Blood Thief

Standard Cyber Locc


Cyber Locc says... #1

Im considering upping AoT she does good. Doom Blade is a staple card not going anywhere. Every game I have payed an won Doom Blade was used at least once. You have to remember my creatures are small without ample removal I will lose. Basilica Screecher are good for the flying and for the fact that they have extort thus pump my AoT. It is an extort deck after all. but thanks for the input. I may remove 1 Tithe Drinker for another angel not sure really I don't like to run too many high cast spells especially with an extortion deck. More than a 4th of my deck is already 5 mana or more that's plenty verging on too much

July 26, 2013 7:37 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #2

doom blade doesn't target soooo many things. that's why it sucks. I agree that u need the removal, but would never run doom blade. Too bad your limited by standard format. I guess u could run Murder even thought its more expensive. I would consider running Ajani, Caller of the Pride just to buff paladin or AoT.

July 26, 2013 7:48 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #3

Doom Blade can target most stuff aside from black of course the meta aint very black heavy in standard at the moment there's 1 other person that runs black @ my LGS. Murder is rotating this is a post roto deck. if i play a black deck it wont be solid most likely thus High Priest of Penance will take out the black ones (although that's more a scare tactic). Also for black and protection I have Executioner's Swing and Orzhov Charm in SB. Look at my playtests Doom Blade seen quite a few plays. As for ajani I like it but not sure if it fits well this deck is more black than white but I will give it a shot.

July 26, 2013 8 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #4

i just made my own deck loosely based/inspired by yours white post rotation

July 26, 2013 10:01 p.m.

HelixSnapHelix says... #5

Seraph Sanctuary makes Archangel of Thune kind of ridiculous and you should try to fit it in here for sure.

July 26, 2013 10:07 p.m.

KeyCard says... #6

ah, my bad - well the +1 followed just now ;)

July 26, 2013 10:24 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #7

Well thank you again lol

July 26, 2013 11:31 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #8

jfriday09 dude that does have really good synergy although it is AVR tihs deck is post roto :(. But thanks for the suggestion though.

July 26, 2013 11:35 p.m.

Loyalty says... #9

+1, I was looking for a good Orzhov deck..however be careful now, we don't want to get blood all over your pretty white cloak. ;)

July 27, 2013 8:13 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #10

Lol HumanOverlord so true I wonder if the have bleach in ravinca?...

July 27, 2013 11:46 a.m.

megawurmple says... #11

This deck is pretty sweet. I would personally remove 1 High Priest of Penance and replace it with 1 more Blind Obedience . It basically hoses Aggro, it is difficult to remove and fits better with the life gain theme of this deck.

I couldn't help but notice that in one of your play tests, you cast Immortal Servitude and made X=4, then brought back Crypt Ghast , Basilica Screecher and High Priest of Penance . That doesn't work; Immortal Servitude only reanimates creatures with CMC X, not CMC X or less. Only the Crypt Ghast would come back. Just thought I'd point that out.

Overall, I like the deck. +1

July 27, 2013 1:54 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #12

I didn't realize that thanks for pointing that out. I will fix it in the playtest I dnt know which one but Im sure I still win

July 27, 2013 2:09 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #13

Also that's a good idea with the Blind Obedience I will do that.

July 27, 2013 2:21 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #14

So Archangel of Thune might get the backseat to sun titan. They said 5 new mechanics and 1 we wanted hopefully the bring reanimator back not the crap they been pedallin but real 2 turn win reanimator it be perfect with the new god of the underworld

July 28, 2013 3:42 a.m.

KeyCard says... #15

just wondering what your thoughts were on the topic: Why not play Obzedat, Ghost Council? And how would you compare it to Debt to the Deathless which you do play? thx in advance!

July 28, 2013 9:44 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #16

I personally dont lile obezadat because while he exiles himseld hes still victim to removal. His abilty does 2 damage which is good but he is pricey and as for being a 5/5 he can be chump blocked as he is on the ground with nothkng special for his mana cost. I chose arch angel of thune because even though she is removal with cryptghast out I ca then extort a cheap spell or to get really mean extort silence to keep her as a blocker through there turn all the while getting counters and taking life.

Debt to the debtless is also good with a crypt ghast or 2 as it can end the game lets say its turn 6 i have 5 swamps and a plains and 2 crypt ghasts thats 16 mana i pay debt for 12 you lose 12 i gain 12 thats game most likely if not it be damn hard for you to come back from.

July 29, 2013 12:08 a.m.

