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Blinking Faeries: UB Control





When I first ordered my first make-shift deck to take to tabletop Magic, I bought a bunch of faeries. I decided to stick with the faerie deck in Modern and this is what it looks like after many months of building up this deck and researching MTGTop8 decks and other Modern faerie decks on TappedOut.com.

The deck is very reactive and controlling and is centered around spell creatures with flash and instant speed counters and removal that can protect and be augmented by the real center of the deck, Bitterblossom.

I'm going to my LGS to play in my first Modern tournament tomorrow so I'll likely edit this list based on the Modern meta at this store. The biggest things I'm interested to see are: should I pack lots of graveyard hate for Snapcaster Mage or reanimator decks, is there a lot of affinity decks (an thus, I shouldn't maindeck Go for the Throat?), and is there a lot of combo requiring one mana counters like the Spell Pierce that I have or the Spell Snare I plan to get?

I also plan on updating the mana base with some Creeping Tar Pit and Mutavault. I like the check lands and the battle lands as they were cheap and the battle lands count for the check lands and making sure I have basics is insurance against Blood Moon due to the fact that there aren't any fetches. The only issue with running lots of basics, though is that Merfolk will islandwalk all over me if they are prominent in the meta (which they might be because they are more of a budget deck). If that's the case, then perhaps River of Tears and/or Secluded Glen will make it into the list.

UPDATE: After the tournament, I ended up at 2-2. I 2-1ed and then 2-0ed a Tezzerator and a Grixis deck, respectively. I felt like those matchups went pretty well and I played alright during those matches. The next two matches I went 0-2 against Allies and Amulet Bloom. I suppose that this should have been expected in that I play controllingly and aggro and combo naturally prey on control decks.

In order to improve the matchups against aggro, I plan on siding in some sweepers. Engineered Explosives comes to mind and I have a Languish, but a turn three and turn four kill were what happened against the allies deck so that may be a bit slow especially at double black. Maybe a bounce spell would work too, like Devestation Tide .

I think that my play choices were what hosed me against bloom, though. I didn't hold up counters for what I now know to be the important cards like Summer Bloom or Amulet of Vigor. If I did hold up counters for those and save removal for Primeval Titan and if I had mulliganed more aggresively, I believe that I could have taken that match.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 1 Mythic Rares

27 - 7 Rares

12 - 2 Uncommons

8 - 5 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.43
Tokens Faerie Rogue 1/1 B
Folders Competitive
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