Blow dem lands up. Have fun, lose friends.
some tweaks —July 18, 2014
I decided to move the Shivan Wumpus, while they provided some potential damage they let the opponent choose what land to sac, and even then they would have been sort of a dead draw in the next turn. I also decided to move the single Anger of the Gods i had in the mainboard because ideally they arent going to flood the board, if that's the case I have 2x in the sideboard. I decided to put 3x of Lightning Bolt instead in order to have some quick removal or just to deal the last points of damage when needed.
zossthunder says... #3
This deck is for the modern format :) thx anyways for the suggestion.
For the crucible of worlds i might try to put 1 in but most of the time i dont want my oppontent to have 4 or more lands in play (which is required by tec edge)
May 21, 2014 2:09 p.m.
no Ghost Quarter ? very good to destroy dual land's also Blood Moon is great to and that 6/6 creature that is 5 mana and destroy's land's forgot his name
May 23, 2014 10:56 a.m.
Roiling Terrain over Shivan Wumpus , imo, because giving people choices is a bad idea.
June 2, 2014 6:31 p.m.
zossthunder says... #8
KrosanTusker I currently have Sowing Salt in the Roiling Terrain spot.
I dont want too much land removal at 4 mana, but I can always try swapping them, or as zerowner suggested i can play them instead of Shivan Wumpus , but again I like them because they are some fat guys with trample for just 4 mana.
Thanks for all the comments and suggestione anyways guys!
June 12, 2014 1:23 p.m.
Lingering Souls is the only card I'd swap out in this deck you've got an impressive deck going but I'd drop that and maybe add a board wipe seeing as you run hardly any creatures. Wrath of God could save you against an agro weenie deck.
+1 for the dega colors and a solid deck!
Check out mine if you have time
June 23, 2014 6:26 p.m.
zossthunder says... #10
vomdur thx for the suggestion, I am playing Anger of the Gods for reason, and i have some more in the side to bring in game 2 against aggro decks like you said, however i might need some more board wipe. Lingering Souls does give me something to deal early damage and have some chumps as well. I'll do some tests with 1x or 2x of Wrath of God and see what i like more.
You got a nice LD deck too man :D, love the fact u decided to go grixis, always good to see these decks not played in monored or RG! Big +1 for you as well!
Septimne says... #1
I disagree with the idea of this deck. But if you need ideas, Crucible of worlds + Tectonic edge is pretty destructive.
May 21, 2014 1:48 p.m.