Blightning Speed 8rack

Modern* ShermanTank87


APPLE01DOJ says... #1

Crucible of Worlds

Maybe 2x Ghost Quarter (they may never hit 4 lands if your deck is working) in place of 2 Tectonic Edge or on the SB. Ghost Quarter works better with Crucible of Worlds too.

I really don't think u need Cavern of Souls in this deck.

I think 4x Bitterblossom would do you good. I don't think u really need Wrench Mind

September 10, 2014 1:11 a.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #2

Yeah Ill see what I can do, but for now I'm working with what I currently own or what is relatively cheap. Been working to get my Jund deck perfected and dropped a pretty penny into 4 Wasteland . Tossed Wrench Mind in to try to hit lands in their hand early on too. Dropped the 2 Cavern of Souls for 2 Ghost Quarter . I don't know how competitive it will be but least it will be pretty annoying and unexpected.

September 10, 2014 10:21 a.m.

Tingettley says... #3

First off, Love the concept. Second. I would not run Rain of Tears. Run some form of targeted removal like Victim of Night . Next, you seem to hurt yourself alot from your draw engine. Like you said, you have a good amount of discard, why not try a Waste Not ? It will do alot of damage to them, even if all that seems to happen is you get your mana back for making them discard, allowing you to play more spells. Or you could try Phyrexian Arena . 1 life per turn for a card is great, specially when all you have to do is cast the spell once, vs hoping to draw into multiple spells. I would also swap your amounts for your lands to blow up lands. Running 3 of each should suffice, that way you shouldnt draw a GQ when you were really hoping for a Tech Edge. I would also drop 1 swamp for a second Urborg. Something to consider to replace RoT is Leyline of the Void . Goes great with your theme, and they never get their cards back. Other than that, I love the deck. Its 8 rack/pox! +1 on awesome concept!

September 17, 2014 2:28 a.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #4

Thanks, those were some great ideas. I had already taken out the RoT for The Rack and I will get my hands on some Waste Not and replace Shrieking Affliction with them. I already have a sort of a draw mechanic in place with Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper . I only have 1Phyrexian Arena and don't think Ill be acquiring anymore of them soon, I could possibly test the waters with Dark Confidant though. I added a Leyline of the Void to my SB because that is a great card for this deck.

September 17, 2014 3:08 a.m.

Sai says... #5

Hi. How about Bloodghast . You could discard him to your graveyard with Smallpox or sacrifice it from the battlefield, either way it wouldn't matter, because he comes back. Plus with the Crucible of Worlds you can activate landfall easier.

And then there's Mutavault . He can evade the Smallpox effect, and if he would die, there's Crucible of Worlds to save the day.

Also with Raven's Crime you could do major discard it fits in here very well with the Waste Not and The Crucible of Worlds.

September 24, 2014 2:29 p.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #6

I had thought about Mutavault , but I really must maintain a strong mana base with swamps because of Small Pox and I already have six colorless mana from Tectonic Edge and Ghost Quarter . As for Raven's Crime , it does feel like it could fit here and I will get a play set and see how it works. Bloodghast is a interesting proposal that I will consider. Thanks for the suggestions :)

September 24, 2014 8:57 p.m.

addaff says... #7

September 26, 2014 2:32 a.m.

Tingettley says... #8

Lol. At that point may as well go all out on green and run Abrupt Decay , Maelstrom Pulse , and Azusa, Lost but Seeking .

However I would go down 1 Waste Not and go up one Phyrexian Arena . It is more stable draw than Waste Not. I also think that they are better than Bob as well, as you are going to hurt yourself a lot with no real form of lifegain.

Last note, I'm really sad that Toshiro Umezawa 's ability does not hit sorceries. Makes me really sad :((( Because if it did, I'd tell ya to run 2-3 of him :P

September 26, 2014 2:41 a.m.

addaff says... #9

green gives you access to Scavenging Ooze as well.

