banditchimera says... #2
Thx for the advice. Id need to get one more sorrin and 1 more blood scriviner but I could try that for sure. The side board is an easy swap
June 5, 2013 8:50 p.m.
try before you buy. The reason I offer it is because I am running BWR Midrange Aristocrats and I find myself without cards in hand often. If it wasn't for Blood Scrivener as a 3 of I would be in trouble lol. For me, Faithless Looting and Sihn in Blood are not enough.
Orzhov charm is simply a better choice that ultimate price. regardless of any argument anyone could offer up.
Just remember that Cartel + Spirits + Blood Artist = Potential Lethal on board. So always keep a running total of how much damage you could do if you just sacrificed everything to the Cartel. when Someone wipes with Terminus do not let them get away easy. Sac it all out.
When someone casts Dsphere on your spirits. Sac the targeted Spirit. DSphere fizzles.
June 5, 2013 9:03 p.m.
I would properly link my deck, but Tappedout says it cannot find the item
June 5, 2013 9:07 p.m.
banditchimera says... #5
i couldn't find that deck but did see your orzhov like mine (version 6) i liked it man :)
June 5, 2013 11:32 p.m.
banditchimera says... #6
added 2 Immortal Servitude 2 Orzhov Charm and one blood baron. dropped the Mutilate to the sideboard and decided to nix the Obzedat, Ghost Council going to try this out next week at FNM. i work this week and am still waiting on a few cards to ship. let me know what you think.
June 6, 2013 6:49 p.m.
Lith's BWR Midrange (Comment Please)
There we go... I nubbed and left it on private LOL
June 7, 2013 6:44 a.m.
banditchimera says... #9
trying to figure out if i should board or play Thrull Parasite or Ultimate Price problem is i wouldn't know what to take out. After playing yesterday at my local shop it seems aggro/burn is pretty popular. i like the Rhox Faithmender in the deck because of extra life gain and its a 5 defense. Orzhov Charm didnt really help me in any of the games i play last night other than removal so thats out for now. feedback is wanted so if youd like to help im open to any suggstions
June 9, 2013 8:35 a.m.
banditchimera says... #10
well i've been looking at a few other decks here and i'm thinking that i might take out the Rhox Faithmender and the Sign in Blood for either 3 Thrull Parasite , or Skirsdag High Priest and then 3 Blood Scrivener . what do yall think is the best bet?
June 9, 2013 10:18 a.m.
Cloudshift + obzhedat or geralfs messenger always fun lmao the damage can stack fast can stack up fast
June 13, 2013 12:13 a.m.
banditchimera says... #12
nice,i like that idea. might have to try and fit it in possibly. thx
June 13, 2013 12:24 a.m.
hell i may make a deck based aroung creatures with "enters the battle field effects" deputy of aquitiles angel of redemption sudden disapearence sounds like fun
June 13, 2013 12:31 a.m.
have you considered something like Gravecrawler with maybe one more zombie creature type you could see constant recast of the gravecrawler to any sac effect you're using.
June 17, 2013 12:37 a.m.
banditchimera says... #15
thx for the suggestion. dunno how well it fits in the deck but it does have potential for sure. esp with it adding to the damage effect of blood artist.
June 17, 2013 12:55 a.m.
banditchimera says... #16
thought about it overnight and im considering, from the suggestion, adding 3 Gravecrawler in the doomed traveler spot then replacing the Thrull Parasite with the Blood Scrivener again. i might not keep it that way but sabba is right in saying that it could add alot to the sac effect. still not 100 percent in love with it but i'm thinking more about it now. i do like the thrull in the deck seeing as how i can potentially use Geralf's Messenger to do lethal damage over and over again only for two life per removed counter though.
June 17, 2013 8:23 a.m.
tossablesalad22 says... #17
I would trade Geralf's Messenger for Rhox Faithmender . The Blood Artist procs will be much more effective. I actually play with a deck very similar to this,'s(Lifegain)Fury The combination of the two create massive lifegain and it works really well
June 20, 2013 1:20 a.m.
banditchimera says... #18
Debating on taking out Blood Baron of Vizkopa and putting in Restoration Angel I like the barron but I have a gut feeling the angel might be a good fit. Let me know what yall think
June 21, 2013 12:13 a.m.
Restoration Angel is a solid card but I'm not seeing the over all usefulness of it, the only creature that could benefit from it's ETB is Geralf's Messenger who would lose it's +1/+1 and be able to die again. It can help avoid spot removal and provides a decent body for attacking or defending.
Blood Baron of Vizkopa is also a tough creature protected from the two colors with the most removal and has lifelink and gets rediculously over powered when you have a significant lead I consider this more of a win-more card.
I would say give the resto angel a chance and if it doesn't quite accomplish what you want you might want to try something like Obzedat, Ghost Council .
June 21, 2013 1:06 a.m.
banditchimera says... #20
thx...going to leave the baron in for now then. i had obzedat in the deck before but it didnt really perform when i needed it so i took it out for now. your right though the angel only serves 1 purpose and the barron is beast endgame.
June 21, 2013 1:17 a.m.
This is going to sound like the dumbest shit you have ever heard.....
As if you couldn't have made this any more solid...Blood Scrivener as a two of, I question. He wont see play early enough most games to be highly effective.
