mrweaselman says... #2
July 21, 2015 4:16 p.m.
mrweaselman says... #3
Sorry questorps7 I would like to add Thopter Spy Network, but it's too expensive. I have Anticipate instead of Artificer's Epiphany.
July 21, 2015 4:18 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #4
It looks pretty good. Again, the focus on going big late causes you to make questionable card choices, in my opinion. Wall of Frost is pretty good against fatties like Siege Rhino, but if you run a suite of counters to make removal ineffective, you should be consistently winning by the time your opponent can cast a Rhino. But again, that's just me believing in the Blue Artifacts deck as a tempo deck.
This was what I played during KTK, so there are a lot of cards that would be questionable now, but I still think it was a strong deck. It took an incredibly long time to learn how to pilot, but I would use a more aggressive take on the deck (my curve capped at 3).
July 21, 2015 5:18 p.m.
questorps7 says... #5
Sorry I'm on an iPad. Duh about Anticipate vs. Epiphany. I still think chief of the Foundry could find a home here.
July 21, 2015 5:36 p.m.
mrweaselman says... #6
Ok buildingadeck, how do you think it looks. I took out all of my bigger creatures and ramp for some more card advantage and control. I also added a cap of 3 CMC. Thanks you all of your help.
July 22, 2015 11:21 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #7
Anticipate is better than Taigam's Scheming. I would move to 4 Anticipate and 1 Scheme.
I'm still on the fence as to a main Wall of Frost. I would prefer another Illusory Angel there. In order to cast the Angel, I also found Briber's Purse incredibly useful.
I hope this helps.
July 22, 2015 1:04 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #8
Two more suggestions if you end up wanting to expand the budget on this build would be Hangarback Walker and Polluted Delta/Flooded Strand.
The walker can be played for 2 as a 1/1, which seems rather insignificant, but I think that he opts as a mana sink to produce a big threat that will eventually need to be dealt with, if the game ends up going into later stages. Also, blocking a fatty with it benefits you by giving you tokens, so I like it here.
At 20 lands, you're at the awkward land count where you often get too many, but you fear that in cutting one or two, you'll have too few. I recommend 2 fetch lands if you happen to draw them or get value to trade for them. Since it's mono-colored, you can go with either Strand or Delta.
July 22, 2015 7:17 p.m.
Affinity is so good this year, I seen a guy destroy a elves deck at fnm! Those Hangarback Walker are fatal though, great for defense and tough to get rid of those thopters. I love this deck and I will probably make it +1 man
July 30, 2015 4:08 p.m.
Lujotheganker says... #11
Hello, this deck seems like a lot of fun, my friend ran a similar full budget deck and let me tell you, it did really well. I have few suggestions based on his deck, so if you want to use any of them, feel free to do so.
Regarding the creatures slot, I'd go for a playset of Vault Skirge. It's a turn one creature, and if you pay the two life for the cost, you can easily get the life back with Ensoul. Another great addition as your Ensoul target, I'd go for at least a few copies of Darksteel Relic, as your 5/5 becomes indestructible. As an aggro deck, I'd cut several lands and add a few card drawing cards, such as Thoughtcast.
Over all this deck seems really good. and if you're willing to invest in few lands you could surely go competetive
December 13, 2020 6:17 a.m.
Lujotheganker Recheck the format friendo.
What is your current sideboard like?
December 13, 2020 7:22 a.m.
mrweaselman says... #15
Lujotheganker Thanks for the thoughts, but this is a pioneer build so I am a bit more limited in what cards I can play. I will look into trading two lands for two draw spells though
questorps7 says... #1
Any room for Chief of the Foundry, Artificier's Epiphany, Thopter Spy Network, 1x Foundry of the Consuls?
July 21, 2015 12:44 p.m.