FNM Update —March 2, 2013
went 2-3 :/
Lost first game because of the guy throwing a Collective Blessing round 2 and then round 3 he drew 3 thrags and I I couldn't get the 6th mana I needed to overload Mizium Mortarts.
Lost second game because I was mana flooded and I only one more creature to finish the guy off XD. Second round I was purely mana screwed and could do nothing the entire time.
Won the next 2 rounds and lost the last. I beat a control and a beginner. THe control guy threw down a nevermore and banished my naturalizes but I ended up winning anyways with a Sphere of Safety on the field.
I lost to a red black vamp deck and could have won the first round had I realized how certain effects worked. Proceed ed to win round 2 and lost round 3 from Player error again.
None of those cards would work, simply because they don't have haste. Plus since when is a cmc 2 with 3/3 power not worth it?
February 25, 2013 1:57 a.m.
None of those cards would work, simply because they don't have haste. Plus since when is a cmc 2 with 3/3 power/toughness with haste not worth it?
February 25, 2013 1:58 a.m.
Very very nice deck! Looks very similar to what I just recently brewed: Gruul T4 CRUSH. I dropped the average CMC a lot so I want to see if it can run on 21 lands only!
February 26, 2013 4:50 a.m.
i think you need more 1-drops. you've only got 4 that you can actually cast on the first turn. i'm also not convinced that Experiment One is actually the best card for this deck. he only gets to a 4/4 at most. and much of the time not even that, since you'll be bloodrushing your rampagers i would imagine. just a thought. maybe some Legion Loyalist s? goes with the haste and their battalion trigger is pretty nasty in here as well.
February 26, 2013 8:55 a.m.
@casey I have been tempted to run loyalists, but the experiment one is there because I can potentially deal 8 damage on turn 3 (Exp, geist/mauler, Boar). Got any other suggestions? You were right as well about the ghors for bloodrush. Rarely do they ever enter the board as a creature.
Also saying what card should go in for what or how much I should take out and what not would be very helpful.
February 26, 2013 2:13 p.m.
Im a dunce for posting the previous comment before looking at your deck, but here's my reply.@DrFmeat Your deck is good, but our play styles are very different. Like your I am capable of killing on T4, but I have different combos to do it with instead of your one. Not to mention I have been addicted to red's removal ever since I started playing and can't under stand why anyone would sb removal when they have none in their main XD.
February 26, 2013 2:24 p.m.
hey. sorry for not being as specific as i could have been. i suppose that wasn't particularly helpful haha. what about running the loyalists over the Pyreheart Wolf s? when the battalion triggers on the Legion Loyalist s the trample and first strike make for similar blocking problems for your opponent. i also think another Rancor wouldn't be out of order. possibly for a Searing Spear . deck looks good so far though. definitely +1
February 26, 2013 2:49 p.m.
well I have two loyalists in my possession atm and its true that the ability is really awesome, but what if they were both on the field :o. first strike with two creatures having to block would be deadly....maybe if I find one more loyalist I will swap them with my Rubblebelt Raiders . Depending on how well the combo works out.
Got anything else?
February 26, 2013 5:06 p.m.
@GTKA666 Yeah, its true our playstyles are very different! But just to clarify - there's actually a BUNCH of different combos that could kill on turn 4, not just the one I posted as an example. But yeah, go G/R Aggro!
Scraf says... #1
Maybe replace flinthoof boar? It's just not an exceptional card. I'd look at mayor of avabruck, young wolf, rakdos cackler, or vexing devil, depending on how fast your deck goes.
February 25, 2013 1:12 a.m.