Soon the new set will be released and am very excited about this deck. It features the new god Xenagos, God of Revels. Idea of the deck is to mana pump to mid game and finish with the heavy hitters. There might be a slight problem with 9 five card drops but I think the mana generators stables that problem.
~~Lets begin~~
3x Courser of Kruphix because the card is "gas" in a sense. Helps you see lands, see what a future card is (set up Domri Rade combos and overall I think this card will help keep a deck moving. 3x of Boon Satyr or Scavenging Ooze can replace this card. I would rather play a Domri Rade on turn two if a mana dork was played but I believe it is a solid three drop.
4x Elvish Mystic is played for mana production (mana dork) nothing more.
Ghor-Clan Rampager
is a great card for Bloodrush ability. Give any creature 4/4 and trample. Great combat tool to "surprise" opponent for only 2 mana.
Rubblebelt Raiders
with help from xenagos I could see becoming big very fast
4x Stormbreath Dragon With the current standard of Mono red devotion (with some splashes), Red/Green or any other combination. Stormbreath Dragon is a strong finisher. The down side is he costs 3/R/R however with plenty of mana dorks or an endgame top deck. I have won many games with this card and it is worth keeping in this style of deck.
2x Xenagos, God of Revels because this god is OVERPOWERED. What was magic thinking with this card??? It's like having a hammer in a red deck but gives someone damage as well!! What more could you want from a god??
3x Polukranos, World Eater drop this card any time in the game, and the game pace changes. A four drop 2/G/G that is 5/5 is one of the strongest cards for its casting cost. Its ability to do damage to creatures helps clear board of little creatures the opponent controls.
4x Domri Rade is a great card with great utility. Keeps the deck moving with +1 ability. Can fight other creatures and the ultimate ability cannot be stopped.
2x Xenagos, the Reveler not my favorite card in this deck but it generates mana and blockers if needed
Mizzium Mortars
Because it can be a board wipe or destroy many pesky 4/4 creatures such as Stormbreath Dragon or
Blood Baron of Vizkopa
~~Side board~~
Destructive Revelry
to side in against control. To remove permanents from the game such as Detention Sphere or Chained to the Rocks. Also could be boarded in against people who run
Whip of Erebos
Spear of Heliod
. I assume a few cards will also appear with the new set.
I like having 3x
Fall of the Hammer
in the side board because it acts slightly like the fight mechanic you have from Domri Rade however the creature does not deal damage back. Same idea as
Flesh / Blood
but at instant speed.
Mistcutter Hydra
against blue matchup or control mainly. However 4 seems a little much. Ideas and comments here please
to destroy flying creatures. Many in the format that are easy for the taking.
Finally 2x Savage Summoning against control decks to flash in a creature on their end step or during combat as a blocker.
~~Maybe board~~
Boon Satyr has great utility with flash and bestow for 5. As well as Scavenging Ooze is nice for a 2 drop, can gain life and become HUGE. However I would rather play other two drops instead. Could be a replacement for Courser of Kruphix or one of each mana dork.
I really like
Searing Blood
against ago decks because it as a possible 5 damage total (in theory). But for two red sources I am unsure that I would have that on turn two. Play testing is needed for this card.
I was thinking of
as another way for mana ramping. However, with Courser of the Kruphix, that shouldnt be a problem. But the scry 1 is very helpful. Down side is a 4 cost sorcery.
I am thinking about
Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
: Our hard counter to almost any deck out there besides Aggro based decks! When he hits the table, opponents have a hell of a time getting rid of him and it will always cost them! Great against almost any deck. Only problem is his very high cost.
There is the run down of the deck. Feel free to comment and I will try to reply! Looking forward to this deck and a few others I will link below. Enjoy the new set