This deck is burn to the core. At best, a turn three win. However, the deck typically wins around turn six to seven. This is my favorite modern deck, so any suggestions would be appreciated. However, keep in mind that I would like to keep the curve within 1-2 and that it will take a LOT of convincing to splash any color. Thank you all for your time/upvotes.


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Thanks everyone for replying! This is the most feedback I've ever gotten one one of my decks. A few things I want to mention:

  1. I stated originally that it would take a lot of convincing to prompt me splashing a color. I have been convinced, and am considering either black or white. White would allow me cards such as Boros Charmfoil and Lightning Helix while black can give me cards like Bump in the Night and Rain of Gore. As I am currently undecided, I will leave it to the best argument from playtesters.

  2. I have made a few modifications, and added Satyr Firedancer in order to deal with the opponents creatures while maintaining my tempo. I'm also considering Searing Blood, but I'm not sure what I could replace.

  3. Thank you all again for your +1s and comments! This deck is going to kick some serious arse at my card shop's modern tournament!

+4 Satyr Firedancer, -1 Hellspark Elemental, -1Browbeat, -2 RiftBolt


Date added 11 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.00
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