KeyCard says... #17

thank you again :)

last one for now I think :DWhy do you play Strionic Resonator? The only triggered abilities are fom AoT, High Priest of Penance (which is indeed pretty sweet) and Sanguine Bond. Or am I missing here something? And is that worth the two card slots for synergy with only seven other cards?Greetings, KeyCard

July 29, 2013 1:53 p.m.

megawurmple says... #18

KeyCard, Extort is a triggered ability. Extort's reminder text is "Whenever you cast a spell...". The word whenever shows that it is triggered. Therefore, Strionic Resonator can copy Extort as well as having synergy with the other cards you mentioned.

July 29, 2013 3:45 p.m.

KeyCard says... #19

Ahh, thank you TitansFTW :)

Does that mean that, but that does mean that you would have to pay 2 generic mana, in order to copy the extort ability, plus the one white or black mana for the extort cost, doesn't it?

July 29, 2013 7:58 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #20

Yes you would have to pay 3 but if you have the spare mana why not. As too is it worth it. Using it with the priest equals 2 removed permants , using it with AoT is another set of 1/1 counters and sanguine bond is just insane image sanguine bond in play with resonator and cryptghast i have 5 swamps 2 plains I tap 10 to debt of the debtless you lose 6 i gain 6 sanguine bond you lose 6 more i copy it and you lose 6 more

July 29, 2013 10:23 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #21

have to say, i would +1 you again if it would let me, just for using Debt to the Deathless I know it's cheap but I still bought a foil playset. I fv<ing love that card!

July 30, 2013 1:20 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #22

lost horribly at fmn lol alot of my local meta game is control and very aggro not much mid range first match was against an all white control. I lost 2-0 I couldn't do anything I didn't pull any removal and when I did it didn't matter I cast a creature he casts Banisher Priest and exiles I kill banisher he pacifiys He had 4 pacifys 4 banisher and 4 of another card that does the same 3 angels 4 silences ect no matter what I did he shut me down. Second match Shadowborn Apostle deck I did much better here than the first but still I lost 2-0. Ultimate price came in handy here he did the shadow born combo I ultimate priced his desecration demon got him to 6 he used a merciless eviction I thought no prob I cast Archangel of Thune he follows with shadowborn demon destroys my angel and chips me down all at 6 life but I got horrible mana pocket after his board wipe. The second game I messed up or would have won I had a blood baron of vizkopa and a silence in hand and a high priest on field 15 life he had 2 he had desecration demon and a xathid takes his turn and I have all my 4 mana untapped and I hesitate to cast silence (cost me the game) he casts Sire Of Insanity and made me discard my hand and he won after that. next 2 macthes i won against a sliver deck and then a red white just bashed em down slowly but it was 2 late the 2-1s from them didn't help at that point. A bant control took first and the all white control took second I think im going to switch this deck up and make it more control as orzhov isn't really fast but If I give plenty of control to allow me to bleed I think she will run better

August 3, 2013 3:05 a.m.

I think you should cut the Silence out, because playing that puts you down a card just to stall a turn. It's kind of like a white Fog but worse, It's not always a bad card, and I'm sure there are times when it can be amazing, but generally it's just not worth losing an entire card to gain a bit of tempo that can't interact with the board presence at all. Also, the second reason I think you should cut it is to make room for 2 more lands. with 6 5-drops (and that's not counting Immortal Servitude OR Debt to the Deathless ) I think you want at least 24 lands to get to those on time. Also you want lots of mana to pay for you extort triggers and activate Strionic Resonator . Actually now I'm thinking 25 might not be bad. You can definitely do everything with a Crypt Ghast out, but it won't come up every game, and won't always stay alive.Also sideboard Sin Collector s against control. As many as you can fit in the sideboard.

August 4, 2013 3:33 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #24

Thanks for the ideas bhrussn0 but i guess you didnt read my above comment im going to go more control. The orignal idea was bleeder/aggro but ive come to see i need more bleed less aggro in my meta. Silence is not a dead card in any way when i lock you up with it and can extort big for its 1 mana i actually lost a game for not playing it that turn. I actually have 23 lands atm as i only have one resonator. Sin collector is going main board along with more bleeder control staples. One Thousand Lashes Contaminated Ground to name a few

August 4, 2013 1:22 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #25

Okay so I think it is sitting pretty good now I have added a lot of discard like Duress , Sin Collector , And the Questionable one Lifebane Zombie I had him side boarded but there's just so many white decks and green decks, Also at the very least he gives me a look at there hand and a 3/1 with fear not bad for 3. The ideal is not only to remove there cards with duress and the likes but also gives me an idea of what there up to and where to go from there. I also main boarded Dark Prophecy for the draw help and One Thousand Lashes to assist in bleeding since it is a bleed deck I thought a bleeder staple would be nice. I would like to replace Executioner's Swing for some type of enchantment removal but I know of none post rotation in black. Let me know what you guys think, I wont be able to FNM it this week as were having a draft for gameday but I will defiantly play-test it before and after the draft and let you know what happens.

August 6, 2013 9:29 p.m.

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