September 26, 2014 3:42 a.m.

addaff says... #10

just because

Friends? Not anymore Playtest

Modern addaff


September 26, 2014 4:22 a.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #11

Well I'm trying to keep this deck Mono-black and currently don't own a few of the green cards suggested. If I go with green I will just make a different deck list to make it B/G.

September 26, 2014 10:01 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #12

I like Raven's Crime and Shrieking Affliction in this deck... ...If you're running 4x Waste Not u could mix it up a little with Liliana's Caress

Mortivore could be good.

September 26, 2014 11:51 a.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #13

Going to a Modern event tomorrow and would like a bit of feed back on some changes I made and am considering. I added Relic of Progenitus to my SB and a Murderous Cut . They are both solid SB cards but I took out 3 targeted creature removal spells and only replaced them with the 1 Murderous Cut . I am unsure how that will affect the deck over all. I am also considering adding a Bojuka Bog or two but am on edge about that because I dislike playing tapped lands. Are there any other suggestions for exiling my opponents graveyard cheaply?

October 4, 2014 5:57 p.m.

Tingettley says... #14

Nihil Spellbomb , Tormod's Crypt are the best two I can think of. Tapped lands for your deck though are not bad if you only run 2 of on them. Either that or Leyline of the Void . Its cheap, and it can come down as early as, "I start the game with LlotV in play".

October 5, 2014 1:33 a.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #15

Yeah I was going to toss in 2 Bojuka Bog . Thanks for the other suggestions, I think Relic of Progenitus is pretty much a Nihil Spellbomb . Not sure how much graveyard removal I should be playing, but I expect to see a considerable amount of delving going on with the new Khans cards so I want to be ready.

October 5, 2014 1:49 a.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #16

Well the deck worked fairly well, but there was some obvious losers and winners in the deck. I was unable to get a complete set of Shrieking Affliction prior to the modern event so wasn't happy about that either, nor was I able to get as many Bojuka Bog as I would have liked. I played a Cruel Ultimatum deck which I went 1-2, but it was fairly close. I made a poor move which really cost me the round. I sacked a Tectonic Edge that I should not have resulting me being unable to play anything from that point on. I drew into exactly what I needed to in order to win but unfortunately was unable to cast them, 3 Fulminator Mage and a Phyrexian Obliterator .

I also played an infect deck which is just an annoying deck to play against in general. I was 1 turn off of forcing the 3rd match in the round, but I had also had to mulligan to a 5 card hand, Raven's Crime was what allowed me to hold on for so long. The first match he had me turn 3 and wasn't much I could do to control his hand. I had Thoughtseize and saw what he had. I had him discard his Gitaxian Probe since having him discard the others would do nothing to his hand, he had 2 Blighted Agent and 2 Glistener Elf in his hand and a land after he had played Inkmoth Nexus . The second match I essentially lost because of my Phyrexian Arena . He would have been unable to play anything except 1 drops because his land being destroyed every turn by Crucible of Worlds and Ghost Quarter . He only ran 2 basic lands and thats all he had in play. I am embarrassed to have lost to a Birds of Paradise .

The last match I lost to a B/G deck with Tarmogoyf . Both rounds went quickly, I was unable to get decent card draw either match.

So Raven's Crime was a solid winner every match I saw it. Waste Not felt like a wasted spot. I feel like I need to just remove my card draw mechanics entirely and I might do better, and see benefits from Waste Not possibly. Replacing Sign in Blood and Phyrexian Arena with more control cards to see them sooner and not costing myself precious life points on the draw.

Once I get everything I intend for the deck I feel it will be more solid and more consistent.

October 5, 2014 9:53 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #17

I really think it would benefit you to run some manlands as an alternate win-con.

I prefer Treetop Village but if u don't want to splash then Inkmoth Nexus or Mutavault could get the job done.

