Blightcaster Control 2.0!

Standard Araganor


GeoKinetic says... #1

Thought i should let you know that the Whip of Erebos ability is sorcery speed, so flashing in the eidolon wont work.

I do recommend running a couple of Orzhov Guildgate . The deck is slow enough that they wont impede your game too much.

November 1, 2013 12:35 a.m.

Araganor says... #2

Oops, little bit of a mistake there. Thanks for letting me know, I'll edit that. I will try this out with guild gates and see how that goes. Thanks for the feedback!

November 1, 2013 12:40 a.m.

Khansolo says... #3

I wanted to run Blightcaster prior to Theros and just never could get it to work. I really like how this works and will probably try something very similar in the near future against my buddy's boros deck. +1 from me

November 2, 2013 11:42 a.m.

Araganor says... #4

Thanks man! Let me know how it works out!

November 2, 2013 2:50 p.m.

Araganor says... #5

@ GeoKinetic I ran some guild gates for a little while, but I feel like I don't really need them. My max cmc cards are only four, and the hardest to cast spell is Ajani's Chosen which I don't see too often anyway.

November 2, 2013 2:57 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #6

Hey so as far as a 26 dollar deck goes, this is pretty cool. If you don't mind I'm gonna make some suggestions. The first being, as long as you are running black/white, lets get some extort triggers in here :)

So, I'm gonna list some cool cards that you can consider, as well as their pricing on

Alms Beast This guy's pretty cool. Yea, he gives your opponents creatures lifelink, but as long as he's actually killing them and allowing your other creatures to go through, he's freaking awesome. He's like 25 cents a copy.

Thrull Parasite This guy's a fantastic one drop. He can chump block if he has to, but having him sit back and drain every turn is fantastic. Also, his tap ability can nail planeswalkres. He runs 25-50 cents a copy.

Blind Obedience I see you are somewhat focusing on enchantments, and this one is pretty awesome. Tossing in two, and I would replace Quag Sickness with this, for roughly two dollars a copy might be a huge upgrade, since they will stick around.

Cartel Aristocrat would be a fantastic replacement for Hopeful Eidolon in my opinion. Yes, you are going to lose the trigger on Blightcaster, and a possible pump to Ethereal Armor , but since she should come down before Blightcaster anyway, she's pretty awesome. She runs at like 40 cents a copy.

High Priest of Penance is another really cool two drop, especially since it isn't just combat damage. He is a huge upgrade over Baleful Eidolon , as instead of killing the creature who he blocked, he can kill the strongest creature, enchantment, artifact, etc. that's on the board. He runs at like 60 cents a copy.

One Thousand Lashes is a 100 percent upgrade over Stab Wound . Why? If you put stab wound on a creature, your opponent is just going to block with it the first chance he gets to kill it and stop draining himself. With OneThousandLashes, he cannot block, attack, or activate abilities. It will last longer than Stab Wound, buffing your Ethereal Armor longer. This runs at like 13 cents a card.

Orzhov Charm you might wish to consider removing Doom Blade for this. Yes, you will take damage from the second ability, but that's why you have the extort triggers. Also, the ability to bounce one of your creatures WITH the enchantments he is wearing back to your hand after combat where he died, or after a kill spell is kind of awesome. This runs at 30-40 cents a card.

Gift of Orzhova This is a freaking fantastic enchantment, and runs for only 45-50 cents a card.

Sin Collector is another absolutely fantastic card. He not only let's you get a look at your opponent's hand, but you get to remove their biggest threat. He runs at 50 cents a card.

Lastly, I think you need a bomb, some creature with which to end the game. The expensive solution would be a couple of Obzedat, but they run at over 10 dollars each. The more expensive solution is the Blood Baron of Vizkopa, at 17 dollars a card.However, I think you might find either Deathpact Angel at 90 cents a card, or Pontiff of Blight at 25 cents a card to be a lot of fun. Just a heads up, if you have something with Extort on the field when Pontiff hits, he gives them two extorts. So you can activate it twice. It's really quite powerful.

