blood sucking slivers (B/W/G) (help wanted)

Standard* feyn_do_alduin


clark_nova says... #1

I like the decklist you have here! How are the Sliver tokens working for you? I've steered away from them as I've been worried that they wouldn't be at a high enough p/t to affect the board, but I've missed having them as chump blockers. Gruul War Chant is a very good card, and one that can help win the game by the turn you drop it. Feel free to check out my version of naya slivers, Naya Sliver Shenanigans!

August 27, 2013 8:25 p.m.

sindrakz says... #2

okay, first of all thanks for the deck, i didn't test him with all the cards, but it's very cool with the ones i manage to i would like you to ask, i don't have any Mutavault , what in your opinion is better for replace ? I got Into the Wilds , 2 Door of Destinies , Verdant Haven and some other cards u mentionned.And, in my opinion, maybe would be better to use Plummet or Deadly Recluse to deal with flying, cause at least that turn is 100% sure you kill the ones with fly, wt do u think ? (:

August 31, 2013 7:05 a.m.

feyn_do_alduin says... #3

@ sindrakz : no problem. Mutavault is REALLY expensive right now (20$) so use them if you can pull them.

as far as flying goes, I would use Tower Defense , and Galerider Sliver since this is a sliver deck and they can splash ANY color.

I would keep Verdant Haven because once an opponent picks up on that you only have one multicolor mana source ( Manaweft Sliver ), heshe will Slaughter Games for them ASAP.

both Into the Wilds and Door of Destinies can be fantastic if you get them out early, on that same note, they take multiple turns for their effect to be worth while, slowing down your game by a turn. and outside of casual, this is devastating.

In closing, you can use ANY sliver in this deck, but remember that this is by default a token deck.

you also need to remember that WHAT EVER card you decide to put in here needs to be supported by your mana base, so harsh costing cards like Render Silent or Boundless Realms that require multiple restricted color costs (double green in this case) should activley be avioded if at all possible.

August 31, 2013 11:30 p.m.

feyn_do_alduin says... #4

oh, also a yes to Plummet in case you need spot removal.

August 31, 2013 11:35 p.m.

Mattao19 says... #5

Highly suggest Golgari Charm mainboard for the regen. aspect bc slivers are very easy to remove. Also +1 Guile, -1 something (for the same reason). Also, why not Naya Slivers? Legion's Initiative, and Boros Charm are my 2 best cards in my sliver deck.

September 28, 2013 1:32 a.m.

harthin says... #6

I really like the deck, i want to make slivers a thing. especially like a midrangy slivers and i like it. The only downside is if they anger of the gods/supreme verdict and you don't have a golgari charm in your hand your a little screwed

September 28, 2013 1:33 a.m.

feyn_do_alduin says... #7

@ harthin and Mattao19

I already have a Naya sliver deck, this deck is an experiment. the mainboard to start takes a more aggressive stance, I only add the charms if board wipe is being played.


here's the link

September 28, 2013 1:37 a.m.

harthin says... #8

yeah that's what im saying though, as with a lot of aggro decks, anger of the gods or supreme verdict will force a restart

September 29, 2013 6:29 a.m.

feyn_do_alduin says... #9

while this is true, the meta is changing from the rotation. people haven't figured out what kind of build they want just yet. and this month is all draft locally for fnm.

September 29, 2013 10:22 a.m.

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