
Creature (4)


Warning! There's a very large block of text down here...

The idea for this deck first appeared when I saw Season of Growth. The combo between that and Feather seemed absolutely insane and I could not wait to try it out. At first I had this deck more aggro-centered, based around killing the opponent and buffing my creatures like most of the other Feather Decks you may see. However, after realizing how crazy Season of Growth really was, to the point where it became realistically possible to mill yourself out with Jace, I switched that to be my main focus.

The goal of this deck is to get 3 main cards in the early game (turns 3-6). You want Feather, Gods Willing (Assure works too), and Moment of Triumph. Moment of Triumph is the saviour of this deck against all aggro, creature based decks.---Be careful of playing Feather out without any protection for her! If you need to wait 3 or 4 turns until you have a protection spell, or enough mana to both put her out and have a protection spell available to play then do so. Moment of Triumph will heal you so much life that it's okay to take hits.---From here, you just want to stall the game out until you can get: a Druid, a Season of Growth, and Stony Strength. Once you have all of these things, you can use all of your land and draw 3-5 cards a turn, which quickly finds you a second Season of Growth. Things start to go crazy at this point with the card draw and you will probably only need a few more turns to mill yourself out (make sure to save enough mana to play Jace out on the last turn before winning).

Here's my thought process behind each card I've got.

-Gods Willing and Assure // Assemble are absolutely crucial for protection. Gods Willing can also be used to make a creature unblockable and is amazing for blocking enemy creatures when you need defense. (Be careful of board wipes as Gods Willing won't protect you from them)

-Incubation // Incongruity and Finale of Devastation are great for looking for Feather. They can also be used to find your Druids if you already have Feather (which I've done several times, it's really quite useful).

-The Druids are absolutely amazing when combined with Stony Strength, especially Incubation Druid. The combination of these cards gets you free mana each turn which in turn gets you free card draws from Season of Growth.

-I put Tamiyo in here to help search for some of your cards, as well as have an ability to return cards from your graveyard. If you lose Jace then she's your only way of getting him back (that's why you want to only put Jace out on your final turn, scry him down near the bottom of your deck if at all possible).

I'm sure there are several ways this deck could be improved, and I'm still play testing different versions and cards, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Edit 9/26/19

-I have removed several Druids, a Tamiyo, and Assure // Assemble.

-I added in Risen Reef, Cloudkin Seer, Repudiate // Replicate, And Justiciar's Portal

-Utilizing Risen Reef with Justiciar's Portal (replacing Asssure), combined with Season of Growth, gets way more card draw, which I felt was needed more than the Paradise Druids (there's already enough mana ramp). To make room I removed a Tamiyo because I didn't feel that 2 were necessary.

Edit 9/30/19

-I removed the Elementals.

-I removed Tamiyo.

-I removed the Finale's of Devastation.

-I removed Faeburrow Elder (because I no longer had a reliable way to get a blue permanent so he becomes a more expensive version of Incubation Druid)

-I added another Feather and Incubation // Incongruity (because Finale of Devastation was a little too expensive and this way you still have a high chance of finding Feather, or any other creature you need).

-I added Charming Prince (because he fits better in this deck than Risen Reef did (more utility, better mana cost)).

-I added Shepherd of the Flock (he adds more creature protection and tricks, can be used in combination with Charming Prince, and can be used without Feather on the board (you can still play him as a creature and bounce him).

-I added Veil of Summer to the sideboard.

-I added Giant Killer to the sideboard.

Some of my other Standard Decks include:

Topple Kingdoms


You Weren't Invited on this Adventure

Outlaws Don't Follow the Law【ELD】


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years
Exclude colors B
Splash colors UR

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

25 - 4 Rares

18 - 4 Uncommons

9 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.18
Tokens Frog Lizard 3/3 G, On an Adventure
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