Hope this gives you some awesome idea's to modify your deck with. I personally would get rid of the Baleful Eidolon, the Ajani's Chosen, the Stab Wound, and the Quag Sickness. None of them are particularly good cards, even on a budget. And honestly, get rid of Duress for Sin Collector . Other than that, it's up to you, and I hope you have with it.

November 2, 2013 11:34 p.m.

SupremeLoach says... #7

I'm thinking Pacifism could be really filthy here. Also, Whip of Erebos won't help trigger Blightcaster because he only works when you CAST an enchantment, not whenever an enchantment enters the battlefield. Ooo! And while we're talking enchantments, how about Sphere of Safety ?

November 2, 2013 11:39 p.m.

Araganor says... #8

@kyuuri117 Thanks for the feedback! I had a long response almost finished, but then I went and lost the window, curses! Oh well, I'll do the short version for now! Basically, it's a question of does the creature/spell contribute enough to make it worth getting rid of an enchantment? I know that some of the creatures/enchantments are sub-par on their own, but when you see them all together in action, it's totally worth it!

Suggestions I liked/am strongly considering for the deck:

Blind Obedience : Extort AND an enchantment. Awesome! I will have my cake and eat it too! I know I've got a copy lying around here somewhere.

One Thousand Lashes : Awesome idea, main reason I am running Stab Wound is because it's cheaper and bleeds a bit faster. However, I am definitely going to do some testing when I get ahold of some!

Orzhov Charm : An amazing card, of which I have none right now. That will soon be remedied. I will probably end up testing a 3-2 split in favor of Doom Blade because its the only other instant speed removal the deck has.

Sin Collector : Duress on a stick, not too shabby! I am wondering if the extra mana cost is worth the 2/1 body. It misses planeswalkers, however, so that might be an issue. At the very least, if it doesn't hit anything, I still get a body unlike Duress .

Deathpact Angel : First off, you're right that this deck could probably use a bomb. I was thinking that maybe Necropolis Regent might be better though. Thoughts?

Things I'm not completely sold on:

Alms Beast : It's not because of the "downside" of the card, life is almost meaningless if you control the board. It's mainly because I really don't know where I would be able to fit him. I will test him in place of Ajani's Chosen , and see how that works.

Pontiff of Blight : He's too slow, and I'm not running enough creatures for him to be worth it.

Gift of Orzhova : You are right, this is an amazing enchantment! However, I am totally at a loss for what to replace for it. In addition, it feels like I already have plenty of lifelink between the Eidolons and the Whips.

Cartel Aristocrat : I personally feel like this guy is amazing when you build around him (like Blightcaster !), but just doesn't fit here. I'm not running nearly enough sac fodder, and I would probably just be better off killing my opponent's threats with spells rather than saccing to sneak damage through or prevent a hit to me. It's more of an aggro creature, and this is more of a control deck.

I agree that Ajani's Chosen is probably the least powerful creature, and if I need to move things around, he'll more than likely be the first to go. I will replace Stab Wound for One Thousand Lashes once I track some down, and I will try out Sin Collector as well. Thank you so much for taking the time to critique my deck! I will go check out your decks tomorrow!

November 3, 2013 1:02 a.m.

Araganor says... #9

@SupremeLoach I sideboarded two in in place of Quag Sickness at FNM, and they are sooooooo cruel! Sign me up! I reread my description, and you are right, I did in fact say that I could abuse Blightcaster with the Whip. I have edited that now, hopefully I have finally stopped screwing up the Whip's ability....JUDGE!

About Sphere of Safety , that is an interesting proposal. It is a bit on the expensive side manawise, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue. I could definitely see the benefits. What would I pull out for it, though?

Thanks for the feedback!

November 3, 2013 1:09 a.m.

kyuuri117 says... #10

Alright, let's narrow this down a bit then.

