Thought that Shrines looked fun. Started looking around for budget Shrine decks for MGTO and came across this one from 2 years ago
I gave it a try and had alot of fun but not a ton of success, as the comments suggested I added Birds; removed Etched Oracle, brought Pentad Prism to 1 copy, and added Herald of the Pantheon. Started shaping up to a deck that was actually hard to beat once you had the "lock", which mainly comes from this deck's amazing life gain ability if that's what you focus.
Dual lands probably aren't super necessary but they make it easier to cast your protection spells, although 90% of the people I have played against (which is MGTO Modern, Open play) don't seem to have the means to remove enchantments. The route I usually try to get is to get Honden of Infinite Rage out first, which at 3 mana is pretty easy to do, although I have thought about changing up the lands to get more Red mana in. Once Honden of Rage is out you can, hopefully, be on the proactive side of either hitting their weak, early game creatures or hitting them directly. If I have the perfect situation the next one I usually go for is either Sanctum of Stone Fangs or Honden of Cleansing Flame depending on the situation. and from there just add whatever shrine you can to boot your damage to keep up with their creatures, or continue hitting their face.
The key here is to just not die. As soon as you have Honden of Cleansing Flame with 3 or 4 other shrines (assuming 1 of them is Sanctum of Stone Fangs and Honden of rage) you're healing for at least 12 life every turn and hit them (assuming your Rage Shrine is hitting your opponent directly) 8 damage to the enemy, every turn during your upkeep. And this is before Sanctum of All's ability, or if you're able to get Mirror gallery up, Your passive health and damage output just gets ridiculous. As soon as Sanctum of all is out, and assuming your shrines are shrouded or hex proof you basically can just use your Birds and Heralds for blocking.
I hope other people like this, I'm gonna be looking around at other shrine decks to see if anything could be better.
This deck seems like it has some good ideas and I'll probably try to pull fog bank into here for early game creatures (which is where this deck struggles)