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Blinded by the Light: Mono-White Creature Control

Standard Angels Control Humans Knights Mono-White



Enchantment (9)

Artifact (3)

Instant (3)


Creature (1)

This deck is designed to keep your opponent's creatures in a perpetual state of uselessness to be patiently ignored until an Exalted Knight or Angel sweeps in to demand capitulation to your glory. Here's the Card-by-Card for some of the less obvious choices, and I'll be happy to answer questions posted below:

Angelic Overseer : The ideal win condition. Every other creature in this deck is a human, obviously, and with first strike, exalted or both there's very little I can see stopping this card, especially if you've been good at prioritizing enemy flyers for lock-down.

Knight of Obligation : Secondary win condition. I love everything about this card. Not strictly a tap controller without the benefit of Angelic Benediction , but he's an excellent blocker (with vigilance) who can poke for a good amount when the opportunity arises and he even has sustain through extort. Also hands down the best Orzhov art, possibly the best art in Gatecrash.

Arrest and Bonds of Faith are dependent on the opposing deck; Arrest will go in if I know they're running guildmages or equivalent, or have a high number of humans, but for 1 less CMC I prefer Bonds which is often the first enchantment I get out in a good game, and which can also double as cheap pump up for any human I have.

I debated friends and my inner Jiminy Cricket over the inclusion of Intrepid Hero but in the end he's included because the hardest counter to this deck I've found in play testing is pumped up flyers and players who are willing to burn every counterspell and enchantment destroyer they have protecting them.

Glaring Spotlight is for Hexproof decks. Simple enough.

Bladed Bracers : These will be the first things to go if I get a good suggestion for an improvement to the deck, but in the end I like them because every creature here benefits from the full effect of the card.

Feel free to offer suggestions, and if you like the idea of powerless enemies being trampled under shining boots, Upvote.


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #73 position overall 12 years ago
Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

12 - 5 Rares

22 - 7 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.05
Folders Planned Decks, Test out, Mono-White, mono-white std budget
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