Blindside - The Art of War

Pioneer* Caedere

SCORE: 69 | 114 COMMENTS | 13723 VIEWS | IN 27 FOLDERS

Zarlisk says... #1

Lands. I don't like the guildgates. I assume you will replace those with the appropriate Temple's come Born of the Gods. Otherwise, seems solid.

I don't see any blatant issues with the deck. I am going to playtest it and see if I can match your conclusion. I'd be interested to see your explanation for each card's purpose, or at least for the sideboard and what would be sideboarded against the top meta decks.

December 26, 2013 12:05 a.m.

Caedere says... #2

Zarlisk - You're spot on about the guildgates. I'm paving them over with Temples as soon as I can. I also added an update addressing sideboarding; hopefully that helps! =)

Thank you very much for the feedback so far.

December 26, 2013 12:46 a.m.

infinitemana says... #3

December 26, 2013 4:40 p.m.

Caedere says... #5

infinitemana Perhaps! He definitely fits in with the whole "being really annoying to remove thing." My only concern is that my deck really wants to top its curve out at 4, rather than 5. I'll give him a shot, though, perhaps as a one-of. Don't know what I'd cut yet, however.

December 27, 2013 2:53 p.m.

mattman243 says... #6

This deck looks awesome. I wish I had 4x Voice now... Do you have any tournament reports up anywhere, or videos piloting the deck?

January 14, 2014 4:42 p.m.

Caedere says... #7

mattman243Thank you for the kind words!

No reports up anywhere, and I don't have any piloting videos yet. Currently out of the cards on MTGO. =(

My current plan is to collate as much data as I can from people who've played the deck, while I scrape together enough tickets to play this thing on MTGO. =)

January 14, 2014 6:21 p.m.

psones1 says... #8

Do you plan on triggering the creature effect of Erebos, God of the Dead ?

January 14, 2014 7:14 p.m.

Caedere says... #9

psones1 Excellent question!

Erebos is never intended to be a creature. He's here to draw cards and make Monoblack and Sphinx's Revelation decks play fair.

January 14, 2014 7:18 p.m.

artakha says... #10

What about Obzedat, Ghost Council ? Being a 5/5 body that steal 2 for you each turn, and is hard to remove would fit in this deck.

January 14, 2014 7:23 p.m.

Caedere says... #11

artakha Thank you for the suggestion!

The problem is, Obzedat would break the mana base of this poor deck in two with his greedy ghosty butt.

In order to keep consistent draws, I've eliminated all double-white or double-black spells, and pared the double-green ones down to Witchstalker and Bow of Nylea. This totally eliminates what I feel is the biggest drawback to playing Junk right now: poor mana.

Fortunately, we can replicate the clock effect Obzedat has by slapping auras on hexproof creatures! =D

January 14, 2014 7:34 p.m.

SasukeUchiha says... #12

I would suggest more mainboard of anti-boardwipe spells, because even though you are mostly immune to controls single target removal, you are very weak to a boardwipe. also some card advantage would be good, like a couple Read the Bones would help keep the game going if they force you into a long game. have you thought of Blood Baron of Vizkopa it would help give more life and is hard to remove. just a few suggestions.

January 15, 2014 11:05 a.m.

Caedere says... #13

SasukeUchiha Some very good points!

This deck is a lot better against boardwipes than is first apparent. With eight creatures that have flash, four indestructible creatures, four creatures that make more creatures when they die, and three creatures that allow us to dig if the rest of our team dies, I'm totally fine with game one Verdicts. Game two and three, we pull in Golgari Charms if needed.

Additionally, Erebos is there for card advantage. He's a card-drawing machine.

Finally, Blood Baron is honestly a "win-more" card in this deck: the deck already is great at gaining life and being hard to kill, and in order to fit them in we'd have to cut something else, and there's not really room for that, you know? =)

January 15, 2014 2:42 p.m.

SasukeUchiha says... #14

Good points, but I would say since Fleecemane Lion can only be monstrous after turn four meaning a supreme verdict could still kill it. Since there is only one copy of Erebos, God of the Dead , and since you're only other way to dig is through Reaper of the Wilds some games you won't find Erebos. A second copy would fix this problem and you could just bump the deck to 61 cards, which doesn't change most of the odds of other card draws.

January 16, 2014 10:51 a.m.

Caedere says... #15


Supreme Verdict isn't a problem; the only deck that would run four in the mainboard is also one of our best matchups, and that's in part because we actually do bring in a second Erebos post-sideboard, as well as three more Golgari Charms. =)

January 16, 2014 12:39 p.m.

Blakkhand says... #16

Maybe mainboard Abrupt Decay ... Simply because your sideboarding plans board it in every MU.

January 16, 2014 4:37 p.m.

