First of all, the needed help is mostly in suggestions for the SB, and whether or not to run lightning bolt, in the first place.
This deck, pre board, is basically a prison deck with a light splash of control elements. The ideal is a t1 Thoughtseize or Faithless Looting to find better or more cards, t2 Remand whatever an opponent casts, for giggles and for card advantage, and t3 Blood Moon, so that they cannot replay whatever the opponent played t2. T4 one could take off, or otherwise Dreadbore a threat, and t5, either dragon or recast a spell with a goblin dark dweler.
My rationale for dreadbore is pretty simple: it hits more threats, and this is a tapout control deck, anyway. The worst nightmare is a t6 or 7 Karn Liberated or Ugin, the Spirit Dragon to exile the moon effect. I have, however, played several games vs rg tron, and currently have a record of 7-1. The one loss had to do with a Wurmcoil Engine that went unanswered for too, too long.
I am on the fence about even running the lightning bolts. I think it may be better to just run two Terminate and two Damnation, bc that's really what the purpose is, more than three to the dome: kill all the everything. And, the extra three incidental damage seems useless vs. goyf, wurmcoil, resto and several other valid threats. AND, this is tapout control with a splash of blue, meaning there's not even one Snapcaster Mage. Instead I slam down a moon, throw a sword on a Spellskite, and hilarity ensues.
I have had a great amount of success with this deck so far. If I don't get blown out by a quick bushwacker zoo deck, there's really few decks that correctly interact with me, other than a t1 seize or inquisition grabbing the moon, if it were to be in my hand, anyway, at that point.
POST SB, I gain more specific counter magic, and some other assorted fun tricks. The sideboard is currently interpretive, and I am still open to changes.