Bloodstained Under-Growth - Retired

Unformat* Schuesseled


gheridarigaaz says... #1

Personally not too sure about Increasing Savagery as it can easily be negated by removing the target from play... might want to try out Deadbridge Goliath instead seeing as it'll trigger your evolve creatures while providing a transferrable body to the late game via scavenge.

Triumph of Ferocity or Triumph of Cruelty might do well against control, seeing as they've got a relatively low creature count.

March 24, 2013 3:01 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions, but i have always found scavenge to be a clunky mechanic, almost always too expensive, i'd rather run Increasing Savagery .

And my local meta seems to be creature orientated, i haven't seen any esper superfriends or the like down at my shop.

March 24, 2013 3:11 p.m.

Chubbub says... #3

I feel like Alchemist's Refuge would be really sweet, because you can flash evolve your creatures. Check out my deck, A Superfriendly Walk on Esper. +1

March 27, 2013 3:22 p.m.

Chubbub says... #4

Also Bloodthrone Vampire , so you can sac creatures with undying to make it huge.

March 27, 2013 3:23 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #5

yes, but tapping three lands to give them flash will push my spell casting abilities to the limit, i won't have much mana to play with. But i can see how it would be useful as a combat trick.

And another good suggestion, but with 3 other two drop creatures, and a couple of 2-drop spells, i really can't fit him in without weakening the undying mechanic. Blood Artist , Zameck Guildmage and Strangleroot Geist work so well together.

March 28, 2013 3:12 p.m.

Chubbub says... #6

Then maybe you could use Bioshift so just in case you don't have Zameck Guildmage out, you can still move the counters off of undying creatures and make use of the counters.

March 28, 2013 3:17 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #7


I'm not sure if it's necessary, chances are if i don't have Zameck Guildmage , i will have a Altar's Reap which will increase my chances of getting one out before i get beat to death, but.... what would you remove for it?

March 28, 2013 3:20 p.m.

Chubbub says... #8

I would probably take out Dreg Mangler , as great as it is.

March 28, 2013 3:28 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #9

Hmm, i think it needs some playtesting as it stands, if i find myself often without Zameck Guildmage i might just follow that advice. We'll see.


March 28, 2013 3:36 p.m.

Owlus says... #10

Zameck Guildmage is awesome, there's no doubt about it. But hes slow and hes mana intensive. Thrull Parasite can add the same interaction, while providing some extort reach. I would recommend pulling at least 2 of the guildmages for the parasite, maybe all 4(you could move the guildmages to sb for control). 20 lands is low, especially when you actually have 4 drops. I ran 20 land with my zombie list only because I never wanted to see more than 3 land. I would pull Golgari Charm for 2 more land, because they arent that great mainboard. Gyre Sage is kind of lame in this deck, because he's kind of just a 1/2 for 2 with no mana sink in the deck and not many creatures which evolve him. I would recommend pulling him for 2 more Dreg Mangler .

Oh and I don't like the idea of Bioshift , it's too cute.

Hope this helps!

Ground Seal s, Abrupt Decay , Vorapede , Golgari Charm and maybe even Fog (for hyper-aggro) could go in your sideboard.

April 7, 2013 6:48 p.m.

Avenhart says... #11

April 7, 2013 7:10 p.m.

miracleHat says... #12

for your sideboard, you might want to consider Ground Seal Thragtusk Duress /Appetite for Brains and Vampire Nighthawk

April 7, 2013 7:41 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #13

@ Owlus Thanks for the help, but im going to have to disagree with you on two counts, Zameck Guildmage offers card advantage therefore fueling my deck, Thrull Parasite does not but he certainly is better than Bioshift for recycling undying, i may have to find a few.

Secondly, Golgari Charm is working really well for me in a few test matches, being able to blast the field from tokens (causing a massive life swing thanks to Blood Artist or just clearing a path for my undying horde works well) and it can also protect my field from some board wipes.

I can see your point about Gyre Sage , if i can find some more Dreg Mangler , ill throw him in the side.

@Avenhart i don't like to use mircale cards, in a deck with card draw, because it is a conflict.

@m12fox duress and appetite for brains could be nice, thanks

April 8, 2013 3:17 a.m.

Schuesseled says... #14

I'm thinking of removing 2Gyre Sage 1 Increasing Savagery and 3Cloudfin Raptor (it's hardly ever useful to play, just a flying chump) for 2 Dreg Mangler and 4 Thrull Parasite , thoughts?

April 8, 2013 3:20 a.m.

Salazar968 says... #15


I really like the deck, though there are a few changes I would make.

-3 Cloudfin Raptor

They don't seem to do a lot of good. U for the potential of a huge flier is good, but more often than not you're getting nothing but a chump blocker for your mana. Pull 'em.

+2 Dreg Mangler

You called this an aggro deck. Let's play one of the better aggro creatures in the format. Dreg Mangler is a house, a 3/3 haste that gives your Zameck Guildmage 3 counters to eat? I'll take 4.

-1 Duskmantle Seer

This is a stretch on my part, but he seems to be the best thin got cut down on for the addition of...

+2 Vorapede

PEDE HERE! a 5/4 Trample Vigilance Undying for 2GGG. Playing him properly requires proper use of your mana, but if you do, you have a creature that never dies, trades with EVERYTHING in the format barring Angel of Serenity, and goes through chump blockers like butter. If you're playing undying, this is as good as it gets.

