Bloody Vampires

Modern* mistarilledawn


mistarilledawn says... #1

Thanks for the folder add, jetam!

May 6, 2018 6:24 p.m.

Lose Feast of Blood. That card is awful in practice, unfortunately. Replace with more Terminates.

Do the Zealots help here at all? I'd rather just run Asylum Visitor or more of the important 1-2 mana vamps. Also you lack the needed one-drops to take full advantage of Captivating. He's just a worse Stromkirk Captain here I feel.

Another thing to consider... you really don't seem to have enough low-mana creatures (not a single 1 mana vamp) to justify going this heavy on lords. I'd look at your mana curve a bit, decide if it's more aggressive or control you want to lean.

October 14, 2018 3:19 p.m.

mistarilledawn says... #3

YamishiTheWickedOne I really like the Zealots, gets you instant card draw and a body; however I do think you're right with Asylum Visitor, I should give her another shot.

I think I want to lean more heavily on the midrange/control aspect, but it's been difficult to find the balance between the two. I feel full aggro might suit vampires better, with playsets of Bloodghast, Vampire Lacerator, Stromkirk Noble, and powerful lords; however, I don't find that as fun to play as building a board state, controling theirs, and then gambling on topdecking something black with Nocturnus. That way, though, can fall apart quickly and is broken down by any removal. But as I said, finding the middle point there has been tricky - for me, at least.

October 15, 2018 1:52 a.m.

MrGangle says... #4

Really like this deck list, any updates?

June 9, 2024 12:53 p.m.

mistarilledawn says... #5


Thanks! Haven't been playing this deck a ton recently, but, I have turned it down a bit of a different direction. I've made a few changes, and added some Lord Xanders, Thoughtseizes, Liliana of the Veils and Kroxas.

If I have some time I can update the list to reflect. If nothing else, I might just add some more fixes with more modern relevant cards.

June 23, 2024 7:49 p.m.

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