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Blood Money Vampires




Vampire circle jerk


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Round one went against a blue/black control/mill build. cit couldnt couter my creatures because of cavern of souls, and couldnt handle the aggro. won 2-0. Round two went against a four color deck based on good creatures a little control and a nightshade peddler/izzet staticaster combo. game one just aggro through won fast. game two saw the combo for the first couldnt do anything to stop it, properly side boarded after seeing with some dreadbores and bonfires. won the third game with 56 life and some stolen thragtusks thanks to an ultimate from sorin and an aggro through for the win. won 2-1 Round three went against junk tokens with a lot of populate. thanks to stromkirk capatin i was able to maintain board position until i dropped blood barons he couldnt do anything about. game two three feind hunters locked me down and got trampled by some wurms. game three stabilized with stromkirk captain till i top decked a bonfire, sweeping his board and having him lose a lot of life and me gain a lot of life thanks to blood artist. came back to my turn and swung for game. won 2-1 Round four went against black green zombies, stromkirk captain prevented any attack aginst me since most of his creatures had low toughness syndrome. stole game one with flying vampire tokens and a transformed bloodline keeper. game two stromkirk locked the field down again and just kept pushing through with first strike forcing him to loose two creatures just to block my one. eventually widdled his board position down and took the win. won 2-0 won 4-0 overal and took first place. lifelink from tithe drinker, nighthawk and blood baron helped stabilize me but most of the credit goes to stromkirk captain for amazing board position and sideboarded Bonfires saved my ass in what was looking like a bad situation. A lot of fun and a great time for a timmy vampire themed deck.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors UG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 1 Mythic Rares

31 - 6 Rares

21 - 8 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.68
Tokens City's Blessing, Vampire 1/1 W, Vampire 2/2 B
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