Blood Flows Like Wine

Modern Agbu


Minousmancer says... #1

I would have 4xStromkirk CaptainMTG Card: Stromkirk Captain.

February 25, 2012 1:41 p.m.

Agbu says... #2

Me too. And as soon as I get 3 more, I'll put them in...

February 25, 2012 1:59 p.m.

Minousmancer says... #3

Cool, cool. deck:olivias-bloodhall

February 25, 2012 2:11 p.m.

Agbu says... #4

I need to get some Olivia VoldarenMTG Card: Olivia Voldaren too.

February 25, 2012 2:16 p.m.

haolopes says... #5

Put 4x Stromkirk NobleMTG Card: Stromkirk Noble. With 4x Rakish HeirMTG Card: Rakish Heir, Undying EvilMTG Card: Undying Evil don't make much sense because because your vampires will get +1/+1 counters and you will not be able to use undying. Take a look at my R/B vampire deck deck:vampiric-revenge to take away some ideas.

February 27, 2012 1:26 p.m.

Agbu says... #6

I hadn't thought about the +1/+1 working against the Undying... I'll pull those out. I only have 1 Stromkirk NobleMTG Card: Stromkirk Noble So those will be going in as soon as I get a few more. So I need 4x Stromkirk CaptainMTG Card: Stromkirk Captains and 4x Stromkirk NobleMTG Card: Stromkirk Nobles. Anything else?

February 27, 2012 2:14 p.m.

haolopes says... #7

it is amazing add a way to place more and more vampires that can easily become 4/4 flyers (+2/+2 to other vampires when flip).In my opinion all removals that I'm using in my deck are better than AssassinateMTG Card: Assassinate. AssassinateMTG Card: Assassinate is more expensive, sorcery and not instant, and even the creature must be tapped so you can destroy it. So Doom BladeMTG Card: Doom Blade or Go for the ThroatMTG Card: Go for the Throat are better options.

February 27, 2012 3:03 p.m.

Agbu says... #8

Doom BladeMTG Card: Doom Blade!!! All I could think of was Dark BanishingMTG Card: Dark Banishing And I knew that wasn't legal anymore... Thank you!

February 27, 2012 3:34 p.m.

Hewhobetrays says... #9

March 3, 2012 12:45 p.m.

Agbu says... #10

This deck took 4th at FNM last night. I know I need 3x more Stromkirk NobleMTG Card: Stromkirk Nobles, I just can't afford them just now. Any other thoughts or suggestions?

March 31, 2012 5:36 p.m.

miracleHat says... #11

dude, falkenrath marauders is really good for a vampire. and you should have like one falkenrath aristocrat just for sits and giggles.

April 3, 2012 11:13 a.m.

Agbu says... #12

I ran both, but found they slowed down the game. I like them, but if I don't hit the ground running I lose momentum.

April 3, 2012 11:55 a.m.

miracleHat says... #13

got it

April 3, 2012 noon

chrisimtg says... #14

Love this deck. i run black and red too. If you want to check it out its called Black Fire


April 5, 2012 5:55 p.m.

anutz404 says... #15

Blood ArtistMTG Card: Blood Artist over Falkenrath NobleMTG Card: Falkenrath Noble? And with a name like Blood Flows Like Wine, look at Thatcher RevoltMTG Card: Thatcher Revolt + Bloodflow ConnoisseurMTG Card: Bloodflow Connoisseur (the humans sac regardless, so you guarantee the Conny gets buff). I run that in my FNM deck (deck:rb-bram-stoker-breakthrough. It's super effective.

Also, if you have the Stromkirk CaptainMTG Card: Stromkirk Captain in play, your vamps already have first strike. The +2/+0 from Vampiric FuryMTG Card: Vampiric Furyis nice, but it only lasts until EoT. For 1 more you could use Volt ChargeMTG Card: Volt Charge until it cycles to perma give everything with counters +1/+1, with the added bonus of blasting a dude or zapping the player. Furthermore, if you used the Clutches(I -love- that card), most vamps are guaranteed to have a counter!

Check it out :D +1 for vamps in today's meta.

May 13, 2012 1:41 a.m.

2ylite says... #16

Rakish HeirMTG Card: Rakish Heir is a great card but if you want the ability, i would switch it out for Curse of Stalked PreyMTG Card: Curse of Stalked Prey. it will help with your mana curve too.

and maybe take 2 DisentombMTG Card: Disentomb from your sideboard and replace it with 2 Undying EvilMTG Card: Undying Evil which works at instant speed and goes directly into the battlefield with a counter (for those creatures you do not gain counters on).

have fun with this deck! +1

May 15, 2012 2:16 p.m.

MTG_Player says... #17

Maybe, Blood Artist instead of Falkenrath Noble for better aggro.

June 20, 2012 11:50 p.m.

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