You are removing Quag Sickness for Pacifism? I think that's a good idea. Honestly, I really don't like Quag Sickness, in this deck or out of it. I just think it's taking spots from better cards. The flavor text is amazing, but filling your deck with enchantments that are built to remove themselves from the board and make Ethereal Armor weaker seems like a bad idea.

Again, One Thousand Lashes instead of stab wound, if you can.

I think you could honestly remove Whip of Erebos from the deck. The whole point of an enchantment deck is to keep your creatures from dying so you don't end up 2, 3 or 4 for one-ing yourself. Having your creature's in the graveyard is the last thing you want, and having a card that brings them back for a turn instead of protects them or helps you win faster seems a bit counter intuitive. Also, I think it was pointed out before, but bringing back your enchantment creatures won't proc Blightcaster's effect since they weren't cast. I would definitely toss in the two Blind Obedience for these.

As far as Duress vs. Sin Collector , the reason i'm pushing Sin Collector here is because, as you've pointed out, he's a body. When you are running a control deck, any amount of stall tactics you can add to the board state is important. As for the fact that he doesn't hit Planeswalkers, well, i'm afraid you might just want to splurge on Hero's Downfall . But even if you don't, pick up some Pithing Needle for your sideboard, as well as some enchantment destruction for the stuff like Detention Sphere that is going to try and nail your needles.

I'd toss in four Orzhov Charm for the four Baleful Eidolon . I know he works well with Blightcaster and Ethereal Armor, but I think you can do better. What about Vizkopa Guildmage ? Her second ability would be absolutely amazing with a Hopeful Eidolon that has been hit with Ethereal Armor. Your third option would be the Tithe Drinker , another personal favorite of mine.

As for Necropolis Regent , I think she would work just as well as Deathpact Angel . Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts is a bit expensive, but in retrospect she only costs one more. And she is very very nice. Since you are going control, your games are gonna go long enough to cast her anyway, and if you get her out, your team is just gonna get bigger and bigger until you win.


For the cards you don't like

I honestly think that Alms Beast would be a bit stronger than Ajani's chosen, but that's up to you.

Pontiff of Blight is a bit slow, yea. If he comes out, awesome, but he'd probably be hit with removal as soon as possible.

Gift of Orzhova This won't make or break your deck, so it's again up to you, but think of this. T1 land, Hopeful Eidolon. T2, two Ethereal Amor, attack for 7, and since they won't have removal up then if you went first, we'll say your creature lived. T3 you drop Gift of Orzhova, bringing your Hopeful Eidolon up to a 10/10 flying Life Link. That sounds pretty freaking scary, even if it is a perfect scenario.

Cartel Aristocrat I'll agree with you on this, doesn't really fit well but it's what came to mind. I'd suggest putting in the Tithe Drinker or Vizkopa Guildmage though.

Anyway, looking forward to how this deck turns out when you next update it. Gonna see if I can't piece together my own B/W Extort deck now.

November 3, 2013 1:12 a.m.

Wow nice idea but i have my suggestions here. First of all with the low white mana you use i whould consider it mono black with -2 Ajani's Chosen and + 2 Agent of the Fates , -4 Hopeful Eidolon +2 Cavern Lampad and +2 Nighthowler ,- 3 Ethereal Armor for +2 Cutthroat Maneuver (imagine it with 2 Agent of the Fates ) , sideboard all Duress and + 4 Ultimate Price to feed your Nighthowler It will make your dek a bit slower but with more control i believe . so tell me what you think and if you can please coment on my Monocoloured decks are not good? Big mistake although it is not budget

November 3, 2013 5:54 a.m.

Araganor says... #12


OK, I thought about this some more, and I think I will make a few changes. I want to try to keep this fairly budget, so new players have a way to get in on standard without feeling like they themselves are suffering from a Stab Wound !

-2 Ajani's Chosen : not doing enough to make him worth it, and could be something better.

-2 Read the Bones : handy, but Underworld Connections is working pretty well for me. I will add them back in if it becomes an issue.

