Blood Bridge

Modern BobFromAccounting


Huppster05 says... #1

this deck is aweful and i hate you for it so thats a +1 from me

December 21, 2015 9:06 p.m.

Huppster05, I know how you feel. I saw this deck and said "OMG, it kills all my modern decks except 8-Rakdos" and fell in love with it. The stupidity of a T1 Blood Moon is almost elegant. In playtesting, after dropping a T1/T2 Blood Moon, several people have said "welp, let's go to game 2."

December 21, 2015 9:13 p.m.

Huppster05 says... #3

i went to a star city open and someone was playing something similar to this and i was like well dang who the hell plays koth, needless to say i was pissed

December 21, 2015 9:16 p.m.

Have you tried replacing all the mountains with Snow-Covered Mountains and finding a place for 4 Skred for giggles?

December 22, 2015 10:49 a.m.

Haha, I had considered skred as a 2 of skred and 2 of lightning bolt but I like the consistency of bolt. That being said I could easily see skred as SB in place of one roast.

December 22, 2015 11:07 a.m.

Saljen says... #6

I tried something like this a while ago with decent success. I took a little different approach: Let's Burn Some Bridges.

December 24, 2015 7:53 p.m.

eagles191919 says... #7

I really like this deck!! I will have to give it a try

January 5, 2016 10:05 p.m.

Thanks, I really enjoy it too! It's a blast to play, even losing, I ain't even mad.

January 6, 2016 7:41 p.m.

Pheardemons says... #9

Just a question for you...what is the win condition? Yes there are plenty of players that will just scoop game one hey see the Blood Moon, but Ensnaring Bridge stops your creatures as well. I would recommend Banefire. It can't be countered above 5 and you can play Koth of the Hammer's -2 then cast another koth and do it again to get enough mana to deal some serious damage. If not you could possibly go the Skred route with Boros Reckoner. Like the deck though man.

January 16, 2016 6:15 a.m.

The scoop is obviously ideal, but there are several other options:

The main win is any number of bolt/jet + koth emblem to seal the deal.

Koth also makes a mountain a 4/4, and he can be cast fairly early off the rituals as well, so a 4/4 on T2/T3 is pretty spicy.

Chandra +1 to ping to death. Not fast, but builds to her ultimate.

On ultimate, Chandra can duplicate a bolt x3 for 9 damage or a magma jet x3 for 6 damage.

The Skred/Boros Reckoner package is a fair play in a skred red deck, but it's too much to fit in without losing the other stuff this deck needs. Hidetsugu's Second Rite is a card I've considered as a 1-of. With the mountains as 1 damage pingers, the damage can be fine tuned and get them to 10 life, but some decks could bolt themselves or if blood moon isn't out, just crack a fetch and get around it. Barring that, the deck does pack 4 lightning bolts and 3 magma jets (18 potential damage), which on some number of fetch/shocks from an opponent (should all else fail), can get to 20 life.

The deck is definitely an all-in red strategy and can get blown out/blow itself out occasionally, but it's a riot to play.

January 16, 2016 7:45 a.m.

Pheardemons says... #11

Thanks for the insight. I didn't think of some of those while looking at your deck. I only mentioned Skred because I've built my own Skred red deck. I like the idea of locking an opponent down though. I may look into Ensnaring Bridge for the future.

January 16, 2016 8:07 a.m.

It may have a minor "bad" synergy with Ensnaring Bridge but why not Scrying Sheets and Snow-Covered Mountain like a Skred style deck? Edit: The interaction with blood moon is not as favorable, Skred decks still run them despite this.

It helps with Chandra, Pyromaster 0 ability. Also might give you that small edge in matches where wins can come down to drawing an extra bolt or not.

Cool Deck

January 26, 2016 3:40 p.m. Edited.

Hey mymanpotsandpans, thanks for taking a look at this deck! I do like Scrying Sheets and do run it in some mono-colored commander decks. It's not terrible in the deck, but late game it's not as good as just drawing another mountain for me for a Koth emblem finisher. If moon is online, it's still a mountain for Koth, so that's okay; but then I do lose the reason to have it. If there was a way to squeeze in Boros Reckoner and Skred and still have the deck streamlined enough to do T1/T2 Blood Moons I would absolutely be all about that, but there's not quite enough room. I have considered doing Reckoner/Skred as sideboard for a completely different matchup in game 2/3, but I'd lose a lot of utility to do it.

January 26, 2016 9:38 p.m.

Yeah, I realized a lot of the problems with going that route as I made the comment. It is a very minimal upgrade at best, your're right. Still an awesome deck, funny how mono red makes for a better control deck than a mono blue deck probably could in modern.

January 26, 2016 10:57 p.m.

Danglidesh says... #15

I would suggest a better modern burn spell that isn't Magma Jet like Rift Bolt Lava Spike etc

Other than that, a great deck with strong synergy. +1

February 1, 2016 4:47 p.m.

Thanks for taking a look Danglidesh. I would normally agree with you if this were a traditional burn deck, Magma Jet is strictly worse than Rift Bolt, Lava Spike and other burn spells. What makes jet relevant here though is the scry2. Depending on the matchup, the deck really relies on being able to hide behind Ensnaring Bridge and in multiple copies (Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger has really taken off). It also needs to land a Koth on turn 4 to keep the pressure up as well.

Initially I had tried running Faithless Looting but in my local meta, graveyard hate still abounds making flashback hampering and usually dead. Tormenting Voice was also considered but had the downside of having to potentially discard a needed card. Magma Jet helps fill a dual roll of both giving a shock and scry effect to help keep the board in check and help dig into needed answers like the bridge or koth to finish the game out. For the most part, 2 damage takes out a lot of the creatures in the meta and helps stabilize the board state.

February 1, 2016 5:25 p.m. Edited.

RamblinMan says... #17

Have you considered Pyromancer's Swath? It has a good synergy with Ensnaring Bridge, and your Scry cards can help you avoid bad lategame topdecks. If you run that, I'd also look into Flame Jab.

February 2, 2016 11:19 p.m.

Thanks for taking a look RamblinMan. Pyromancer's Swath is an interesting card. I like that it extends the damage from my limited burn, and the ability to make sure my hand is empty. TBH, emptying my hand usually isn't a problem. Everything is so low costed and with 8 rituals I can usually dump most of it quickly, but maybe as a 1-of. Flame Jab though I feel is terrible here. In order to get the synergy with Swath, I'd likely have to run a couple copies of each, and Retrace dumps mountains to the grave which doesn't go well with the primary win-con of Koth Emblem. With the emblem, each mountain is a repeatable 1 damage ping, where as just pitching a mountain to the grave nets me a single damage only for each mountain. Sure, it'd be more damage with Swath, but then I'd have to commit to a strategy that uses 2 cards to do slightly more damage up front over the inexorable and building damage of Koth.

February 3, 2016 1:40 a.m.

Saljen says... #19

If you want to know what a version of this would look like with Pyromancer's Swath and Flame Jab then you can check out Pyromancer Control. It also takes advantage of Skred for killing large creatures and that gives access to Scrying Sheets as well which speeds up draw. Its very fun to play and it even pumps Pyroclasm to give you more efficient mid and late game board wipes.

February 3, 2016 10:59 a.m.

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