Gurmag Dredgevine

Modern* jchudz


tchau204 says... #2

This looks quite good to be honest. Nothing screams wrong here. +1

October 7, 2014 8:32 p.m.

Why in a deck that fills the grave do you not have Tarmogoyf or Liliana of the Veil ???

October 23, 2014 10:16 a.m.

jchudz says... #4

I've been considering Liliana of the Veil as a way to get dredge cards into my graveyard, but wouldn't really be able to protect her since most of my creatures that can return from the graveyard can't block.

Also, Tarmogoyf doesn't actually do much in a deck like this. Unless it's in my opening hand, goyf will just end up in the graveyard since most of my draw steps are spent dredging.

October 23, 2014 12:32 p.m.

CricketYT says... #5

severe lack of your playset of Demigod of Revenge cut the golgari thugs, a gravecrawler and single lighting bolt

November 15, 2014 2:43 p.m.

jchudz says... #6

Demigod of Revenge could be interesting, but the return from graveyard clause seems a bit too specific for my liking, especially without a way to return one to my hand to cast it. I also can't afford to drop the spells you mentioned since Gravecrawler and Golgari Thug are both important combo pieces.

November 15, 2014 6:50 p.m.

Arorsthrar says... #7

I've found Hooting Mandrills to be top notch in Dredgevine decks. 4/4 at 6 CMC makes it quite resilient to remove, and you always have some things you don't need in your graveyard. It's a solid two-of. (It was a 2-of in a Dredgevine deck that top-8'd a Premier).

4 Grisly Salvage is also prime for the deck. It really sets up Vengevine, especially after a turn 2 Faithless Looting.

November 15, 2014 11:42 p.m.

jchudz says... #8

Do you have a link for the list that top 8'd that premier? Its not up on mtg-top-8.

November 16, 2014 12:58 p.m.

Arorsthrar says... #9

A lot of interesting card choices. I tried it out and it played well. I think it needed a few more creatures, but otherwise it was solid.

November 16, 2014 1:52 p.m.

jchudz says... #10

@Arorsthrar I actually like the 2 Hooting Mandrills, it can also help with Vengevine in theory since casting it for 1 shouldn't bee too difficult and it dodges pretty much everything but Path to Exile

November 16, 2014 7:32 p.m.

hubatish says... #11

I agree with the Grisly Salvage. Right now it seems like Faithless Looting is your only way to get that first dredge creature in your yard.

November 19, 2014 7:41 p.m.

hubatish says... #12

*didn't see the Darkblasts. Still agree with more Salvages though.

November 19, 2014 7:44 p.m.

jchudz says... #13

The main issue I have with Grisly Salvage is that it doesn't really do anything when it gets dredged. I used to run more salvages, but cut them back to add Darkblast, to have at least some removal that can be used from the graveyard.

November 19, 2014 7:59 p.m.

turnyouover says... #14

Lotleth Troll is the king of this deck in my opinion.

As for my suggestions:

Liliana of the Veil, Call to the Netherworld, Summoner's Pact, Slaughter Pact, (for activation of Vengevine on turns 3-4 after discard with Lotleth Troll). Nightshade Assassin, Fauna Shaman, Vengeful Pharaoh (if you want to discard at instant speed with Lotleth Troll for free removal), unearth spells such as Dregscape Zombie Rotting Rats or Viscera Dragger, Demigod of Revenge, Lightning Greaves to protect your massive Lotleth Troll. Infernal Tutor, Masked Admirers (for late game), Scavenging Ooze, Splinterfright.

November 20, 2014 11:52 a.m.

Davik100 says... #15

November 23, 2014 2:53 p.m.

I would cut Hooting Mandrills to go to a full playset of Stinkweed Imp.

December 16, 2014 4:17 p.m.

Xaliz says... #17

I really like this deck

January 20, 2015 8:54 p.m.

elpokitolama says... #18

How about Vexing Devil? :)

January 24, 2015 5:47 p.m.

jchudz says... #19

Vexing Devil doesn't really fit with the game plan of the deck. It doesn't have a way to bring itself back from the graveyard and doesn't utilize the graveyard.

January 24, 2015 9:16 p.m.

The-Xellos says... #20

No Golgari Thug?

What about Narcomoeba?

I played against a deck like this Sunday and got destroyed turn 4. Turn 1 - He discarded Golgari Grave-Troll. Turn 2 - Dredge: Put 2 Narcomoeba into play, had 2 other Golgari Grave-Troll, dropped a City of Brass (putting 2 Bloodghast into play), cast Faithless Looting, put 2 more Narcomoeba into play and discarded 2 Golgari Grave-Troll. Turn 3 - Dredge again dropping a land and getting 2 more Bloodghast. Then casts Hooting Mandrills. Attacks for 8 damage. Turn 4 - Attacks for 16 damage. I was playing an Eggs like deck so had nothing to stopped the attacks and needed 1 more turn to go off.

Round 2 he sides 4 Leyline of the Void, for some stupid reason i sided out my 1 Echoing Truth (i had 3 i could have sided in), put in a Nihil Spellbomb and Grafdigger's Cage. And opening hand pulls 2 Leyline of the Void, and I just gave up there knowing I lost (turn 1 win).

January 28, 2015 1:14 p.m.

jchudz says... #21

I used to run Golgari Thug but right now the troll makes more sense in that slot.

Narcomoeba could be interesting, but I just don't see an open slot for it, and without something like Dread Return to abuse it, I don't really see the power level being there.

January 28, 2015 6:21 p.m.

Mogis_Mtg says... #22

This is boss!! I love Dredgevine!!!!!! +1

June 2, 2015 10:21 p.m.

juicytoot says... #23

A nasty way to play with my beloved Gravecrawler. I might try brewing something with blue, Thought Scour seems pretty sweet in a deck like this.

June 6, 2015 10:07 p.m.

benelas16 says... #24

Love this deck. I want to build it

August 22, 2015 12:21 a.m.

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