-2 Whip of Erebos : the main reason I was running it was for the global lifelink, but to be honest it sounds like Gift of Orzhova might end up doing that better considering how few creatures I am running, and for less.

-2 Stab Wound : One Thousand Lashes seems better, like Arrest and Stab Wound had a baby!

-4 Duress : I have GOT to try out Sin Collector .

-4 Baleful Eidolon : I will give Vizkopa Guildmage a chance to prove herself

-1 Doom Blade : Making some room for Orzhov Charm , scoot over!

Moving Quag Sickness to sideboard: I agree that having an enchantment that goes away can be counterproductive, but it's pretty much one of my only ways to take out Erebos, God of the Dead , which as you know can be a major hoser to any lifelink deck. I am moving Pacifism to the mainboard, because it sticks and is one cheaper.

+2 Blind Obedience : This is going to be handy to have indeed!

+2 Alms Beast : A 6/6 for 4 mana? YES PLEASE. Hell, that can keep up with Desecration Demon in a race, especially if I give him a Gift of Orzhova !

+3 Gift of Orzhova : These should replace Whip of Erebos quite nicely!

+2 One Thousand Lashes : Although it runs a bit slower than Stab Wound , it will stick around, and it will give them one more enchantment to aim there Naturalize at. Sounds good to me!

+3 Vizkopa Guildmage : This will add a lot of utility lategame, and that 2nd ability may be just the finisher I am looking for.

+2 Sin Collector : Duress on a stick seems like a good idea, and even it hits a blank I still get an enchantable body, so why not?

+2 Orzhov Charm : Let me just recast all of those enchantments, you didn't need that Hero's Downfall anyway.

+1 Necropolis Regent : I chose this finisher instead of Deathpact Angel mainly because it does something on the first turn I play it, however it is a bit more vulnerable to removal, so I'm going to have to be careful. Running only one should give me a chance to try it out first.

Looks like I'm going to need to tweak the manabase a bit with all the white mana symbols I'm adding in. I'll mess around with it.

Thanks for your feedback! You've been a big help!

November 3, 2013 11:39 a.m.

Araganor says... #13

@AxelTerraLaingod The deck actually did start out as a monoblack control deck, but Ethereal Armor is SOOOO worth the splash, believe me. The splash also gives me access to Hopeful Eidolon , which is pretty essential to staying alive early on, and isn't useless late game either. I started out on the path you are suggesting, but I just wasn't quite strong enough in the late game.

Thanks for the feedback!

November 3, 2013 11:44 a.m.

Araganor says... #14

EDIT: I am one card over, looks like I'm taking out 1 Hopeful Eidolon .

November 3, 2013 11:54 a.m.

Araganor says... #15

I'm currently playtesting this new build, so far so good. I don't have the cards yet, but putting it up against other Tappedout decks should suffice. If anyone out there wants to help, try playtesting your deck against mine, and share the results. Thanks a bunch!

November 3, 2013 12:36 p.m.

Ti22_HipHero says... #16

Check out a few cards [Dying Wish] [Tormented Hero] and [Deviant Glee]

November 3, 2013 1:05 p.m.

Araganor says... #17

@Ti22_HipHero Thanks for the suggestions! I have considered all of these cards, and here is what I think. (feel free to correct me/support your suggestions)

Dying Wish : This seems like it would be great for discouraging them from removing our creature, because if they do they get a nice blast to the face and we get a belly full of life! However, I think that Vizkopa Guildmage has an effect that is similar and has more utility overall. Orzhov Charm should provide decent protection in its absence.

Tormented Hero : I'm not really a fan. He could be decent in multiplayer, or in a heroic deck, but as the deck currently stands I don't think he's going to fit in over Hopeful Eidolon or Agent of the Fates .

Deviant Glee : If I was running monoblack, I would run this without hesitation. However, in W/B Ethereal Armor is simply too good to pass up.

Thanks for your feedback, and I will look into how these cards interact in the future!

