Some days ago i saw deck:we-do-not-sow-2 this decklist and i really liked the idea. So i decided to try building one similar to his deck.
WARNING: You might lose some friends while playing this deck.
Land Destruction
Stone Rain: Classic land removal for one red and 2 generic.
Rain of Tears
: This card gives us the oppurtunity to play black, just like
Stone Rain straight forward land removal for 3 mana.
Molten Rain: This is just a better
Rain of Tears
since it deals 2 damage too.
Sowing Salt
: Very good romoval for 4 mana, expecially useful agains scapeshift or other combo decks that rely on lands.
Fulminator Mage: Really strong land removal that can deal some damage too in the early game.
: Great finisher that can easily blow multiple lands in the mid-late game if you have the mana open and the opponent still manages to have lands out.
Tectonic Edge: A staple card in control decks, i couldn't play it in a land destruction deck.
Utility Cards
Lightning Bolt: Very powerful spell, it is good removal and can also finish your opponent fast if he's low on life.
Lingering Souls
: cheap flyers that can deal early points of damage or act like chumps, having both white and black allows for an easy flashback too.
Lightning Helix: Very good damage spell that heals you, it can be used to finish up the opponent or to blow creatures.
Hero's Downfall: Strong removal that deals with planeswalkers too.
Ajani Vengeant: Keeps tapped what you want to remain tapped, lighning helix on a stick, and if you manage to hit the ultimate it can be game over for the opponent.
Terminate: Strong creature removal for just 2 mana.
Sun Titan: Huge finisher, blocks well and brings back
Fulminator Mage or
Lavaclaw Reaches in canse you need them.
Lavaclaw Reaches: B/R manland, not the greatest one but the only one in the deck colors.
Sun Titan: Great beater, great defender as I've already explained.
Anger of the Gods: Board wipe for 3 mana that exiles everyting, very good against aggro decks, it also doesn't damage us that much since our only creature that dies to it is fulminaotr mage.
Boil: Just good against monoblue or heavy blue decks.
Hide/Seek: Hide to remove annoying atrifacts or enchantments, Seek to shut down combo decks, it also gains you some life.
Stony Silence
: Pretty straight forward card to shut down artifacts.
Surgical Extraction: Against combo decks.
Tormod's Crypt: Graveyard hate.
Torpor Orb: Good against pod and other decks that do tricky stuff with creatures entering the battlefield like soul sisters.