess is that youve got to lose speed if you want versatility or stability. But there were some matches that are very very hard for you to win if you dont stabilize the deck.


Still left to try

Explore - Experiment, could be very interesting to play another land, not tried it yet, but it could be really sweet. x4 blodghast uses in one turn, accelerates, draws.

Gitaxian Probe - Experiment, could be good, free draw. You play 16 lands, anything that draws free is good. Also you can check whats comining into you.

Viscera Seer - Ive got some hope left for this card. Not tested, but its a great sacrifice engine, and it can give you the peek option before dredge or the +1 card advantage in dredging lot of cards on combo. I just dont like the fact that dies to the gutshot and the black mana dependency.

Ground Seal - Just might be great, since you dont have to make objectives in your graveyard and it draws you a card. Good against Surgical Extraction & Extirpate. Not that good against the other Graveyard hate cards. Wispmare - Its a fine enchantment removal, against Leyline of the Void or Rest in Peace. Enchantments are far far far more worse than the artifact graveyard hate for you. The drawback is the white mana that requieres

Taken out

Buried Ruin - Tried to run it. Just didnt work that well. You requiere colored mana, and its just to slow to bring back the blasting stations. Preferred to use that slots on another fast sacrificial engine.

Darkblast - Good card, not discarded yet. Works like a dredger, works like kind of a sacrifice engine, and at last can take out other creatures. Just not more room.

Drowned Rusalka - Great card, it does what we want, all in one. Dredge, discard and sacrifice. The thing is that is mana consuming and very weak to removal. I think is better than gargadon with . Dies to gutshot :true story: Ideas Unbound - Good good card, for 2 you can dredge a ton of cards (like 16 at max) and throw them away again. Is even good at the first turns because of its discard three AT THE END of turn. Not more room fellows

Manamorphose - It really played good, its a nice card because fix your mana, and you draw. Can give you that conflagrate that you want in the Beck combo route.

Recollect - Not really tested, but it seems slow, better than Eternal Witness because of the less green mana dependency. Not closed to it because its surely powerful to bring any card from the yard, when you have all your deck in it. Shattered Perception - Tried it and it just didnt work. You imagine that is great and youre gonna draw ton of cards, but the reality is that you play it on T3 with 4 cards in hand (including that one). Uncasteable from the yard.

Simian Spirit Guide - Can't find room for this guy. It's an impressive acceleration, surely will be tried in a near future

Extractor Demon - Ok, imagine that you could dredge just by sacrificing your buddies. Great. Now put wings on that thing, and make it a 5/5 haster. Just awesome. You pay three, and you can combo, hit five in the face, establish game position and much more fun. Ive got the right board, but I guess that in some special circumstances you can get to mill your opponent.

Tectonic Edge /Ghost Quarter - Can be a pain in the ass, because of Life from the Loam . You can lock them on turn four with tectonic edge, or you can break all their non-basic with GhostQ

Its still a prototype, and I would happily accept any kind of suggestions, testing, and everything.

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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 1 Mythic Rares

19 - 7 Rares

16 - 3 Uncommons

10 - 4 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.04
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
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