Well. Meet my red/black vampire friends. They hunger for blood. Yours.
I never wanted a vampire deck. But my friend made a reeeally good zombiedeck, and I just thought "Hmm, I'll give it a go..." Soon enough I figured that vamps are fun as hell to play and I started focusing more on my deck. I would love to get my hands on more
Heirs of Stromkirk
, Curse of Stalked Prey and Rakish Heir, as they work really great together, and who doesn't love +1/+1 counters? Cards like Blade of the Bloodchief and Necropolis Regent really pump it up!
Stromkirk Captain is allways appreciated to get out early, as +1/+1 and first strike is really helpful, for instance with Vampire Nighthawk, the first strike part is just way too good, so I put four of each in the deck.
Heirs of Stromkirk
, Curse of Stalked Prey and Rakish Heir are perfect for this playstyle. If my opponent has no red, and
Heirs of Stromkirk
enters the battlefield, he may as well scoop.
Necropolis Regent is fresh in the deck, but I have great expectations as to how it will work out. +1/+1's everytime dmg is dealt is good, but +1/+1's equal to the dmg: simply beast!
Contagion Clasp works as a charm in this deck, as nearly everything will have counters on them. Together with Blade of the Blodchief and basically every other vampire that gives counters, this is perfect. Often, you will see this card, together with Contagion Engine in infect and poisondecks, but it works just as fine with positive counters.
Nirkana Cutthroat
, need I say more?
Blood Seeker is in there to really hammer down on those goblin or soldier/human mass token decks.
Duress feels at home in every black deck.
Vampire Lacerator
is great as a 1-drop, because my opponent can't kill him with his first creature, and if he goes through it's two life at the beginning of the game. Plus, I gain so much from lifelink that I feel like I can afford the minor drawback. If I want to get rid of him I can attack until he dies, or just sac him with Viscera Seer
Viscera Seer and Terminate fit into almost everywhere, as scrying never hurts, and creature removal is allways welcome, especially when regeneration is out of the picture ;D
Any feedback or constructive critiscism AT ALL is very welcome, so go ahead! I AM going to get Bloodline Keeper
but I need to wait a bit first, as I just bought single cards, and I don't want to spend too much money all at once :P
So, let me know if you have any ideas on what might fit into the deck, and drop an upvote if you like my take on the fury of vampires! Ask me if you need any tips for similar decks, and check out my other stuff, too. Thanks! ;D