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Bleeding Devotion

Modern Mono-Black



Mono-Black Devotion

Not really a whole lot to explain about the cards, Evasion, Creature control, and Devotion auto win. But just in case you're scratching your head as i was:



Desecration Demon - Obviously.

Lifebane Zombie - Adds a handful to devotion but also gives a peek at your opponents hand regardless of the color but tears apart G/W aggro. ALSO! An answer to Blood Baron of Vizkopa

Nightveil Specter - Huge amount to your devotion, also gives you the ability to use your opponents cards against them. Can cause Land to be Exiled. You can PLAY THEIR DECK.

Erebos, God of the Dead - Awesome card to play. Helps with Draw, and gives you a powerful and Difficult to remove card that locks the opponent's life total.

Gray Merchant of Asphodel - a Game SWINGING card. Devotion adds up very quickly, and just with a few cards on the board, can swing the life total difference TEN in a few turns. average is 7 Life per play. If brought back with Whip of Erebos effect triggers.


Hero's Downfall - This card quickly went from $3 to $15, because Planeswalkers are seeing an extreme amount of play. INSTANT.

Doom Blade - (yeaaaahh)

Devour Flesh - Answer to Protection and Hexproof. Additionally, may be able to keep yourself Alive another turn by Sacrificing Gray Merchant of Asphodel and then Whipping him back.


Thoughtseize - I'll say it again: This WAS an $80 Card.

Corrupt - ME: "Thanks Corrupt!" Corrupt:"Everybody gets ONE." (This is the 61st card of the deck. I've ended TWO(five now, mostly as a taunt.) games with this.)

Liliana of the Dark Realms - She thins AND allows for a game ending swing. Not to mention that she's also NON-creature devotion. AND as i so recently have been discovering, giving -X/-X to pesky things.

Whip of Erebos - This card makes this deck EXTREMELY resilient. Any Damage you put out gives you life. ALSO gives the ability to Whip back Gray Merchant of Asphodel for game crushing blows. Should be considered a staple of this deck.

Underworld Connections - Adds NON-creature devotion AND allows you to dig for an answer.


Lifebane Zombie - Although not the best card in the world, it is good. Hearty answer to some of the better Midrange decks such as B/W/R, G/W. Takes out end game critters like Archangel of Thune.

Duress - Fun to crush Esper Control with.

Pithing Needle - Dear God, do you think people could play ANY MORE annoying planeswalkers? AND. Played against a Maze's End deck and these came in handy.

Ratchet Bomb - Useful in MANY scenarios especially ones with little butt-heads that have no casting cost. Like say Elspeth's three at a time buttheads.

Dark Betrayal - Mirror Matches are tricky without these.

Erebos, God of the Dead - Mmm love watching a Sphinx's Revelation go off and the stunned face that gained no life.

Pharika's Cure - BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!!!! "Red Deck Wins!" has again reared it's ugly low casting cost head in the current Meta. For two reasons: It's CHEAP... AND it's effective. really effective. So to counter those pesky newbies and their inexpensive cards, (NOT BITTER AT ALL), I've decided to BLAST their hasty 2/2 creatures and instead of TAKING two, i GAIN two.TAKE THAT... ::panting::

The Deck Works AMAZING. Haven't found a deck it couldn't overpower. (Maybe the awful "Red Deck Wins.") I've only seen a few close calls. The deck will stabilize and then explode leaving little hope for a comeback.

Hope you like it! Comment, Suggest and +1!!!!!


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So. Found a Weakness to this deck. Believe it or not, i had previously used Pharika's Cure on my Sideboard for "White weenie" and "Rakdos aggro" decks in the past. I hadn't seen any of those decks in play and i figured I could out-last their onslaught. Turns out you NEED Pharika's Cure in order that you CAN survive the onslaught. Also going to try to tweak the deck a little in order to get that devotion ramp sooner.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 2 Mythic Rares

29 - 3 Rares

12 - 2 Uncommons

3 - 8 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.81
Tokens Copy Clone
Folders Black Decks, Old Decks
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