Well, ty. Believed this page and now checked on gatherer.wizards.com. Will replace it with Llanowar I think.
March 28, 2017 11:51 a.m.
if it was me and money dont matter i would swap the Llanowar Elves for Noble Hierarch
also i just noticed that blinking Maelstrom Djinn avoids the vanishing!! such an awesome deck man
March 28, 2017 12:46 p.m.
Nice deck, I am a fan of blink strategies and shenanigans.
I know you are focused on either morph or evoke creatures in the deck but have you considered repeatable blink effects via stuff like Mistmeadow Witch or Nephalia Smuggler? They are probably not useful if this is for 1 vs 1 but in a casual multiplayer format it is something to consider.
March 28, 2017 12:50 p.m.
@dotytron Ty man, didn't even think about Noble Hierarch and no, budget doesn't matter for this beauty. That's why I'm on such a manabase :o
@MagicMarc Yeah, thought about them, but four mana is to much for 1 on 1 as you correctly stated. Rarely play MP ;)
March 28, 2017 1:28 p.m.
Hamster2558 says... #6
Thousand Winds may be good for sideboard, or even mainboard. Just throwing it in the air.
March 28, 2017 3:04 p.m.
Well, the rule is "when turned face up", but this wouldn't trigger with blink. That's why on the opposit Maelstrom Djinn doesn't vanish. But ty for your suggestion ;)
March 28, 2017 3:11 p.m. Edited.
subzero719 says... #8
I know its cost is high for a deck that looks to flicker and 2 drop everything but i love Thragtusk in all flicker decks. He has ETB and LTB abilities that can be spammed pretty effectively. 6 mana gets you a 3/3, a 5/3 and 10 life
March 28, 2017 6:21 p.m.
Now that we have established the legality of mana vault, lets talk about the deck. First off, cut black and green. Black for just 3 cards is quite useless and not worth the splash at all. Green you use as fixing, because you are four colors and for a weird overcosted Giant Growth effect, none of which are particularly good in this deck full of giant beatsticks.
Instead, think about how to cut those cards and lower your curve - the deck only starts to do something on turn 3 and that is with a mana creature on t1.
The options you have is to include more control spells (counterspells, removal) in the 1-2 mana slots or introduce some more cheap blinakble creatures like a Wall of Omens.
March 29, 2017 2:47 a.m.
I beg to differ and start to think that you miss some points, so let's have a look:
Imagine you start with a hand like City of Brass, Razorverge Thicket (or another green land), Shriekmaw, Briarhorn, Birds of Paradise and two 1 drop blinks.
- T1: Razorverge Thicket and Birds of Paradise.
- T2: City of Brass. Play Shriekmaw with Evoke and with a blink. Destroy up to 2 creatures, get out a 3/2 body with fear.
- T3: Play Briarhorn with Evoke and with a blink, make Shriekmaw a 9/8 and attack. Get out a 3/3 body.
Sure, this would be an ideal start, but just hit the playtest button and see what this deck got to offer on other combinations. You swing for the win T4 or 5 most of the time, so I really don't feel B and G are a waste. And wall of omen? Cmon, what better draw engine than a blinked Mulldrifter you need? :D
March 29, 2017 5:11 a.m.
I did just goldfish 15 hands to see how many of those I would keep. The answer was 2. Lets examine why.
2 mulligans were due to lack of color/lands, 5 were hands that did nothing until turn 4 and 6 were hands that had the wrong combination in hand. Lets examine those one by one.
1/ Lack of lands/color - color requirements are very tough here and the lands are a bit insufficient. Half the lands are "fast" lands and those are always a pain to draw later on in the game. Additionally, there is a color imbalance - you have 12 sources of B for 3 cards total, but blue, one of your two main colors with more than a dozen cards has 15 sources only, creating an imbalance.
2/ Hands that do nothing until turn 4 - those were hands with mulldrifter or djinn or mauler, etc. and lands. That hand cannot do anything until turn 4, which is bad. That occurs because you have too many big blink targets - 3 maulers, 3 djins and 3 akromas are about 6 cards too many of "big creatures that are good when blinked", since you rarely need more than 1 of them to win the game. Drawing more than 1 of them can actually be bad. 15 blink effects is also at least 6-7 too many, given that few are repeatable.
3/ Wrong combination in hand - This deck is a combination of three main things - mana accelators, blink targets and blink effects. Having the wrong mix of those in your hand is what will lose you the most games. All games without a turn 1 accelator are much worse than those with 1 birds-type effect. All draws past the opening hand where you draw one of those birds-type cards are horrible.