October 5, 2014 10:04 p.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #18

Made a couple changes for next week. Still need to get my hands on some Shrieking Affliction . Dropped Phyrexian Arena and a Phyrexian Obliterator added 2 Mutavault and 2 Shrieking Affliction . I was only able to obtain 1 Shrieking Affliction so far, and couldn't find anyone who had any.

October 5, 2014 10:22 p.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #19

Going to test the deck out again at my LGS Modern event tomorrow. Last week I was short 3 Shrieking Affliction and did not have Mutavault in the build. I feel with them the deck will perform more smoothly and efficiently. I will post the results tomorrow.

October 11, 2014 9:34 p.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #20

Went 1-2 against Affinity. Which I was hoping for much in this match up, actually surprised I won a match.

Went 0-2 against Grixis Control. Both matches went to top decking with both of us at 4 life on a 1 turn clock. He just had some great draws that tipped the round in his favor.

Went 2-0 against Birthing Pod. Fairly quick matches. First match I made him discard Birthing Pod turn 1 and on turn 2+3 I Wrench Mind him. From that point on I had his hand locked down. Second match I kept a hand with 5 lands , a Raven's Crime , and another discard spell. I pretty much had his hand under control on turn 3 again. Both matches I put down Liliana of the Veil as well, on turn 4 match 1 and turn 3 match 2.

Last match was a bye, the guy actually didn't drop but just left. The deck ran pretty much the way I wanted it to tonight and Dash Hopes actually works well in the build. I did time one poorly during the Grixis match up which likely cost me 1 match and the round. Thanks to everyone and their advice, I feel the deck has turned out great and I'll continue to tweak it and post stats when I play with it.

October 12, 2014 9:47 p.m.

Jerkoid says... #21

Are you losing to early creatures? You have lots of discard, but only Smallpox and Liliana of the Veil for removal. It seems like you might have problems dealing those first few creatures that get through your discard. You will also have problems with decks that sideboard Leyline of Sanctity. Smallpox is your only card that doesn't get blanked by the Leyline. Surgical Extraction can't even find it fast enough because the opponent can just mull til it's in their opening hand and win. If burn decks are in your meta, you'll need to answer Leyline somehow.

You're running indiscriminate graveyard hate in sideboard and Crucible of Worlds mainboard. That means if you want to stop a dredge deck or whatever, you'll have to deal with Pox'ing and Liliana'ing your own lands and never seeing them again. You might want targeted graveyard hate in Tormod's Crypt, or Grafdigger's Cage, instead. Both these will keep the Crucible option available to you after sideboard.

I think you've got too many cards trying to end the game. 4 Racks and 4 Afflictions? You'd probably do better with half that or less, a little card draw, and some board wipes or kill spells. You've got enough discard to get a good grip on the game early... you need something to keep it locked down while Racks take them out. In my mind, that's kill spells and Dash Hopes.

What do you think of Quest for the Nihil Stone? It's much harder to get going than the cards you have. But if you're going for a deck that tries to burn people out quickly before they can crawl away, it might fit better.

November 15, 2014 6:58 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #22

Jerkoid 8Rack as it's known is a popular archtype. Think of it as a discard deck not a Pox deck.

November 15, 2014 10:31 p.m.

ShermanTank87 says... #23

I've actually not had much trouble with creatures so far with this deck but it is something that is a risk. Also, I forgot to update my sideboard once I got my play set of Leyline of Sanctity which is the response I have for burn. I feel my Golgari Deck is going to be more effective than this deck but I wanted to keep this build a mono-black deck.

Leyline of Sanctity is something that I really don't have an answer for in this build which is why I made an alternate deck. I don't know of any mono black cards that can deal with enchantments.

November 16, 2014 9:07 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #24

Mono-Black can't deal with enchantments, hence why you're green splash will be stronger...

Blacks answers are Ratchet Bomb Engineered Explosives Oblivion Stone

November 16, 2014 11:55 a.m.

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