FNM standing —Feb. 16, 2013
Went 4th and lost to a naya deck due to being mana screwed :(. Went 4-1 and beat out 2 other agro decks. This deck is prob the fastest I have seen/made.
jackledaman says... #2
The main issue I'm having with this, is how high you curve out, and how little land you have. I'd recommend cutting some of the fatties, and adding 2 more land (maybe Kessig Wolf Run ). Also every deck with green in it should have Thragtusk in it. Maybe add Huntmaster of the Fells Flip . If you like take a look at my gruul agro Flood of Angry Monsters.
January 31, 2013 6:13 p.m.
Changed it up to mid range. Mad cap is horrible outside of limited, thragtusk is too predictable in a green deck so why the hell would I play that (gonna let controls worry about them when I don't have them), Huntmaster is just too easy to counter and not worth it in my eyes.
January 31, 2013 10:47 p.m.
Pit Fight pump with bloodrush, survive combat, destroy a creature after combat
February 3, 2013 6:21 a.m.
because that was about an actual suggestion as to what to take out and put in and why...
February 3, 2013 4:44 p.m.
TorrentFreak says... #6
Vexing Devil is a punish card, allowing your opponent to pick their preferred option. This can be a problem because your opponents will either take the four damage every time, or have a spell ready to stop if when they let it resolve. I would probably run Hellrider in its spot because of the amount of creatures you have.
February 5, 2013 12:26 p.m.
Ya......I was trying to stray away from the Hellrider option, but I have been playing this deck on cockatrice and it hasn't been doing so well....I might give in to the hellrider craze XD
February 5, 2013 11:31 p.m.
I would reccomend using Lightning Mauler instead of Fervor, its another dude for you to swing with that may/maynot be blocked allowing for the bloodrush, but also as unlike fervor you can give choice things haste, so your opponent may not be expecting the fatal swing :)
February 6, 2013 3:08 a.m.
Ya the guy I buit the originalfram of the deck with said mauler, but I thought there had to be another way. Turns out Fervor is too slow. If I hand more non creature spells then it wud've worked, but after testing on cockatrice I am taking our Fervor , adding 4 Lightning Mauler , and taking out the Pyreheart Wolf for 3 Domri Rade , and moving the 2 sb ghors into the main deck. Then adding 4 Gruul Charm to the sb to replace the cards lost.
Altharus says... #1
Madcap Skills is a really good card for anything aggressive in red :)
January 31, 2013 4:50 p.m.