Examples of horrible actual hands: 4 lands and 3 Birds; 3 lands 2 blick effects and 2 birds; 3 lands, 3 mauler-djinn-akroma, 1 blink effect. 2 lands, none of which produces G, 2 birds, 2 blink effects and 1 mauler.
The solution is to have other cards that are good on turn 1-3 and useful beyond. For example, Path to Exile is great turn 1-3 play that is also good when drawn later. Same with Wall of Omens, Knight of the White Orchid etc.
Tl;Dr - too much variance in the deck for not a lot of gain. Reduce variance and colors.
For reference, Budget Acid Trip and Azorious MORPHine trip
March 29, 2017 5:53 a.m. Edited.
Dunno, 9/10 hands I draw with the playtester here I'm totally fine with. Nevertheless I can agree, that I could go down 1 with each morph-creature and use the room for more lands, or more control. But hence I ordered the deck yesterday, playtests in RL will show. We play kitchentable, not FNM :)
See Blinking spicers where you also commented, this should be more of your taste. This ones purpose is to abuse Evoke and Morph to the fullest.
March 29, 2017 6:13 a.m.
Well, it seems I could not deter you from ordering a couple of expensive tournament-oriented cards like Noble Hierarch for casual play...
If the purpose is to abuse those keywords to the fullest, I do not think this deck is doing its appropriate job. Ok, lets break it down.
Having 15 cards that require blink effects to work and 15 blink effects is quite the overkill. When you draw too many of one or the other, the deck does not work. With 15 of each, that is entirely too many and the scenario is much more likely to happen. Balance it out somehow.
- Introduce cards like Flickerwisp that are good at both blinking and being a threat.
- Reduce the ration from 50/50 to 70/30 in favor of the blink targets - you really only need 1-2 blink effects per game.
- Introduce repetable blink effects like Crystal Shard or Conjurer's Closet to mitigate loss of the extra blink effects.
March 29, 2017 7:19 a.m. Edited.
For the physical deck I went with Llanowar Elves, Hierarch was indeed to expensive for a deck which I'm not sure about how good it performs ;) I'll consider your suggestions throughout the day and will work on a revision this evenig. Wall of Omens propably will find it's way in, also a couple of Path to Exile in trade of blinks. Ty so far and stay tuned :)
March 29, 2017 7:56 a.m.
@Boza: better now? Went down with morphlings and mull, reduced blinks. added 4 walls and 4 pathes.
March 29, 2017 9 a.m.
Happens :)
Adjusted walls and pathes to 3, went up again with mull and momentary blink after drawing some dozend samplehands.
March 29, 2017 12:04 p.m.
This feels much better adjusted than the previous version. I think you will find a lot more hands able to do stuff in turns 1-3 now and a lot less dead draws later on.
March 29, 2017 2:46 p.m.
subzero719 says... #19
I still think you should consider Thragtusk. I know at 5 mana it can be a bit pricey but unlike Sagu Mauler, Akroma and Djinn, Thragtusk can be played without the need of a flicker effect to get value. If nothing else playing it gives you a 5/3 and 5 life plus a replacement in case anything happens to it. Flickering only makes the card better. 6 mana gets you a 5/3 a 3/3 and 10 life
March 29, 2017 4:17 p.m.
Took it to the maybe's, have to test first if the changes with path and wall will stick around. Have the feeling from t4 on now it lacks oomph. playteeests :D
March 29, 2017 5:04 p.m.
subzero719 says... #21
Reflector Mage could be a good side board card. Get it out on turn 2 and immediately set your opponent back. if you flicker it every turn or every other turn, your opponent will never have a chance to get anything going. by the time your opponent gets their field going, you will have 2-3 big swingers
March 29, 2017 7:13 p.m.
obesechicken13 says... #22
I forgot you could flicker morphs O_O
This changes everything
March 29, 2017 9:58 p.m.
I may have missed a message, but what about Panharmonicon?
March 30, 2017 1:05 a.m.
i really really Love Epochrasite. chump blocker in the early game without blink (that turns into a 4/4 eventually), and a easy 4/4 with a blink, for 2 colorless mana. it would seem like card disadvantage, but Mulldrifter+blink easily refills your hand. try it!!!
March 30, 2017 9:18 a.m.
Hamster2558 says... #25
Would Krosan Cloudscraper Be any good in here. Sure it has the pay at your upkeep but it is a really big body for a cheap amount of mana.
Boza says... #1
Mana Vault is quite far from Modern legal.
March 28, 2017 11:36 a.m.