SasukeUchiha says... #17

Okay, I am convinced. But you have a little bit if a flier problem. Blood baron would be perfect as it is a flier that fits this decks dynamic. I am going to take this to my local FNM unfortunately I will have to wait until next Friday as I am snowed in today. I will tell you my results and what I think needs to change.

January 16, 2014 7:13 p.m.

Caedere says... #18

Blakkhand Thanks for the feedback! =)

Here's the thing about Abrupt Decay: we do board it in pretty much every matchup, but, the cards that we board out for it differ very much. By starting the match out with as many creatures as possible, we get that much more of an advantage, and by the time we're ready to sideboard, we know exactly what we pull out for said Abrupt Decay.

Additionally, the cards that Abrupt Decay are best against don't always show up until the second and third game.

SasukeUchiha Huzzah! I'd love to hear how it works for you! It's pretty easy to pilot, as long as you stay aggressive and remember your triggers. Also, if your local meta favors fliers, feel free to put more Gift of Orzhova in the sideboard. Totally your call on that one.

January 16, 2014 7:37 p.m.

Hi! I built a variation of this deck for yesterday's FNM, basically swapping the Voices I cannot afford with Sylvan Caryatid and the Soldiers with a couple of Obzedat, Ghost Council and Sin Collector to counter the meta of my LGS. THe result was very good, with a 3-1 having lost only against Mono U Devotion when my opponent chained three Cyclonic Rifts. All in all I really like the deck, and I plan on using it for a while while making some extra meta call swaps here and there.

Here's my suggestion thou - one of the scariest problems I had was having to deal with a couple of planeswalkers against a Esper Control deck. I might be a bit loco in the coco but maybe a couple of Hero's Downfall or even Bramblecrush so the manabase doesn't suffer could be a solution to this.

January 18, 2014 9:27 a.m.

Caedere says... #20

derangedGambler First off, I am pleased as punch that you were interested enough to give the deck a go! Thank you!

Voice of Resurgence is one of those cards that is really, really integral to the deck - it's hard to describe if you haven't tried it. I suggest proxing them up and seeing how differently it plays - you'll find that your problems against Esper tend to go away. They can't Supreme Verdict as much as they want, which means you'll always have relevant threats against their planeswalkers.

Furthermore, Soldier of the Pantheon is probably one of the single most important cards against controlarguably even more important than Voice. The reason is... he dodges Azorius Charms and Detention Spheres really well. I've won games against U/W with nothing but a trio of Soldiers on the board.

Since you currently lack those, however, I do like the way you decided to make do. Sylvan Caryatid + bigger creatures pushes you a little more towards the midrange side of things, but if it's right for your meta, well... there you go. =)

I wish you the best of luck going forward, and thank you again!

January 19, 2014 1:02 a.m.

3n3rgy2 says... #21

I am going to try a different spin on this deck. I am going to drop a Bow of Nylea and one Reaper of the Wilds for 2 Whip of Erebos and maybe drop the last two Reaper of the Wilds for 2 Blood Baron of Vizkopa . I feel as though bumping up to 5 cmc isn't bad and with all the early game Voice of Resurgence Soldier of the Pantheon and so on it is good enough to keep the opponents from trying anything silly! Plus lifegain is nice, so why not put it to good use, by the time you cast Blood Baron of Vizkopa this mental mindfack of a deck will have thrown its curveballs and done its dirty work. Sick deck either way, dog! +1 from me c:

January 19, 2014 4:55 a.m.

Caedere says... #22

3n3rgy2 Interesting!

If you decide to add Whip of Erebos, make sure you adjust the mana accordingly... I'm not sure exactly how I'd change it, personally, though.

As for Reaper vs Baron - I personally like Reaper because she doesn't die to Mizzium Mortars or Rapid Hybridization (both of which see a lot of play), whereas Blood Baron does. I also really like the scrying ability on Reaper, especially late-game if we have an Erebos on the field - it feels like stacking the deck, almost. =)

You'll have to tell me how the Baron works out for you, I'm curious to see!

January 19, 2014 4:46 p.m.

Prevailed says... #23

How do you plan on removing things after you lost Skylasher and all your Gift of Orzhova , looks like that is your weak point. Such as my Angels, Dragons, and HYDRAS? It has 7 fliers with potential to make 40x more! Find a way to combat that. Otherwise then that it is a GREAT deck, with a minor breaking point. I'd say find something to give them flying Archetype of Imagination if you had blue.

January 19, 2014 9:45 p.m.

3n3rgy2 says... #24

Why aren't you using Loxodon Smiter ? He seems like a solid enough card!

January 20, 2014 6:46 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #25

Ready / Willing could be a very good sideboard card and played at the right time is a huge blowout.

Also, why no Advent of the Wurm ? Because of the GG cost?

January 20, 2014 9:56 a.m.

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