strateupjee says... #2
I have moved the Lifebanes to the side as well as putting in the 4th Connections and the last Thoughtseize, I am trying something hanky for my meta in a couple 2 ofs, but who knows, maybe it'll be the next big thing haha
November 24, 2013 12:36 a.m.
Too many nykthos, shrine to nyx, 1 is average 2 is tops. Anything over that and you risk dead drops too often.
November 30, 2013 1:49 p.m.
strateupjee says... #4
Many times I have done the "tap nyxthos for 5, play another and tap it, making the total 8" and then just draw away and play anything I draw, but I wouldn't mind trading one off, I need to find someone trading their Mutavaults haha
November 30, 2013 3:08 p.m.
What about Glare of Heresy in the sideboard? Kills Ellie, that's for sure.
December 1, 2013 10:59 p.m.
strateupjee says... #6
It's already there as a 3 of haha, leftover from when it was Orzhov xD too good at answering Ellie, D-Sphere, and Assemble, all things Mono-B has a problem with, except Ellie cuz we have Downfall but ya know xD
December 1, 2013 11:10 p.m.
Magiclover318 says... #7
Cut the Mogis's Marauder and add in Liliana of the Dark Realms cause with her you can get your godless shrines out faster.
December 8, 2013 4:27 p.m.
strateupjee says... #8
I have actually thought about adding Liliana as a next level tech, however I just feel like she wouldn't be able to do ENOUGH to warrant a 2-of because I 1) don't have a place to dump the mana from her emblem (and I still create an insane amount of mana with Nyxthos) and 2) her 2nd ability is mediocre in my opinion. Im not sure she has a place, but I may just try it out to see. Thank you for your feedback and im really sorry I didn't reply sooner.
December 15, 2013 3:17 p.m.
ShadowLand says... #9
This is basically my Orzhov Slow Death deck, I just approach it from a slightly different angle
December 15, 2013 3:46 p.m.
strateupjee says... #10
Yours is a little like what this used to be, however I feel this is a lot more streamlined.
December 15, 2013 4:12 p.m.
-1 whip of erebos, they kind of overlap in function. And you want the fourth thoughtseize in the main
December 17, 2013 9:23 a.m.
strateupjee says... #12
Actually in my meta, I don't want the 4th TS main, because I have enough mid-ranges and control to warrant them main, however just enough aggro that they are dead draws in at least 2 games every night, and having the rat makes drawing a 2nd whip not that bad because it becomes a rat haha
December 17, 2013 9:48 a.m.
Dude this deck looks awesome. Blood Baron is a great guy to splash for. I like that he's your only splash too. Are you still looking for something to take out for 4th blood baron or am I late to that one?
December 25, 2013 1:33 a.m.
strateupjee says... #14
I don think I need it honestly, I think if I had one, I would put him in, but I don't need to blow a 20 dollar bill on him since I generally see about 2 per game with all the cards I draw haha
December 25, 2013 3:54 a.m.
Yeah I agree. Especially with 4 garys in there already. You don't want 3 or 4 five drops clogging up your opening hand.
December 25, 2013 10:23 a.m.
strateupjee says... #16
Exactly haha, so you like the deck? It has really good match ups in both the Pro Circuit decks as well as in my local meta
December 25, 2013 10:41 a.m.
Obzedat, Crypt Ghast, and/or Keepsake Gorgon? Look up my deck and its called Life manipulatives of Orzhov and tell me what u think.
December 25, 2013 2:56 p.m.
strateupjee says... #18
The double white on Obzedat makes me stay away from him, and I find that Crypt Ghast is just too iffy to base a deck on, yet he doesn't work unless the deck is based on him, so I think ill stay away. I also try to stay away from Gorgons because I find they just aren't all that good (no offense to anyone who likes Gorgons).
December 25, 2013 2:58 p.m.
Keepsake gorgon IS almost always a snap pick when I Draft theros lol. But yeah I can see this having great match ups. MonoB is good right now, the take the win con from bw control and you've got yourself a winning deck lol
December 25, 2013 6:27 p.m.
strateupjee says... #20
Draft and Constructed are VERY different formats xD and thank you Elmo2210
December 25, 2013 7:52 p.m.
why no doom blades? for my mono black I keep doom blades mainboard and have ultimate price sideboard for mirror matchups
December 28, 2013 1:19 p.m.
strateupjee says... #22
I may actually put them back in, they we're taken out because there are more and more Mono Black mirrors and I just don't have the space in my sideboard for them, however I may just have to rely on the Devours and Downfalls to get the job done in the mirror. I saw 2 other Mono Blacks besides mine there last night, so I know they are there.
December 28, 2013 1:53 p.m.
I play mono black and I want to splash for Blood Baron of Vizkopa , similar to how you have. But, I can't figure out where you found space for them... You run more land and removal than me, and the only thing you don't have is Nightveil Specter ... I run 4x Thoughtseize , and Pack Rat though... Maybe that's what I'm cutting...
December 31, 2013 5:46 p.m.
strateupjee says... #24
I actually want to run 1 more Pack Rat, but I really feel that I don't need 4, and I would recommend 4 Thoughtseize main only if your meta is control heavy, if not, pull at least one, cuz as you can see from my FNM updates, my meta is fairly aggro heavy
January 1, 2014 2:34 a.m.
I'm away from home and haven't actually played competetively for a while. When I was there it was a lot of mono black varients and a few home brews. I think there was only one or 2 Esper lists. I was going to go back to 2x Whip of Erebos , down to 3x Thoughtseize and 3x Pack Rat for 3x Blood Baron of Vizkopa . TEst it like that.
Bestach says... #1
I haven't played the deck, but I play a mono black devotion which is similar. Personally, I think 4x Underworld Connections and 2x Read the Bones is better. Underworld Connections provides a huge amount of repeatable card advantage, and even though it doesn't dig as deep as Read the Bones in one go its far more efficient in the long term.
I'm not even sure you need Read the Bones . The card advantage from Whip of Erebos and Underworld Connections is very good and you might benefit from Devour Flesh or even an extra Hero's Downfall in the MB. I'd even consider removing 1x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx for more removal, or the 4th Thoughtseize 25 land seems slightly excessive with so much draw and a curve that end at 5.
I also think your better off with Lifebane Zombie in the Sideboard. Although my version is fully monoblack, so I play Nightveil Specter . However, I think it should still be playable in this, and the flying is relevant, as is the exile effect, especially in the mirror. Plus, it gives a lot of devotion, and makes it a target for removal, which allows you to stick any of your larger threats.
Again, this could play completely differently to my deck, but these are just where I feel I feel it could be a bit stronger. +1
November 23, 2013 5:41 p.m.