-1 Increasing Savagery

If you do not want to cut the Duskmantle Seer, I would cut this. The ability to make a guildmage or Duskmantle Seer massive is useful, but the deck seems to be focused on keeping your undying creatures immortal. Giving an undying creature 5 +1/+1 counters is useful, and they make nice food, but I would rather see either Vorapede or Dreg Mangler in this card's slot.

-2 Rapid Hybridization

This card is purely speculation on my part. The better threats in the game (Thundermaw Hellkite, Angel of Serenity, Prime Speaker Zegana, Frontline Medic and Wolfir Silverheart) are almost all Monocolored. As such, I would make a shift from Rapid Hybridization to...

+2 Ultimate Price

With a huge amount of the metagame being focused around creatures beating face, and the most popular of those being monocolored, Ultimate Price fights for the throne of the 'Best Spot Removal in Standard'. I would run 2.

Alright, now onto a makeshift sideboard that you could put together for this deck.


1 Golgari Charm

2/3 Memory's Journey

2/3 Fog

2 Rapid Hybridization (if you choose to cut them)

2 Vraska the Unseen

2 Triumph of Ferocity

2 Vampire Nighthawk

1 Sever the Bloodline

This sideboard helps your aggro plan a bit while giving you a rocking game against control.

Against Aggro:

Against aggro, you have Fog and Vampire Nighthawk to stay alive while your undying creatures smash their face. It's as easy as pulling out 2 Duskmantle Seer (giving the hyperaggro decks cards is bad) and 2 Golgari Charm (A lot of the hyperaggro decks these days are running on a X/2 basis (Experiment One, Flinthoof Boar, Ghor-Clan Rampager, Deathrite Shaman, Hellrider, etc), and as such the charms are not as effective.

Against Control:

Any control deck would happily look at this deck and nom it's face. No offense intended. Zameck Guildmage is what holds this deck together by making your creatures live forever, but lets see that they're not even needed, because they die too easily.

if we cut 2 Gyre Sage and 3 Zameck Guildmage, bring in 2 Triumph of Ferocity, 2 Vraska the Unseen, and 1 Golgari Charm, we have a rocking anti-control package. Triumph of Ferocity Draws us enough cards to jump ahead, Golgari Charm gives us a regeneration shield, making their Supreme Verdict useless. Vraska is on herself a hard-to-deal with win condition. Blowing up planeswalkers and problem artifacts while also giving you a chance to stab them to death. All it takes is one dagger.

Against Reanimator:

This is where the Memory's Journey and Sever the Bloodline come in. If we stop reanimator from getting their shit in the graveyard, they cannot combo, making them play a "fair?" game of magic that their deck is not meant to play.

I hope this helps you with the evolution of your deck. Let me know what you think, and remember to read The Current Standard every friday.

  • Matt
April 9, 2013 8:54 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #16


I'll probably follow your first 4 articles of advice, if i can get another dreg mangler and vorapede. i have a sideboard now, ill update.

April 10, 2013 7:37 a.m.

Schuesseled says... #17

I've decided to go with:

2x Pithing Needle (to hurt planeswalkers

1x Dreg Mangler

1x Vorapede

2x Rapid Hybridization (These four can replace Duskmantle Seer if im up against an aggro deck, Rapid Hybridization will also replace Abrupt Decay if there's no suitable targets for it)

2x Appetite for Brains (If i up against a deck chocablock with large targets)

4x Spell Rupture (to replace my destroy spells when up against creaureless decks)

3x Illness in the Ranks (token hate)

2x Simic Charm (in case Golgari Charm can't kill or can't regenerate (e.g. Terminus , Mutilate ))

And thanks for putting the time in with your suggestion, what do you think of my sideboard?

April 10, 2013 7:42 a.m.

NeoHazard says... #18

I think you either need to cut the Arbor Elf or put something in to ramp to, in other words Vorapede should be mainboard with the elf. With out that all you are really doing with the elf is making sure you have a turn 2 Strangleroot Geist . How about Wasteland Viper instead. You can get a 1/2 deathtouch blocker or a nasty combat trick when they go to block your 1/1 Young Wolf with some big meanie.

April 13, 2013 11:36 a.m.

Schuesseled says... #19

Actually i haven't had a problem getting Strangleroot Geist out yet, i always have 2 green mana, Arbor Elf is more for fixing black or blue mana when i have 1 Breeding Pool and 4 Woodland Cemetery 's out and vice versa, he also allows me to play a turn 2 Dreg Mangler or turn 3 Duskmantle Seer , (possible even a turn 3 Vorapede if i side him in against aggro and can get 2 elfs out).

I might end up keeping Vorapede mainboard and bringing in the seer against decks where he'd be more useful, i'm still not sure yet.

April 14, 2013 8:51 a.m.

Schuesseled says... #20

Thanks for your advice NeoHazard and i'd definitely include Wasteland Viper if he said attacking or blocking creature, alas he does not.

April 14, 2013 8:53 a.m.

shagstafah says... #21

I know BBB is sort of expensive but have you considered Geralf's Messenger ?

April 24, 2013 12:15 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #22

I'm almost never be able to play it, so im staying away from him, regardless of how cool he is.

April 24, 2013 12:53 p.m.

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