November 3, 2013 1:26 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #18

AxelTerraLaingod Hey, I've got a Golgari deck that was using the Nighthowler card, and while it's definitely the second best bestow after the Boon Satyr's flash bestow, it's really bad early game against aggro and midrange decks, and absolutely horrible against heavy control decks. Trust me. I love the card, but having it your deck is just going to slow it down. You could just add one of it and purely consider it an enchantment, but there are probably better options.

Cavern Lampad and Cutthroat Maneuver are both really, really bad. People don't even run them in limited unless they have no choice for a reason. If you want something that targets two people in these colors, Dauntless Onslaught is so much better. And really, the odds of having two agents on the board at once are pretty low with all the removal everyone is using.

Lastly, running pacifism over ultimate price is the better idea because it will buff ethereal armor, which is cheaper than Nighthowler on all accounts. Plus, it's more frustrating for your opponent, which is nice.

November 3, 2013 1:58 p.m.

Araganor says... #19

Added 4x Orzhov Guildgate to help with mana, since the W/B split is pretty even now.

November 3, 2013 2:21 p.m.

Araganor says... #20

I gotta say, from the playtesting I have done so far, Vizkopa Guildmage is absolutely insane! When you have a 7/7 Hopeful Eidolon swinging at an opponent on an open board, he might as well have double strike. Except it's even better than that, I'm still going to do 7 damage, even if my opponent blocks.

Alms Beast is a beast indeed! If I need him on defense, this guy can block for days, and when I'm attacking he can compete with green's beasts. He can easily become a 10/10 with the enchantments I'm running, and thanks to Blightcaster I can kill blockers at the same time I'm buffing my own guys!

Orzhov Charm is perfect as well. Not only do you not lose your enchantments, but you get to recast them all while Blightcaster smashes face! Yes please.

November 3, 2013 10:10 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #21

Glad the changes helped. At this point you might even want to consider dropping necropolis regent and adding in a third alms beast. Above all a deck needs to be reliable, and adding in a third will increase the amount you see him in games by a good amount.

November 3, 2013 10:27 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #22

Honestly I feel like you should up your Agent of the Fates count to 4x. As nice as your Blightcaster is Agent of the Fates will usually get you there just as well. Necropolis Regent seems out of place. Your Alms Beast should be enough of a bomb for you that you shouldn't need her.

As nice as One Thousand Lashes is the 1 life tax per turn is really not that much when you are considering Ethereal Armor wins. I thnk Arrest would fit you better in most cases if you are worried about activated abilities. If you AREN'T then just get your Pacifism count. THIS BEING SAID, Pacifism effects and Agent of the Fates don't gel well because they will simply sac the enchanted creature and get value out of it.

I really suggest you pick a direction. Either cut the agents for more controlling enchantments or the Pacifism effects for more buffing auras. TBH the agent of fates route seems stronger because you give him Ethereal Armor and you now have a 1st strike + deathtouch dude that can put out a hurting.

November 3, 2013 10:39 p.m.

Araganor says... #23

Yeah, I mainly wanted to show people that not all mythic rares cost $20 each. That being said, I'll go ahead and take your advice on that one.

November 3, 2013 10:39 p.m.

Araganor says... #24

@Ohthenoises Thanks for taking the time to check out my deck! You have a very good point on the Agent of the Fates . I know how strong a firststrike deathtouch creature can be, so I am really going to have to think about it. I'm more inclined to go the control direction, however, as there are already a ton of Agent decks that are far better than mine. I want this deck to be sort of my own unique creation, so I will probably end up ditching the Agent for more control. Thanks for your feedback! If you have any other thoughts, please do share them.

November 3, 2013 10:49 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #25

So it's not budget, but you have inspired me to make an Orzhov aggro deck. Yes, you did read that correctly. I feel it is quite hillarious, even if it's probably going to sink versus any sort of control. Here's the link Tax Bear Aggro.

November 4, 2013 12:56 a.m.

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