A deck centered around the ever enjoyable damage combo of Rite of Consumption
Wall of Blood
to destroy things. Would that make this count as a burn deck, too? Anyways, Wall of Blood is the card that made me want to make this. It's a cool card anyways, but with
Rite of Consumption
it can be devastating. Especially with two of each.Two Walls of Blood on the field and two Rites of Consumption can win the game turn 5 as long as they don't have twice as much life as you.
Everything else is just support and more ways to make sure I have life to keep going or pay less life to win.
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
helps with Lifelink tokens and emblems that give a bit of boost to everything.
Vault Skirge
is a really versatile and nice 1 or 2 drop. Wall of Essence is another Wall I enjoy for its effect. All this lifegain on permanents also is perfect fuel for Sunbond and Archangel of Thune to really start pumping out +1/+1s. Each 1 power on a Wall of Blood is 1 less life needed to win the game.
Wall of Blood
Whip of Erebos
is another extremely potent combo. Pay as much life as you want or need for blocking, then get it all back after combat damage resolves. Hell, pay extra if you have something with Sunbond out.
Anything else in the deck is just typical control. Duress instead of Thoughtseize because I'm cheap and Oblivion Ring instead of Banishing Light because it's cheaper and funner if you're willing to abuse it.. Night's Whisper is awesome draw power. Diabolic Tutor makes sure I can get what I need when I need it. In the sideboard,
kills enchantments, Kataki slows down artifacts, more needles, more O-rings, Blind Obedience for another life-stealing option and to slow down creatures,
Why Blort? Blort is the sound that blood makes. So when you pump the Wall of Blood to their life total, the sound it makes is "blort." You didn't know that? Huh.