You got a little shaken on the 16th didn't you. Now your reeling trying to add cards that help you stabilize. Stop. focus on what you need your deck to do on its own. Stop trying to re-invent the wheel by tossing all of this reset and board wiping.
Write down on a piece of paper exactly what the win conditions are for your deck.Lethal Damage out of the Cartel Aristocrat Lethal Damage out of Death from Blood Artist Lethal Damage out of Blood Baron of Vizkopa
Go pull out your deck and make your perfect hand. Then make your perfect turn 1-6. Play turns 1 to 6 against someone. This is Vacuum testing. How did your perfect hand turn out? How did your idea of a perfect turn 1-6 go? Redux and Vacuum test again. This type of testing will allow you to see your deck at its maximum strength. I say only to turn 6 because you curve out at 5. By turn 6 EOT your opponent should be dead or at / below 10 life and you at 30. That puts lethal on-board turn 7 with a 10/10 Flying Vampire of Orzhov Sexiness.
Now lets let reality sink in:First and foremost: Getting yourself to 30 and your opponent below 10 will RARELY happen. Why? your life gain is Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Blood Artist people will try to answer them both immediately. So realize that Blood Baron of Vizkopa does his job whether that be hits the field and they do answer him hitting the board. Your always and immediate response is to Sacrifice him to the Cartel Aristocrat .
Detention Sphere Targets. So when they use it on your spirits or Zombies or Vampires, make them declare WHICH they are targeting. Sac that creature in response and keep the rest.
Focus on the idea that everything you have in play that can be sac'd should be at some point. Including Blood Artist . Nothing that can be sacrificed should be immune to it. When they board wipe? You sacrifice everything and Sac the Blood Artist 's last. When they target a Blood Artist Sacrifice creatures and get mileage out of him. it's more important to use your triggers while you can that to lose them and hope for another opportunity that may not come. The point of your deck is to board wipe yourself. and you do so with cheap creatures.
The fact that your scrambling this week to find some sort of stabilization tells me that you sac'd your field out and couldn't recover from it. So analyze what didn't you draw that caused your inability to recover?
Your draw power is also very limited which is something you must have. Its not optional. you puke out cards onto the table at good speed. So sitting there with an empty hand IS NOT optional. No cards in hand means you will lose. I promise. If your not playing cards every turn then you will be outrun eventually. So maybe move to four Blood Scrivener since they are Zombies? or remove them and go with 4 Sign in Blood , something anything to guarantee that you can get cards into your hand.
Your also maybe missing out on an obvious combo. How many times have you dumped your entire mana pool into sacrificing and resurrecting rinse/repeat Gravecrawler ?
After noticing that interaction, I am actually going to grab a playset later today. So long to Doomed Traveler maybe? The fact that I never have ever missed a black, red or white mana drop has me absolutely thinking.
June 21, 2013 9:32 a.m.
banditchimera says... #22
thx for the info, i will for sure do that. as for the scrivener i have a playset but couldn't decide what to take out for the other 2. i think i'd rather try 4 Blood Scrivener than the Sign in Blood on the 16th the scrivener worked out, at least in the current meta. i was rethinking some things after the16th, you are right, but the deck did decent for the first real tourny run. 2 times Blood Baron of Vizkopa stopped me dead which is why i changed my sideboard a bit. if im not playing many multi colored creatures the Renounce the Guilds can hit hard on stuff like 1 blood baron or 1 obzedat on the field. same reason i added Merciless Eviction
i do like your idea though i just need to figure out what to take out. ppl keep saying Geralf's Messenger
but in truth ive gotten the card to work well more than once and it can be a formidable 4/3 after it comes back. Immortal Servitude
saved me alot too with dredging up my graveyard so that is staying. Mutilate
was solid too, hence adding a 3rd one. let me know what you think.i wont reinvent the wheel but will try to add at least 1 more scrivener
June 21, 2013 9:53 a.m.
Your response is precisely what I was talking about. Your now focused on what your opponent is playing and not on what you are playing. Bad move.
Play YOUR deck. Stop playing against theirs. Stop manipulating your deck because you want to beat a particular deck. You will run yourself into a brick wall where you can only manage against that deck. Instead, Why not move your utility into the sideboard where it belongs. Example: Renounce the Guilds is an obvious sideboard. Mutilate is obvious mainboard. Merciless Eviction and Crypt Incursion Obvious side board.
Drop Sorin, Lord of Innistrad for the additional Blood Scrivener . Try that in a vacuum. I'm still not a super fan of Geralf's Messenger , I'd get rid of him to main board the Orzhov Charm That way I had something to sub-out for Renounce the Guilds , swapping utility for utility always makes life easier, plus you self medicate by pushing your curve back toward two.
Look at this: Sheep
June 21, 2013 10:41 a.m.
banditchimera says... #24
lithionlx, thx for the comments and feedback. for now i've done what i think will work well. i'm going to test it this weekend without Geralf's Messenger but i did keep Sorin, Lord of Innistrad i'm happy with this deck and think it should work well. thx again, Bandit Chimera
June 21, 2013 3:36 p.m.
so im well does Sorin work for you? i personally think for as well as the rest of the deck works Sorin is probably the weakest card IMO.
lithionlx says... #1
Yes, Doomed Traveler was the correct choice.
-2 Plains
+2 Swamp
drop Murder
+1 Sin Collector ; Crypt Incursion ; Devour Flesh
June 5, 2013 8:42 p.m.